Biden vows to reopen Baltimore port, rebuild collapsed Key Bridge

He doesn't know which is which?

If he doesn't know it was by train or car, does he really remember it?

Jebus, this is like people who recounted stories after 9/11 of how they would have been somewhere close to the scene if their commute would have been different from what it always was.

Come on, Joe! Not everything has to be about you.

Biden did that commute for 40 years. Mostly he went by train but still did the drive. That was the point he was trying to make.

Only dumfuk Conservatives try to spin it as a claim that trains go over the Key Bridge
Biden did that commute for 40 years. Mostly he went by train but still did the drive. That was the point he was trying to make.
The point he was trying to make was "dig me!"

The way his family treats him like a king with jus primae noctis even over the little girls in his own family, I suppose it is no wonder.
Jebus, this is like people who recounted stories after 9/11 of how they would have been somewhere close to the scene if their commute would have been different from what it always was.

Are you referring to Trump who claimed he saw people jumping from the WTC from his TRUMP Tower penthouse, Saw Thousands of Muslims dancing on the roofs in Jersey City and was at Ground Zero assisting in the recovery?

Biden vows to reopen Baltimore port, rebuild collapsed Key Bridge

26 Mar 2024 ~~ By Alex Gangitano

President Biden vowed Tuesday to rebuild Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge after it collapsed into the water when a cargo ship rammed into it, echoing what some Maryland officials said earlier but adding that he expects the federal government to foot the bill.
“It’s my intention that the federal government will pay for the entire cost of reconstructing that bridge, and I expect the Congress to support my effort,” Biden said in remarks at the White House. “This is going to take some time, but the people of Baltimore can count on us though to stick with them at every step of the way until the port is reopen and the bridge is rebuilt.”
He said he spoke with Maryland Gov. Wes Moore (D) on Tuesday morning, as well as Maryland officials including its congressional delegation and two U.S. senators. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg traveled to the Baltimore site.

Thankfully, the bridge collapse occurred at 1:27 AM when there was little traffic on the bridge.
Baltimore harbor is closed for the immediate future. As someone on another thread mentioned, if only there were someone in office who had experience on getting major projects completed sooner than expected.
Actually, if Biden were smart and not so hateful, he’d offer Trump the job of dealing with the mess.
Have no fear. Pete Buttigieg is there now. Lord help us. BTW, I am sure the Big Guy will get his 10% kickback from this rebuild..
Of course we will have to buy the steel and concrete from China since America no longer manufactures these items. Just think of all those DEI jobs for illegal aliens that this accident has created. American citizens need not apply.
Undoubtedly, there is now potentially massive liability issues here regarding the ship, the companies involved.
Joe Biden's handlers might also intend to exploit this incident as a campaign ad, blaming the Republicans in Congress if they knock down his promise to have the taxpayers cough up billions of dollars to rebuild this bridge without any compensation from the negligent parties involved.
The rebuilding of the Francis Scott Key Bridge will be a DEI and minority owned business boondoggle. Parties are already positioning themselves to get their cut of the grift as we speak.
All the Democrat politicians of Baltimore will need favors, graft, pad the payroll, hire their cousins’ steel supplier (just opened! What great timing), set asides, pollution studies, DEI requirements, save the fish, safety training, abatement, bridge color survey, indigenous peoples museum for the bridge and slavery history museum for the bridge. And that’s week number one.
What experience has Trump of building bridges?

You know financing this is the simple job (as long as GOP don't deliberately wreak it)...

Trump was 4 years in office with every second week being infrastructure week but he signed no Infrastructure Bill (worth a crap)...

Thanks for reminding us of how useless Trump was when he came infrastructure...

So Trump talked a lot but did actually nothing...

Seriously, thanks for bringing this up and reminding us of the Trump incompetence in infrastructure...
That clown is such a LIAR.
He said by train or by car...

He was by car...

No lie, he didn't know if the bridge that came down was a rail or road bridge at the time but he if there was a bridge he used it...

So he didn't lie, he told the US people as soon as he knew and came out with a promise to fix it...

