Biden Turns on Ukraine, Too


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Biden Turns on Ukraine, Too

10 Apr 2024 ~~ By Noah Rothman

This week, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin all but confirmed a blockbuster report in the Financial Times from late March indicating that the Biden administration was prepared to sacrifice Ukraine’s battlefield objectives if they imperiled his own reelection prospects.
In testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee, Austin scolded Ukraine for executing long-range attacks on Russian oil refineries. “Ukraine is better served in going after tactical and operational targets that can directly influence the current fight,” the Pentagon chief said. But Austin gave away the game when he fretted that Ukrainian drone attacks on Russian infrastructure “could have a knock-on effect in terms of the global energy situation.”
Biden’s turn against his partners in Ukraine, much like his (predictable) pivot against Israel, is a stab in the back. Ukraine’s effort to wage asymmetric warfare against a better-armed, well-funded adversary is a tactical shift necessitated by relatively stagnant battlefield conditions. Insofar as those attacks have the capacity to limit Russia’s capacity to fund and equip its armed forces inside Ukraine and destabilize Russian society, Kyiv’s tactics are perfectly legitimate. Moreover, the Russian assets Biden apparently seeks to protect are assets his administration has sanctioned, and the pain at the pump Biden hopes to avert is pain he implored Americans to expect and endure.
Joe Biden sold Americans on a noble cause. He implored them to support Ukraine’s war of defense against Russia’s war of conquest and subjugation, and they eagerly obliged. Now, in shackling Ukraine to tactics that foreclose on battlefield outcomes America supposedly wants, Biden risks abandoning the American people at the rally point to which he summoned them. Ukrainians surely resent Biden’s pivot, but they can’t be alone.

Joe Biden never supported Ukraine. All he wanted was the proxy war to attrit Russia’s military capabilities. That hasn’t gone as planned. Just like everything Biden plans doesn’t go well.
The plan was never to actually defeat Russia, it was to bleed Russia so long as it doesn't cost Joe at the polls. The leftists know that no Americans are signing up to fight Vicky Nuland's war.
Democrat Neo-Marxists are the most opportunistic of all Americans. Hell they are traitors.
Russians delegates told the UN on Thursday to prepare for unconditional terms of surrender for all Ukraine.
So the Pentagon is now signaling the departure of US “personnel”. The CIA will be in evacuation mode too.
The stench of Democrats repeated betrayals of so called allies. May America learn from their failures and listen to the truth.
The Ukrainian front is breaking, in July the Russian Drone Superiority will be offendively replacing 90% of infantry and vehicle losses of Russia. Get prepared for total slaughter if the Uke’s in late July by drones, Fab3000s, and aircraft.
Remember, It’s not just Ukraine, how do you think the Afghani’s who backed the USA as interpreters feel after Biden abandoned them.
The USA has a long history of supporting countries in a war and then abandoning them in the end and leave them to the mercy of the other side.
We can thank our Democrat leaders and their friends in the State Dept.
Biden has no choice but to abandon the Ukraiine, now that direct involvement of America's armed forces is prohibited.

America now has to come to accept that Russia meant it when it proclaimed that losing the war is not in the cards!

And now the Ukraine has to come to the hard understanding that any strike on Russia's infrastructure is going to result in 10 times the damage to the Ukraine in return.

Americans: you can't ever have a war against Russia!!
The hell you say?...This has always been a political gambit/money laundering operation, in order to to provide a flimsy pretext to pay off favored lobbyists, contractors, and other assorted hangers-on?

The real caveat is China will have more and more influence in the Western Hemisphere. and some future administration is going to come to a reality moment.

