Biden VP

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Those Revolutionary War pilots could fly all the way to a wonderful place in Germany to the cancer-causing sound of windmills. They landed there cheered on by thousands and thousands on rooftops waving fake magazine covers printed by three million illegals. Believe me.

Biden makes FDR gaffe during CBS interview
By THE ASSOCIATED PRESSSeptember 23, 2008 8:23 PM

WASHINGTON - It hasn't been a good 24 hours for Joe Biden.

Speaking to the "CBS Evening News," the Democratic vice-presidential candidate said today's leaders should take a lesson from the history books and follow fellow Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt's response to a financial crisis.

"When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed. He said, 'Look, here's what happened,'" Biden said in an interview broadcast Monday.

Problem is, Republican Herbert Hoover was in office when the stock market crashed in October 1929. FDR was elected three years later.

Biden makes FDR gaffe during CBS interview
Somewhat out of touch with the real history of the Depression

But not of the scope of claiming Washington captured British airports in the Revolutionary War
British ports. Idiot.

Nice try, but Washington didn’t capture any British ports either.
Trump said “airports”

“Our army manned the air, rammed the ramparts, took over airports”
Oh, big deal. You really wanna go down that road when you're voting Biden?
So you lied or didn't know? You said she did a terrible job as Senator but have nothing to support your claim. She obviously represented her state well if Republicans liked her too. 74%...that's a lot.

I said she did a terrible job, that is my opinion. if you think she did a great job that is your opinion. We are allowed to have different opinions of a politician (unless the socialist democrats are ever allowed to take control).

I also question the validity of any poll conducted in Hillary's favor. As we all know, the lying pollsters said that she could not lose in 2016 and that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes. They lied to you then and very likely lied to you about Hillary's popularity in NY. But you are free to believer whatever lies you choose.

I don't have an opinion since I was not a New York voter. Were you?

How many times do you have to be schooled on this?

It Wasn't the Polls That Missed, It Was the Pundits | RealClearPolitics

I find your ignorance amusing, keep at it. the pollsters said she would win, the ;pundits agreed with the polls. The facts of 2016 are clear to anyone whose head is not up hillary's fat ass.

The polls got it right. She won by 3 million votes. Don the fat Con only won by 80,000 votes across three states.

And Hillary Clinton enjoyed high approval ratings throughout her term as senator and Secretary of State. Sorry that upsets you so...but its still true. Hillary was more popular than Don the Con will ever be.

I believe it was about 77,000 votes, combined from three states in NONE of which could he muster even 50% of the state vote.

And that's weak. REALLY weak.

I believe it was about 77,000 votes, combined from three states in NONE of which could he muster even 50% of the state vote

And Hillary won 4 states by 94,000 combined votes in NONE of which could she muster even 50%.
In the case of Sleepy Joe, he doesn't even know that he is running or what he's running for. IMHO, its just a case of Elder Abuse.
Of course he does

It is Trump who does not know that they did not have airports in the Revolutionary war while they were “ramming the ramparts”
A Confused Joe Biden Says 'We Can Only Re-Elect Donald Trump'

The current Democratic frontrunner fell and tripped repeatedly over his words as he stumbled through a campaign speech in Missouri on Saturday. The 77-year-old former vice president made a series of gaffes and incoherent statements as he appeared to lose his train of thought. At one point, he even mispronounced his own name.

"... We cannot get re-elect, we cannot win this re-election, excuse me. We can only re-elect Donald Trump," Biden said to his bewildered supporters. The candidate himself seemed caught off guard by his inability to keep his train of thought.
Did he tell stories about George Washington capturing British airports?

Glass houses my friend
/----/ You miss the point. You libtards started this by attacking Trump for minor mistakes and fumbles. So we counter with Crazy Joe the nonstop gaffe machine - then you counter with "glass houses."

I see conservatives on this tread attacking Biden on two counts.

Biden suffers from dementia
Biden molests young girls

If that is all you have, you had better be prepared to defend Trumps long, sordid history.

Don't forget, politician for 40+ years.
Biden needs two things in a Vice President
Someone who can deliver swing states
Given Biden would only serve one term and is quite old, someone who can step in as President.

The Biden veepstakes

1. Liz Warren: Name recognition, solidifies liberal wing
2. Amy Klobuchar: Can deliver key Midwest votes
3. Kamala Harris: Impressive speaker, black vote
4. Corey Booker: Articulate and passionate, black vote
5. Stacey Abrams: Georgia, black vote
6. Gov Lujan Grisham of New Mexico: little known, Hispanic vote

That's some hardcore pander there. You know the Groping Joe so well.
I said she did a terrible job, that is my opinion. if you think she did a great job that is your opinion. We are allowed to have different opinions of a politician (unless the socialist democrats are ever allowed to take control).