Lets compare that to his predecessor, he was told of the impact of COVID, he lied to everyone including the Govenors of its severity and the how long it would last... 1.2m Americans died on what Governors were told would over in two weeks.. Then Trump took no responsibility.

I would be with Biden all day on this one.
Are you referring to Trump who claimed he saw people jumping from the WTC from his TRUMP Tower penthouse, Saw Thousands of Muslims dancing on the roofs in Jersey City and was at Ground Zero assisting in the recovery?
Except that Trump was telling the truth. Trump saw the Muslims dancing on TV like the rest of us did. I know that footage has been thrown down the memory hole but my memory hasn’t.
17 years ago .....

"Federal support has included a quick release of $5 million in Emergency Relief Federal-aid Highway funding to the State of Minnesota to initiate recovery operations. Those funds were made available the day after the disaster to help restore the traffic flow, to clear the debris, to set up detours, and to begin the repair work.

President Bush signed legislation on August 6 authorizing $250 million for the replacement of the bridge. The legislation also made available $5 million to reimburse Minneapolis for increased transit operations to serve commuters until highway traffic service is restored on the bridge. Fifty million dollars in Emergency Relief funds were released on August 9 to ensure the State's recovery efforts can proceed without delay. As the State completes the assessment of the total damage and the ultimate cost to replace this bridge, we stand ready to ensure that appropriate funding is made available to replace it. Indeed, with Congress' assistance, we are committed to making funds available to the State as they are needed to ensure that the bridge is rebuilt as quickly as possible.

While not part of the emergency response funding, we have also provided an additional $13.2 million in immediately available transit funds in connection with our announcement of Minneapolis as an “Urban Partner” under our Congestion Initiative, a broad initiative for managing surface transportation in the Minneapolis area."

Except that Trump was telling the truth. Trump saw the Muslims dancing on TV like the rest of us did. I know that footage has been thrown down the memory hole but my memory hasn’t.
Amazing watching you flock to defend Trump lies

There were no thousands of Muslims dancing in Jersey City

No TV station showed it
Republicans blocked the border from being fixed
We've been over this before, and you continue to ignore reality. Just to remind everyone, Quid Pro:

1. Cancelled on his first days in office pretty much everything TRUMP! had done to secure the border, WITHOUT Congress' help.
2. Put Cackles in control of border security, again WITHOUT Congress' help.
3. Now, three years later, claims he needs Republican help to secure the border.

What has Cackles done for 3 years to keep the border secure? What has Quid Pro done? Normally, when it becomes clear that a high-level executive, such as a Vice President, has bungled something important so badly, they lose their job. We have yet to see Cackles take responsibility for the border. Instead, we have the usual suspects claiming it's the Republicans' fault, in the face of overwhelming evidence that it's not.
What was the alternative, to not rebuild it and close the port? 🤡 🤡 🤡

Well he do what he predessor did..

Have an 'Infrastructure Week' and do nothing...
Wait few weeks and have another 'Infrastructure Week' and again do nothing..

No Infrastructure Bills were signed but we had the weeks...

How 'Infrastructure Week' Became a Long-Running Joke

Infrastructure Week

The words “Infrastructure Week” have become synonymous with any unsuccessful or clumsy attempts to get an actual policy off the ground, as well as with the administration’s odd tendency of pushing infrastructure whenever unfavorable headlines start appearing in the news.

Seriously, thanks to the MAGAs for bringing this up... We could have shown Biden's predecessor incompetence in better way


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The democrat party prosecutors are refusing to push felonies.....dropping those charges and making them misdemeanors, and the judges are releasing these idiots on no cash bail....and the police have stopped doing their jobs as well...

There isn't a reduction in crime, there is a reduction in stopping crime.

Not only that, but it's also reducing the 'numbers' that she's trying to use to prove her statement. If you don't arrest and prosecute any crime, then guess what, the crime stats go down. Stupid is as stupid does. What you are seeing is the complete display of idiocy and stupidity that has taken over our country when these people post.
Amazing watching you flock to defend Trump lies

There were no thousands of Muslims dancing in Jersey City

No TV station showed it
The classic too specific denial.

I have no idea which particular cities the Muslims dead. I’m not sure how that’s the relevant part of the story of the Muslims in the United States, and in the Middle East dancing with glee over 911.
The classic too specific denial.