Biden Turns on Ukraine, Too

10 Apr 2024 ~~ By Noah Rothman

This week, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin all but confirmed a blockbuster report in the Financial Times from late March indicating that the Biden administration was prepared to sacrifice Ukraine’s battlefield objectives if they imperiled his own reelection prospects.
In testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee, Austin scolded Ukraine for executing long-range attacks on Russian oil refineries. “Ukraine is better served in going after tactical and operational targets that can directly influence the current fight,” the Pentagon chief said. But Austin gave away the game when he fretted that Ukrainian drone attacks on Russian infrastructure “could have a knock-on effect in terms of the global energy situation.”
Biden’s turn against his partners in Ukraine, much like his (predictable) pivot against Israel, is a stab in the back. Ukraine’s effort to wage asymmetric warfare against a better-armed, well-funded adversary is a tactical shift necessitated by relatively stagnant battlefield conditions. Insofar as those attacks have the capacity to limit Russia’s capacity to fund and equip its armed forces inside Ukraine and destabilize Russian society, Kyiv’s tactics are perfectly legitimate. Moreover, the Russian assets Biden apparently seeks to protect are assets his administration has sanctioned, and the pain at the pump Biden hopes to avert is pain he implored Americans to expect and endure.
Joe Biden sold Americans on a noble cause. He implored them to support Ukraine’s war of defense against Russia’s war of conquest and subjugation, and they eagerly obliged. Now, in shackling Ukraine to tactics that foreclose on battlefield outcomes America supposedly wants, Biden risks abandoning the American people at the rally point to which he summoned them. Ukrainians surely resent Biden’s pivot, but they can’t be alone.

Joe Biden never supported Ukraine. All he wanted was the proxy war to attrit Russia’s military capabilities. That hasn’t gone as planned. Just like everything Biden plans doesn’t go well.
The plan was never to actually defeat Russia, it was to bleed Russia so long as it doesn't cost Joe at the polls. The leftists know that no Americans are signing up to fight Vicky Nuland's war.
Democrat Neo-Marxists are the most opportunistic of all Americans. Hell they are traitors.
Russians delegates told the UN on Thursday to prepare for unconditional terms of surrender for all Ukraine.
So the Pentagon is now signaling the departure of US “personnel”. The CIA will be in evacuation mode too.
The stench of Democrats repeated betrayals of so called allies. May America learn from their failures and listen to the truth.
The Ukrainian front is breaking, in July the Russian Drone Superiority will be offendively replacing 90% of infantry and vehicle losses of Russia. Get prepared for total slaughter if the Uke’s in late July by drones, Fab3000s, and aircraft.
Remember, It’s not just Ukraine, how do you think the Afghani’s who backed the USA as interpreters feel after Biden abandoned them.
The USA has a long history of supporting countries in a war and then abandoning them in the end and leave them to the mercy of the other side.
We can thank our Democrat leaders and their friends in the State Dept.
Peace at all costs should be the policy.

Biden Turns on Ukraine, Too

10 Apr 2024 ~~ By Noah Rothman

This week, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin all but confirmed a blockbuster report in the Financial Times from late March indicating that the Biden administration was prepared to sacrifice Ukraine’s battlefield objectives if they imperiled his own reelection prospects.
In testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee, Austin scolded Ukraine for executing long-range attacks on Russian oil refineries. “Ukraine is better served in going after tactical and operational targets that can directly influence the current fight,” the Pentagon chief said. But Austin gave away the game when he fretted that Ukrainian drone attacks on Russian infrastructure “could have a knock-on effect in terms of the global energy situation.”
Biden’s turn against his partners in Ukraine, much like his (predictable) pivot against Israel, is a stab in the back. Ukraine’s effort to wage asymmetric warfare against a better-armed, well-funded adversary is a tactical shift necessitated by relatively stagnant battlefield conditions. Insofar as those attacks have the capacity to limit Russia’s capacity to fund and equip its armed forces inside Ukraine and destabilize Russian society, Kyiv’s tactics are perfectly legitimate. Moreover, the Russian assets Biden apparently seeks to protect are assets his administration has sanctioned, and the pain at the pump Biden hopes to avert is pain he implored Americans to expect and endure.
Joe Biden sold Americans on a noble cause. He implored them to support Ukraine’s war of defense against Russia’s war of conquest and subjugation, and they eagerly obliged. Now, in shackling Ukraine to tactics that foreclose on battlefield outcomes America supposedly wants, Biden risks abandoning the American people at the rally point to which he summoned them. Ukrainians surely resent Biden’s pivot, but they can’t be alone.