I also question the validity of any poll conducted in Hillary's favor. As we all know, the lying pollsters said that she could not lose in 2016 and that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes. They lied to you then and very likely lied to you about Hillary's popularity in NY. But you are free to believer whatever lies you choose.

I don't have an opinion since I was not a New York voter. Were you?

How many times do you have to be schooled on this?

It Wasn't the Polls That Missed, It Was the Pundits | RealClearPolitics

I find your ignorance amusing, keep at it. the pollsters said she would win, the ;pundits agreed with the polls. The facts of 2016 are clear to anyone whose head is not up hillary's fat ass.

The polls got it right. She won by 3 million votes. Don the fat Con only won by 80,000 votes across three states.

And Hillary Clinton enjoyed high approval ratings throughout her term as senator and Secretary of State. Sorry that upsets you so...but its still true. Hillary was more popular than Don the Con will ever be.

I believe it was about 77,000 votes, combined from three states in NONE of which could he muster even 50% of the state vote.

And that's weak. REALLY weak.

I believe it was about 77,000 votes, combined from three states in NONE of which could he muster even 50% of the state vote

And Hillary won 4 states by 94,000 combined votes in NONE of which could she muster even 50%.

Correct (not knowing the numbers I'll take your word for it, doesn't matter). And we could add Florida, Aridzona, my own state of North Cackalackee and even FRICKIN' UTAH to Rump's panoply of popular vote pathos. But you may be missing the point here.

If the Electoral College meets and no candidate gets a MAJORITY (currently 270) then they don't have a winner. And that means the election shifts to the House of Reps, where anything can happen. This is in fact the strategy of any third party running against the Duopoly, to in effect cancel the election altogether and roll the dice in the House --by denying any candidate a MAJORITY.

AND YET a weak candidate like Rump can pull a pathetic 45% of the vote in UTAH --- with an R after his name --- and still get 100% of that state's electoral vote. DItto North Carolina, ditto Michigan, ditto Pennsylvania, ditto Florida, ditto AridZona, ditto Wiscaaaaaaaaaaaaaahnsin. NONE of those states' voters elected anybody by majority yet ALL of them sent ALL of their EVs to a candy who could not win even 50% of their own state. And then Virginia and Nevada eventually did the same with Clinton; Minnesota and Colorado tried not to but were overridden by unConstitutional state laws scheduled to go to the Supreme Court next month.

So to sum up: Electoral College: no majority = no winner.
State electors: No majority, doesn't matter. You could run ten candidates and if nine of them get 9.9% and one gets 10.9, he gets ALL of that states votes, and the 89% of the state that voted against him can go straight to hell.

Cue tagline all over again --- that's weak. REALLY weak.
I don't have an opinion since I was not a New York voter. Were you?

How many times do you have to be schooled on this?

It Wasn't the Polls That Missed, It Was the Pundits | RealClearPolitics

I find your ignorance amusing, keep at it. the pollsters said she would win, the ;pundits agreed with the polls. The facts of 2016 are clear to anyone whose head is not up hillary's fat ass.

The polls got it right. She won by 3 million votes. Don the fat Con only won by 80,000 votes across three states.

And Hillary Clinton enjoyed high approval ratings throughout her term as senator and Secretary of State. Sorry that upsets you so...but its still true. Hillary was more popular than Don the Con will ever be.

I believe it was about 77,000 votes, combined from three states in NONE of which could he muster even 50% of the state vote.

And that's weak. REALLY weak.

I believe it was about 77,000 votes, combined from three states in NONE of which could he muster even 50% of the state vote

And Hillary won 4 states by 94,000 combined votes in NONE of which could she muster even 50%.

Correct (not knowing the numbers I'll take your word for it, doesn't matter). And we could add Florida, Aridzona, my own state of North Cackalackee and even FRICKIN' UTAH to Rump's panoply of popular vote pathos. But you may be missing the point here.

If the Electoral College meets and no candidate gets a MAJORITY (currently 270) then they don't have a winner. And that means the election shifts to the House of Reps, where anything can happen. This is in fact the strategy of any third party running against the Duopoly, to in effect cancel the election altogether and roll the dice in the House --by denying any candidate a MAJORITY.

