Biden VP

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Those Revolutionary War pilots could fly all the way to a wonderful place in Germany to the cancer-causing sound of windmills. They landed there cheered on by thousands and thousands on rooftops waving fake magazine covers printed by three million illegals. Believe me.

Biden makes FDR gaffe during CBS interview
By THE ASSOCIATED PRESSSeptember 23, 2008 8:23 PM

WASHINGTON - It hasn't been a good 24 hours for Joe Biden.

Speaking to the "CBS Evening News," the Democratic vice-presidential candidate said today's leaders should take a lesson from the history books and follow fellow Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt's response to a financial crisis.

"When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed. He said, 'Look, here's what happened,'" Biden said in an interview broadcast Monday.

Problem is, Republican Herbert Hoover was in office when the stock market crashed in October 1929. FDR was elected three years later.

Biden makes FDR gaffe during CBS interview
Somewhat out of touch with the real history of the Depression

But not of the scope of claiming Washington captured British airports in the Revolutionary War
British ports. Idiot.

Actually Rump didn't specify "British". He just said "airports".

Maybe you're making the assumption because those 18th century planes were taking off using the right side of the runway instead of the left.

Personally I think he may have meant the Indian airports. Shown here arriving at Lexington from a very wonderful place in Germany.

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The traitor extortionist and Iranian representative Biden should nominate a Mexican drug lord or sex trafficker, so his base will be happy. No need for an American to hold national offices any more, according to the Democrat agenda, much less deny the vote to the rest of the globe.
Biden needs two things in a Vice President
Someone who can deliver swing states
Given Biden would only serve one term and is quite old, someone who can step in as President.

The Biden veepstakes

1. Liz Warren
2. Amy Klobachar
3. Kamala Harris
4. Corey Booker
5. Stacey Abrams
6. Gov Lujan Grisham of New Mexico.
You didn’t list Beto? Interesting

Not my link....I posted what was in there
Beto has strong Hispanic cred and could help Texas. But I don’t think Texas will be in play.

When did O"Rourke become a hispanic name? He is a fraud in every aspect of his life.

Beto grew up in a heavily Hispanic community, is fluent in the language and understands the culture
He has a long reputation of supporting Hispanic issues

Yet "beto" lost his run at governor, got little support in his run for the presidency and in general seems to alienated voters. The perfect democrat.
Those Revolutionary War pilots could fly all the way to a wonderful place in Germany to the cancer-causing sound of windmills. They landed there cheered on by thousands and thousands on rooftops waving fake magazine covers printed by three million illegals. Believe me.

Biden makes FDR gaffe during CBS interview
By THE ASSOCIATED PRESSSeptember 23, 2008 8:23 PM

WASHINGTON - It hasn't been a good 24 hours for Joe Biden.

Speaking to the "CBS Evening News," the Democratic vice-presidential candidate said today's leaders should take a lesson from the history books and follow fellow Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt's response to a financial crisis.

"When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed. He said, 'Look, here's what happened,'" Biden said in an interview broadcast Monday.

Problem is, Republican Herbert Hoover was in office when the stock market crashed in October 1929. FDR was elected three years later.

Biden makes FDR gaffe during CBS interview
Somewhat out of touch with the real history of the Depression

But not of the scope of claiming Washington captured British airports in the Revolutionary War
British ports. Idiot.

Actually Rump didn't specify "British". He just said "airports".

Maybe you're making the assumption because those 18th century planes were taking off using the right side of the runway instead of the left.

“Our army manned the air, rammed the ramparts, took over airports”

Just think what Washington could have done if he had a Space Force
Doesn't matter who Biden picks as VP...He's running head first into an electoral buzz saw, and the people are not going to want to go back to the blah of the Obama years....Plus, Biden is going to be exposed with his dementia, and won't have a chance anyway....

Not to mention the potential criminal charges revolving around him and his son.

But Democrats consider criminal behavior a big plus for a Presidential candidate.
The traitor extortionist and Iranian representative Biden should nominate a Mexican drug lord or sex trafficker, so his base will be happy. No need for an American to hold national offices any more, according to the Democrat agenda, much less deny the vote to the rest of the globe.

This is all premature anyway. Biden isn't the nominee. There won't be one until the convention.

Reality check.
Trump became rich before he was ever in politics. I'll defend Trump all day long based on his performance as President.Biden has become rich as a lifelong politician.There is plenty of liability there without even stating his obvious deficiencies.That whole Burisma affair will be laid bare and the depth of his corruption will be exposed.Mark it down.
Glass houses

Want to accuse Biden of Alzheimer’s, be prepared to defend Trumps bizarre ramblings



cool photoshop, got any of hillary falling into her plane ?
Hillary is not running

RAM those Ramparts!