Joe Biden never supported Ukraine. All he wanted was the proxy war to attrit Russia’s military capabilities. That hasn’t gone as planned. Just like everything Biden plans doesn’t go well.
The plan was never to actually defeat Russia, it was to bleed Russia so long as it doesn't cost Joe at the polls. The leftists know that no Americans are signing up to fight Vicky Nuland's war.
Democrat Neo-Marxists are the most opportunistic of all Americans. Hell they are traitors.
Russians delegates told the UN on Thursday to prepare for unconditional terms of surrender for all Ukraine.
So the Pentagon is now signaling the departure of US “personnel”. The CIA will be in evacuation mode too.
The stench of Democrats repeated betrayals of so called allies. May America learn from their failures and listen to the truth.
The Ukrainian front is breaking, in July the Russian Drone Superiority will be offendively replacing 90% of infantry and vehicle losses of Russia. Get prepared for total slaughter if the Uke’s in late July by drones, Fab3000s, and aircraft.
Remember, It’s not just Ukraine, how do you think the Afghani’s who backed the USA as interpreters feel after Biden abandoned them.
The USA has a long history of supporting countries in a war and then abandoning them in the end and leave them to the mercy of the other side.
We can thank our Democrat leaders and their friends in the State Dept.
Bwahahahaha, looks like Biden is a Putin stooge!
Biden has no choice but to abandon the Ukraiine, now that direct involvement of America's armed forces is prohibited.

America now has to come to accept that Russia meant it when it proclaimed that losing the war is not in the cards!

And now the Ukraine has to come to the hard understanding that any strike on Russia's infrastructure is going to result in 10 times the damage to the Ukraine in return.

Americans: you can't ever have a war against Russia!!
In just a few weeks Russia destroyed 4 Patriot anti-missile systems that cost ~$1 billion per unit (not including the ammunition). They did it with hypersonic missiles.

Their missiles are laughing at our anti-missile systems.
Biden has no choice but to abandon the Ukraiine, now that direct involvement of America's armed forces is prohibited.

America now has to come to accept that Russia meant it when it proclaimed that losing the war is not in the cards!

And now the Ukraine has to come to the hard understanding that any strike on Russia's infrastructure is going to result in 10 times the damage to the Ukraine in return.

Americans: you can't ever have a war against Russia!!
It may not just be attacks on Ukrainian infrastructure if NATO keep pushing.

Biden Turns on Ukraine, Too

10 Apr 2024 ~~ By Noah Rothman

This week, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin all but confirmed a blockbuster report in the Financial Times from late March indicating that the Biden administration was prepared to sacrifice Ukraine’s battlefield objectives if they imperiled his own reelection prospects.
In testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee, Austin scolded Ukraine for executing long-range attacks on Russian oil refineries. “Ukraine is better served in going after tactical and operational targets that can directly influence the current fight,” the Pentagon chief said. But Austin gave away the game when he fretted that Ukrainian drone attacks on Russian infrastructure “could have a knock-on effect in terms of the global energy situation.”
Biden’s turn against his partners in Ukraine, much like his (predictable) pivot against Israel, is a stab in the back. Ukraine’s effort to wage asymmetric warfare against a better-armed, well-funded adversary is a tactical shift necessitated by relatively stagnant battlefield conditions. Insofar as those attacks have the capacity to limit Russia’s capacity to fund and equip its armed forces inside Ukraine and destabilize Russian society, Kyiv’s tactics are perfectly legitimate. Moreover, the Russian assets Biden apparently seeks to protect are assets his administration has sanctioned, and the pain at the pump Biden hopes to avert is pain he implored Americans to expect and endure.
Joe Biden sold Americans on a noble cause. He implored them to support Ukraine’s war of defense against Russia’s war of conquest and subjugation, and they eagerly obliged. Now, in shackling Ukraine to tactics that foreclose on battlefield outcomes America supposedly wants, Biden risks abandoning the American people at the rally point to which he summoned them. Ukrainians surely resent Biden’s pivot, but they can’t be alone.