AND YET a weak candidate like Rump can pull a pathetic 45% of the vote in UTAH --- with an R after his name --- and still get 100% of that state's electoral vote. DItto North Carolina, ditto Michigan, ditto Pennsylvania, ditto Florida, ditto AridZona, ditto Wiscaaaaaaaaaaaaaahnsin. NONE of those states' voters elected anybody by majority yet ALL of them sent ALL of their EVs to a candy who could not win even 50% of their own state. And then Virginia and Nevada eventually did the same with Clinton; Minnesota and Colorado tried not to but were overridden by unConstitutional state laws scheduled to go to the Supreme Court next month.

So to sum up: Electoral College: no majority = no winner.
State electors: No majority, doesn't matter. You could run ten candidates and if nine of them get 9.9% and one gets 10.9, he gets ALL of that states votes, and the 89% of the state that voted against him can go straight to hell.

Cue tagline all over again --- that's weak. REALLY weak.

But you may be missing the point here.

The point is, Trump won the Electoral College. He's President. She's not.
The fact he won some states by a little and she won one state by a lot, doesn't change anything.
Stacy Abrams. I sincerely hope Biden picks her. Dumber than dirt and a first class race baiter. Trump wins in a landslide.

She graduated from Yale Law School
More academic credentials than Trump

She graduated from Yale Law School

How'd she do on the Bar Exam?

Who's running for "the bar"?

Hillary is usually limping for the bar. Stumbling for the bar.
Tripping for the bar. Falling for the bar.
I find your ignorance amusing, keep at it. the pollsters said she would win, the ;pundits agreed with the polls. The facts of 2016 are clear to anyone whose head is not up hillary's fat ass.

The polls got it right. She won by 3 million votes. Don the fat Con only won by 80,000 votes across three states.

And Hillary Clinton enjoyed high approval ratings throughout her term as senator and Secretary of State. Sorry that upsets you so...but its still true. Hillary was more popular than Don the Con will ever be.

I believe it was about 77,000 votes, combined from three states in NONE of which could he muster even 50% of the state vote.

And that's weak. REALLY weak.

I believe it was about 77,000 votes, combined from three states in NONE of which could he muster even 50% of the state vote

And Hillary won 4 states by 94,000 combined votes in NONE of which could she muster even 50%.

Correct (not knowing the numbers I'll take your word for it, doesn't matter). And we could add Florida, Aridzona, my own state of North Cackalackee and even FRICKIN' UTAH to Rump's panoply of popular vote pathos. But you may be missing the point here.

If the Electoral College meets and no candidate gets a MAJORITY (currently 270) then they don't have a winner. And that means the election shifts to the House of Reps, where anything can happen. This is in fact the strategy of any third party running against the Duopoly, to in effect cancel the election altogether and roll the dice in the House --by denying any candidate a MAJORITY.

AND YET a weak candidate like Rump can pull a pathetic 45% of the vote in UTAH --- with an R after his name --- and still get 100% of that state's electoral vote. DItto North Carolina, ditto Michigan, ditto Pennsylvania, ditto Florida, ditto AridZona, ditto Wiscaaaaaaaaaaaaaahnsin. NONE of those states' voters elected anybody by majority yet ALL of them sent ALL of their EVs to a candy who could not win even 50% of their own state. And then Virginia and Nevada eventually did the same with Clinton; Minnesota and Colorado tried not to but were overridden by unConstitutional state laws scheduled to go to the Supreme Court next month.

So to sum up: Electoral College: no majority = no winner.
State electors: No majority, doesn't matter. You could run ten candidates and if nine of them get 9.9% and one gets 10.9, he gets ALL of that states votes, and the 89% of the state that voted against him can go straight to hell.

Cue tagline all over again --- that's weak. REALLY weak.

But you may be missing the point here.

The point is, Trump won the Electoral College. He's President. She's not.
The fact he won some states by a little and she won one state by a lot, doesn't change anything.

NO, the point was the culminating line I put in twice, and now will put in a third time, and as many times as will be necessary for it to sink in:

that's weak. REALLY weak.
The polls got it right. She won by 3 million votes. Don the fat Con only won by 80,000 votes across three states.

And Hillary Clinton enjoyed high approval ratings throughout her term as senator and Secretary of State. Sorry that upsets you so...but its still true. Hillary was more popular than Don the Con will ever be.

I believe it was about 77,000 votes, combined from three states in NONE of which could he muster even 50% of the state vote.

And that's weak. REALLY weak.