Hillary Clinton isn't running yet, but its still early. The leaders in the race are both in fragile medical condition.

We all know that the DNC is planning to put her in at the convention and dump Bernie and Joe. It will be a slaughter again, but she is all they have left.

Mrs. Clinton is in terrible physical shape as well. Her heavy drinking has taken a toll. Especially since she is on the very serious medication, Coumadin. I wonder if the libs have a plan C?

Coumadin is just a blood thinner
Stacy Abrams. I sincerely hope Biden picks her. Dumber than dirt and a first class race baiter. Trump wins in a landslide.

She graduated from Yale Law School
More academic credentials than Trump

Why are someone's academic credentials more important to you than what they actually did after college?
She became a lawyer and was elected to Congress

Actually, Ms. Abrams was never in Congress, just in the Georgia legislature. And it wasn't a problem at all getting elected as her district was overwhelmingly Democrat already and there was no real election, even before she ran. So that was no accomplishment at all.
And regardless of what you think about Mrs. Clinton's political positions or [lack of] ethics, it says something very bad about New Yorkers that they elected an outsider to represent their state in the Senate—someone who had no actual ties to the state that she was elected to represent.
Oh, you mean like Arlen Specter (R-PA) from Kansas? Orrin Hatch (R-UT) from Pennsylvania? Ted Cruz (R-TX) from Canada? Dan Sullivan (R-AK) from Ohio? Bill Cassidy (R-LA) from Illinois? Steve Daines (R-MT) from California? James Lankford (R-OK) from Texas? John Barrasso (R-WY) from Pennsylvania? Jim Inhofe (R-OK) from Iowa? Martha McSally (R-AZ) from Rhode Island? And of course my state's dickheads Thom Tillis AND Richard Burr (R-NC) from Florida and Virginia?

Is it your intent to suggest that I approve of carpetbagging, when my side does it? I most certainly do not.

For what it's worth,the demifaggot Michael Huffington, was nominally a Republican.

These loons just can't think in any other context; it doesn't compute in their Hive mentality that independent thinking exists. That's why it's a waste of time to treat their idiotic ravings as serious discussion. Literally ALL of their responses and non-responses are pre-programmed and issued to them, and any variation from the PC approved dialogue is met with confusion and retarded babbling like Pogo's. Too much pot and other drugs over the years for them to handle even the simple stuff any more.
cool photoshop, got any of hillary falling into her plane ?
Hillary is not running

RAM those Ramparts!

Hillary Clinton isn't running yet, but its still early. The leaders in the race are both in fragile medical condition.

We all know that the DNC is planning to put her in at the convention and dump Bernie and Joe. It will be a slaughter again, but she is all they have left.

Mrs. Clinton is in terrible physical shape as well. Her heavy drinking has taken a toll. Especially since she is on the very serious medication, Coumadin. I wonder if the libs have a plan C?

Coumadin is just a blood thinner

That's certainly true. But using Coumadin indicates that the patient has a lot more fragile condition. Less sick patients get the more modern medicines like Pradaxa.
VP odds: Kamala Harris 5-2, Stacey Abrams 4-1, Amy Klobuchar 5-1

The list:

  • Harris +250 (5/2)
  • Stacey Abrams +400 (4/1)
  • Sen. Amy Klobuchar +500 (5/1)
  • Sen. Elizabeth Warren +800 (8/1)
  • Pete Buttigieg +900 (9/1)
  • Sen. Catherine Cortez-Masto +1000 (10/1)
  • Julian Castro +1200 (12/1)
  • Ohio Sen. Nina Turner +1400 (14/1)
  • Sen. Tammy Baldwin +1400 (14/1)
  • Rep. Tulsi Gabbard +2000 (20/1)
  • Sen. Cory Booker +2500 (25/1)
  • Hillary Clinton +2500 (25/1)
  • Michelle Obama +2500 (25/1)
  • Beto O'Rourke +2800 (28/1)
  • Andrew Yang +3300 (33/1)
  • Sen. Sherrod Brown +5000 (50/1)
VP: "Ohio Sen. Nina Turner +1400 (14/1)"
P: Bernie Sanders
Hospice Care: Joe Biden
No one ever said that NY voters were smart. Do you live in NY?

So you lied or didn't know? You said she did a terrible job as Senator but have nothing to support your claim. She obviously represented her state well if Republicans liked her too. 74%...that's a lot.