Joe Biden never supported Ukraine. All he wanted was the proxy war to attrit Russia’s military capabilities. That hasn’t gone as planned. Just like everything Biden plans doesn’t go well.
The plan was never to actually defeat Russia, it was to bleed Russia so long as it doesn't cost Joe at the polls. The leftists know that no Americans are signing up to fight Vicky Nuland's war.
Democrat Neo-Marxists are the most opportunistic of all Americans. Hell they are traitors.
Russians delegates told the UN on Thursday to prepare for unconditional terms of surrender for all Ukraine.
So the Pentagon is now signaling the departure of US “personnel”. The CIA will be in evacuation mode too.
The stench of Democrats repeated betrayals of so called allies. May America learn from their failures and listen to the truth.
The Ukrainian front is breaking, in July the Russian Drone Superiority will be offendively replacing 90% of infantry and vehicle losses of Russia. Get prepared for total slaughter if the Uke’s in late July by drones, Fab3000s, and aircraft.
Remember, It’s not just Ukraine, how do you think the Afghani’s who backed the USA as interpreters feel after Biden abandoned them.
The USA has a long history of supporting countries in a war and then abandoning them in the end and leave them to the mercy of the other side.
We can thank our Democrat leaders and their friends in the State Dept.
Supporting the thesis here, Biden has not been talking about either the war in the Ukraine or Israel/Gaza lately has he. Both are pretty much gone from his semi-occasional public statements. Perhaps both were costing him in the polls? Since Biden has yet to indicate any concern for America or Americans and his policies have been so bad for both, his silence tends to pull both conflicts off the front pages at least above the fold. Even Fox News and Newmax haven't been featuring either conflict much lately.

I also think more of the world community may be weakening in their resolve to save the Ukraine. War weariness sets in and support of the people sets in the more it seems an expensive in blood and treasure exercise in futility. If the Ukraine doesn't hold on until Trump is back in office, I don't think they have much of a chance. We are more than six months away from that happening.
Supporting the thesis here, Biden has not been talking about either the war in the Ukraine or Israel/Gaza lately has he. Both are pretty much gone from his semi-occasional public statements. Perhaps both were costing him in the polls? Since Biden has yet to indicate any concern for America or Americans and his policies have been so bad for both, his silence tends to pull both conflicts off the front pages at least above the fold. Even Fox News and Newmax haven't been featuring either conflict much lately.

I also think more of the world community may be weakening in their resolve to save the Ukraine. War weariness sets in and support of the people sets in the more it seems an expensive in blood and treasure exercise in futility. If the Ukraine doesn't hold on until Trump is back in office, I don't think they have much of a chance. We are more than six months away from that happening.
There's only so much toothpaste left in the tube.

Biden Turns on Ukraine, Too

10 Apr 2024 ~~ By Noah Rothman

This week, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin all but confirmed a blockbuster report in the Financial Times from late March indicating that the Biden administration was prepared to sacrifice Ukraine’s battlefield objectives if they imperiled his own reelection prospects.
In testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee, Austin scolded Ukraine for executing long-range attacks on Russian oil refineries. “Ukraine is better served in going after tactical and operational targets that can directly influence the current fight,” the Pentagon chief said. But Austin gave away the game when he fretted that Ukrainian drone attacks on Russian infrastructure “could have a knock-on effect in terms of the global energy situation.”
Biden’s turn against his partners in Ukraine, much like his (predictable) pivot against Israel, is a stab in the back. Ukraine’s effort to wage asymmetric warfare against a better-armed, well-funded adversary is a tactical shift necessitated by relatively stagnant battlefield conditions. Insofar as those attacks have the capacity to limit Russia’s capacity to fund and equip its armed forces inside Ukraine and destabilize Russian society, Kyiv’s tactics are perfectly legitimate. Moreover, the Russian assets Biden apparently seeks to protect are assets his administration has sanctioned, and the pain at the pump Biden hopes to avert is pain he implored Americans to expect and endure.
Joe Biden sold Americans on a noble cause. He implored them to support Ukraine’s war of defense against Russia’s war of conquest and subjugation, and they eagerly obliged. Now, in shackling Ukraine to tactics that foreclose on battlefield outcomes America supposedly wants, Biden risks abandoning the American people at the rally point to which he summoned them. Ukrainians surely resent Biden’s pivot, but they can’t be alone.