I have no idea which particular cities the Muslims dead. I’m not sure how that’s the relevant part of the story of the Muslims in the United States, and in the Middle East dancing with glee over 911.
Trump lied
He said THOUSANDS of Muslims in Jersey City not the Middle East were dancing in the streets

It was not a small lie, it pointed to loyal Muslims in Jersey City and implied they hate America

Biden vows to reopen Baltimore port, rebuild collapsed Key Bridge

26 Mar 2024 ~~ By Alex Gangitano

President Biden vowed Tuesday to rebuild Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge after it collapsed into the water when a cargo ship rammed into it, echoing what some Maryland officials said earlier but adding that he expects the federal government to foot the bill.
“It’s my intention that the federal government will pay for the entire cost of reconstructing that bridge, and I expect the Congress to support my effort,” Biden said in remarks at the White House. “This is going to take some time, but the people of Baltimore can count on us though to stick with them at every step of the way until the port is reopen and the bridge is rebuilt.”
He said he spoke with Maryland Gov. Wes Moore (D) on Tuesday morning, as well as Maryland officials including its congressional delegation and two U.S. senators. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg traveled to the Baltimore site.

Thankfully, the bridge collapse occurred at 1:27 AM when there was little traffic on the bridge.
Baltimore harbor is closed for the immediate future. As someone on another thread mentioned, if only there were someone in office who had experience on getting major projects completed sooner than expected.
Actually, if Biden were smart and not so hateful, he’d offer Trump the job of dealing with the mess.
Have no fear. Pete Buttigieg is there now. Lord help us. BTW, I am sure the Big Guy will get his 10% kickback from this rebuild..
Of course we will have to buy the steel and concrete from China since America no longer manufactures these items. Just think of all those DEI jobs for illegal aliens that this accident has created. American citizens need not apply.
Undoubtedly, there is now potentially massive liability issues here regarding the ship, the companies involved.
Joe Biden's handlers might also intend to exploit this incident as a campaign ad, blaming the Republicans in Congress if they knock down his promise to have the taxpayers cough up billions of dollars to rebuild this bridge without any compensation from the negligent parties involved.
The rebuilding of the Francis Scott Key Bridge will be a DEI and minority owned business boondoggle. Parties are already positioning themselves to get their cut of the grift as we speak.
All the Democrat politicians of Baltimore will need favors, graft, pad the payroll, hire their cousins’ steel supplier (just opened! What great timing), set asides, pollution studies, DEI requirements, save the fish, safety training, abatement, bridge color survey, indigenous peoples museum for the bridge and slavery history museum for the bridge. And that’s week number one.
Fuck me, a story about Biden stating the bridge needs rebuilt after an accident between a container ship loosing power colliding into it, contains TDS. What's up with you guys??

Yes, the bridge needs replaced, and asap. And it may initially come out of the governments coffers, but the ships insurance company's sphincter muscles are twitching, or at worst, toll booths.

But come on guys, get Trump out of your heads FFS.
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What was the alternative, to not rebuild it and close the port? 🤡 🤡 🤡

Well he do what he predessor did..

Have an 'Infrastructure Week' and do nothing...
Wait few weeks and have another 'Infrastructure Week' and again do nothing..

No Infrastructure Bills were signed but we had the weeks...

How 'Infrastructure Week' Became a Long-Running Joke

Infrastructure Week

The words “Infrastructure Week” have become synonymous with any unsuccessful or clumsy attempts to get an actual policy off the ground, as well as with the administration’s odd tendency of pushing infrastructure whenever unfavorable headlines start appearing in the news.

Seriously, thanks to the MAGAs for bringing this up... We could have shown Biden's predecessor incompetence in better way
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Not only that, but it's also reducing the 'numbers' that she's trying to use to prove her statement. If you don't arrest and prosecute any crime, then guess what, the crime stats go down. Stupid is as stupid does. What you are seeing is the complete display of idiocy and stupidity that has taken over our country when these people post.
Have you any actual proof of Police forces in US systematically told not to arrest people?

I would have expected that this would have been huge news...

So you should have no problem with the evidence...

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