I said she did a terrible job, that is my opinion. if you think she did a great job that is your opinion. We are allowed to have different opinions of a politician (unless the socialist democrats are ever allowed to take control).

I also question the validity of any poll conducted in Hillary's favor. As we all know, the lying pollsters said that she could not lose in 2016 and that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes. They lied to you then and very likely lied to you about Hillary's popularity in NY. But you are free to believer whatever lies you choose.

I don't have an opinion since I was not a New York voter. Were you?

How many times do you have to be schooled on this?

It Wasn't the Polls That Missed, It Was the Pundits | RealClearPolitics

I find your ignorance amusing, keep at it. the pollsters said she would win, the ;pundits agreed with the polls. The facts of 2016 are clear to anyone whose head is not up hillary's fat ass.

The polls got it right. She won by 3 million votes. Don the fat Con only won by 80,000 votes across three states.

And Hillary Clinton enjoyed high approval ratings throughout her term as senator and Secretary of State. Sorry that upsets you so...but its still true. Hillary was more popular than Don the Con will ever be.

The polls got it right. She won by 3 million votes.

The polls also said she'd win more electoral college votes.

Don the fat Con only won by 80,000 votes across three states.

Hillary, the corrupt old sot, had a 4.3 million vote margin in one state.
I said she did a terrible job, that is my opinion. if you think she did a great job that is your opinion. We are allowed to have different opinions of a politician (unless the socialist democrats are ever allowed to take control).

I also question the validity of any poll conducted in Hillary's favor. As we all know, the lying pollsters said that she could not lose in 2016 and that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes. They lied to you then and very likely lied to you about Hillary's popularity in NY. But you are free to believer whatever lies you choose.

I don't have an opinion since I was not a New York voter. Were you?

How many times do you have to be schooled on this?

It Wasn't the Polls That Missed, It Was the Pundits | RealClearPolitics

I find your ignorance amusing, keep at it. the pollsters said she would win, the ;pundits agreed with the polls. The facts of 2016 are clear to anyone whose head is not up hillary's fat ass.

The polls got it right. She won by 3 million votes. Don the fat Con only won by 80,000 votes across three states.

And Hillary Clinton enjoyed high approval ratings throughout her term as senator and Secretary of State. Sorry that upsets you so...but its still true. Hillary was more popular than Don the Con will ever be.

we don't elect presidents on the popular vote, we use the electoral college, all candidates know how that works when they decide to run. Trump campaigned in the states he needed to win, and he did win. Hillary ran a stupid campaign and was a very unlikeable candidate.

Yes, she won LA county, NYC, and Miami Dade. But she lost the EC by a wide margin. Personally I don't want LA county, NYC and Miami/Dade picking our presidents and all of the rest of the country having no say in it. The founders got it right.
No shit, Sherlock. That does not change the fact that the polls were not wrong.

You keep repeating the same tired canards that have been debunked 12 ways to Sunday. Its really pathetic.

That does not change the fact that the polls were not wrong.


Hillary is not running

RAM those Ramparts!

Hillary Clinton isn't running yet, but its still early. The leaders in the race are both in fragile medical condition.

We all know that the DNC is planning to put her in at the convention and dump Bernie and Joe. It will be a slaughter again, but she is all they have left.

Mrs. Clinton is in terrible physical shape as well. Her heavy drinking has taken a toll. Especially since she is on the very serious medication, Coumadin. I wonder if the libs have a plan C?

Coumadin is just a blood thinner

That's certainly true. But using Coumadin indicates that the patient has a lot more fragile condition. Less sick patients get the more modern medicines like Pradaxa.
It is just Warfarin basically rat poison/blood thinner
Most have moved to Xarelto or Pradaxa

Just reduces the risk of stroke. Millions of Americans take it
Hillary Clinton isn't running yet, but its still early. The leaders in the race are both in fragile medical condition.

We all know that the DNC is planning to put her in at the convention and dump Bernie and Joe. It will be a slaughter again, but she is all they have left.

Mrs. Clinton is in terrible physical shape as well. Her heavy drinking has taken a toll. Especially since she is on the very serious medication, Coumadin. I wonder if the libs have a plan C?

Coumadin is just a blood thinner

That's certainly true. But using Coumadin indicates that the patient has a lot more fragile condition. Less sick patients get the more modern medicines like Pradaxa.
It is just Warfarin basically rat poison/blood thinner
Most have moved to Xarelto or Pradaxa

Just reduces the risk of stroke. Millions of Americans take it
Yeah, my dad took it... and died from a massive stroke.
All appeared rather quick and painless actually. Lucky.
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