Joe Biden never supported Ukraine. All he wanted was the proxy war to attrit Russia’s military capabilities. That hasn’t gone as planned. Just like everything Biden plans doesn’t go well.
The plan was never to actually defeat Russia, it was to bleed Russia so long as it doesn't cost Joe at the polls. The leftists know that no Americans are signing up to fight Vicky Nuland's war.
Democrat Neo-Marxists are the most opportunistic of all Americans. Hell they are traitors.
Russians delegates told the UN on Thursday to prepare for unconditional terms of surrender for all Ukraine.
So the Pentagon is now signaling the departure of US “personnel”. The CIA will be in evacuation mode too.
The stench of Democrats repeated betrayals of so called allies. May America learn from their failures and listen to the truth.
The Ukrainian front is breaking, in July the Russian Drone Superiority will be offendively replacing 90% of infantry and vehicle losses of Russia. Get prepared for total slaughter if the Uke’s in late July by drones, Fab3000s, and aircraft.
Remember, It’s not just Ukraine, how do you think the Afghani’s who backed the USA as interpreters feel after Biden abandoned them.
The USA has a long history of supporting countries in a war and then abandoning them in the end and leave them to the mercy of the other side.
We can thank our Democrat leaders and their friends in the State Dept.
Biden hasn't mentioned much re either the Russia/Ukraine conflict or the Israel/Gaza conflict lately and both have disappeared pretty much from the front pages at least above the fold. Even Fox New, Newmax and other more comprehensive news organizations aren't focused on those conflicts as much except for a brief flurry when the hostages were rescued.

I think the world resolve to save the Ukraine may be weakening too as the effort seems more and more and exercise in futility however costly in blood and treasure. The only solution could be to go to war against Russia and that could trigger a new world war if China and North Korea threw in with Russia. Nobody has any stomach for that. And war weariness becomes a huge factor when no progress can be had.

It honestly isn't looking promising for the Ukraine if they can't hold on until Trump is back in office. And that is more than six months away.


Biden Turns on Ukraine, Too

10 Apr 2024 ~~ By Noah Rothman

This week, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin all but confirmed a blockbuster report in the Financial Times from late March indicating that the Biden administration was prepared to sacrifice Ukraine’s battlefield objectives if they imperiled his own reelection prospects.
In testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee, Austin scolded Ukraine for executing long-range attacks on Russian oil refineries. “Ukraine is better served in going after tactical and operational targets that can directly influence the current fight,” the Pentagon chief said. But Austin gave away the game when he fretted that Ukrainian drone attacks on Russian infrastructure “could have a knock-on effect in terms of the global energy situation.”
Biden’s turn against his partners in Ukraine, much like his (predictable) pivot against Israel, is a stab in the back. Ukraine’s effort to wage asymmetric warfare against a better-armed, well-funded adversary is a tactical shift necessitated by relatively stagnant battlefield conditions. Insofar as those attacks have the capacity to limit Russia’s capacity to fund and equip its armed forces inside Ukraine and destabilize Russian society, Kyiv’s tactics are perfectly legitimate. Moreover, the Russian assets Biden apparently seeks to protect are assets his administration has sanctioned, and the pain at the pump Biden hopes to avert is pain he implored Americans to expect and endure.
Joe Biden sold Americans on a noble cause. He implored them to support Ukraine’s war of defense against Russia’s war of conquest and subjugation, and they eagerly obliged. Now, in shackling Ukraine to tactics that foreclose on battlefield outcomes America supposedly wants, Biden risks abandoning the American people at the rally point to which he summoned them. Ukrainians surely resent Biden’s pivot, but they can’t be alone.

Joe Biden never supported Ukraine. All he wanted was the proxy war to attrit Russia’s military capabilities. That hasn’t gone as planned. Just like everything Biden plans doesn’t go well.
The plan was never to actually defeat Russia, it was to bleed Russia so long as it doesn't cost Joe at the polls. The leftists know that no Americans are signing up to fight Vicky Nuland's war.
Democrat Neo-Marxists are the most opportunistic of all Americans. Hell they are traitors.
Russians delegates told the UN on Thursday to prepare for unconditional terms of surrender for all Ukraine.
So the Pentagon is now signaling the departure of US “personnel”. The CIA will be in evacuation mode too.
The stench of Democrats repeated betrayals of so called allies. May America learn from their failures and listen to the truth.
The Ukrainian front is breaking, in July the Russian Drone Superiority will be offendively replacing 90% of infantry and vehicle losses of Russia. Get prepared for total slaughter if the Uke’s in late July by drones, Fab3000s, and aircraft.
Remember, It’s not just Ukraine, how do you think the Afghani’s who backed the USA as interpreters feel after Biden abandoned them.
The USA has a long history of supporting countries in a war and then abandoning them in the end and leave them to the mercy of the other side.
We can thank our Democrat leaders and their friends in the State Dept.
How exactly has Biden turned on Ukraine?

I see the accusations but don't see what Biden said that would be considered turning his back on Ukraine.
This week, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin all but confirmed a blockbuster report in the Financial Times from late March indicating that the Biden administration was prepared to sacrifice Ukraine’s battlefield objectives if they imperiled his own reelection prospects.

Well beat the drum and hold the phone, ......................... ya can't make that shit up!

Or can they??

Biden Turns on Ukraine, Too

10 Apr 2024 ~~ By Noah Rothman

This week, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin all but confirmed a blockbuster report in the Financial Times from late March indicating that the Biden administration was prepared to sacrifice Ukraine’s battlefield objectives if they imperiled his own reelection prospects.
In testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee, Austin scolded Ukraine for executing long-range attacks on Russian oil refineries. “Ukraine is better served in going after tactical and operational targets that can directly influence the current fight,” the Pentagon chief said. But Austin gave away the game when he fretted that Ukrainian drone attacks on Russian infrastructure “could have a knock-on effect in terms of the global energy situation.”
Biden’s turn against his partners in Ukraine, much like his (predictable) pivot against Israel, is a stab in the back. Ukraine’s effort to wage asymmetric warfare against a better-armed, well-funded adversary is a tactical shift necessitated by relatively stagnant battlefield conditions. Insofar as those attacks have the capacity to limit Russia’s capacity to fund and equip its armed forces inside Ukraine and destabilize Russian society, Kyiv’s tactics are perfectly legitimate. Moreover, the Russian assets Biden apparently seeks to protect are assets his administration has sanctioned, and the pain at the pump Biden hopes to avert is pain he implored Americans to expect and endure.
Joe Biden sold Americans on a noble cause. He implored them to support Ukraine’s war of defense against Russia’s war of conquest and subjugation, and they eagerly obliged. Now, in shackling Ukraine to tactics that foreclose on battlefield outcomes America supposedly wants, Biden risks abandoning the American people at the rally point to which he summoned them. Ukrainians surely resent Biden’s pivot, but they can’t be alone.

Joe Biden never supported Ukraine. All he wanted was the proxy war to attrit Russia’s military capabilities. That hasn’t gone as planned. Just like everything Biden plans doesn’t go well.
The plan was never to actually defeat Russia, it was to bleed Russia so long as it doesn't cost Joe at the polls. The leftists know that no Americans are signing up to fight Vicky Nuland's war.
Democrat Neo-Marxists are the most opportunistic of all Americans. Hell they are traitors.
Russians delegates told the UN on Thursday to prepare for unconditional terms of surrender for all Ukraine.
So the Pentagon is now signaling the departure of US “personnel”. The CIA will be in evacuation mode too.
The stench of Democrats repeated betrayals of so called allies. May America learn from their failures and listen to the truth.
The Ukrainian front is breaking, in July the Russian Drone Superiority will be offendively replacing 90% of infantry and vehicle losses of Russia. Get prepared for total slaughter if the Uke’s in late July by drones, Fab3000s, and aircraft.
Remember, It’s not just Ukraine, how do you think the Afghani’s who backed the USA as interpreters feel after Biden abandoned them.
The USA has a long history of supporting countries in a war and then abandoning them in the end and leave them to the mercy of the other side.
We can thank our Democrat leaders and their friends in the State Dept.

Biden's only interest in Ukraine is to keep it's money laundering capabilities afloat for his own personal use. That's it.
There's only so much toothpaste left in the tube.
Your message has turned to being 'right on' and suitably subtle for some.
But it could be a bit too 'subtle' for the majority of slow learners. (ice cream cone lickers)

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