I believe it was about 77,000 votes, combined from three states in NONE of which could he muster even 50% of the state vote

And Hillary won 4 states by 94,000 combined votes in NONE of which could she muster even 50%.

Correct (not knowing the numbers I'll take your word for it, doesn't matter). And we could add Florida, Aridzona, my own state of North Cackalackee and even FRICKIN' UTAH to Rump's panoply of popular vote pathos. But you may be missing the point here.

If the Electoral College meets and no candidate gets a MAJORITY (currently 270) then they don't have a winner. And that means the election shifts to the House of Reps, where anything can happen. This is in fact the strategy of any third party running against the Duopoly, to in effect cancel the election altogether and roll the dice in the House --by denying any candidate a MAJORITY.

AND YET a weak candidate like Rump can pull a pathetic 45% of the vote in UTAH --- with an R after his name --- and still get 100% of that state's electoral vote. DItto North Carolina, ditto Michigan, ditto Pennsylvania, ditto Florida, ditto AridZona, ditto Wiscaaaaaaaaaaaaaahnsin. NONE of those states' voters elected anybody by majority yet ALL of them sent ALL of their EVs to a candy who could not win even 50% of their own state. And then Virginia and Nevada eventually did the same with Clinton; Minnesota and Colorado tried not to but were overridden by unConstitutional state laws scheduled to go to the Supreme Court next month.

So to sum up: Electoral College: no majority = no winner.
State electors: No majority, doesn't matter. You could run ten candidates and if nine of them get 9.9% and one gets 10.9, he gets ALL of that states votes, and the 89% of the state that voted against him can go straight to hell.

Cue tagline all over again --- that's weak. REALLY weak.

But you may be missing the point here.

The point is, Trump won the Electoral College. He's President. She's not.
The fact he won some states by a little and she won one state by a lot, doesn't change anything.

NO, the point was the culminating line I put in twice, and now will put in a third time, and as many times as will be necessary for it to sink in:

that's weak. REALLY weak.

Whine as much as you want.
Winning a state with 36%, 46%, 56% or 66% of the vote gets you just as many Electoral Votes.

In 37 out of the 40 states Wilson won in 1912, he didn't get over 50%. So what?
Biden needs two things in a Vice President
Someone who can deliver swing states
Given Biden would only serve one term and is quite old, someone who can step in as President.

The Biden veepstakes

1. Liz Warren: Name recognition, solidifies liberal wing
2. Amy Klobuchar: Can deliver key Midwest votes
3. Kamala Harris: Impressive speaker, black vote
4. Corey Booker: Articulate and passionate, black vote
5. Stacey Abrams: Georgia, black vote
6. Gov Lujan Grisham of New Mexico: little known, Hispanic vote
He also needs a brain.
We all know that the DNC is planning to put her in at the convention and dump Bernie and Joe. It will be a slaughter again, but she is all they have left.

Mrs. Clinton is in terrible physical shape as well. Her heavy drinking has taken a toll. Especially since she is on the very serious medication, Coumadin. I wonder if the libs have a plan C?

Coumadin is just a blood thinner

That's certainly true. But using Coumadin indicates that the patient has a lot more fragile condition. Less sick patients get the more modern medicines like Pradaxa.
It is just Warfarin basically rat poison/blood thinner
Most have moved to Xarelto or Pradaxa

Just reduces the risk of stroke. Millions of Americans take it
Yeah, my dad took it... and died from a massive stroke.
All appeared rather quick and painless actually. Lucky.
Sorry to hear
Biden needs two things in a Vice President
Someone who can deliver swing states
Given Biden would only serve one term and is quite old, someone who can step in as President.

The Biden veepstakes

1. Liz Warren: Name recognition, solidifies liberal wing
2. Amy Klobuchar: Can deliver key Midwest votes
3. Kamala Harris: Impressive speaker, black vote
4. Corey Booker: Articulate and passionate, black vote
5. Stacey Abrams: Georgia, black vote
6. Gov Lujan Grisham of New Mexico: little known, Hispanic vote
He also needs a brain.
Biden has a big brain. He is smart, real smart
Highest IQ ever
Those Revolutionary War pilots could fly all the way to a wonderful place in Germany to the cancer-causing sound of windmills. They landed there cheered on by thousands and thousands on rooftops waving fake magazine covers printed by three million illegals. Believe me.

Biden makes FDR gaffe during CBS interview
By THE ASSOCIATED PRESSSeptember 23, 2008 8:23 PM

WASHINGTON - It hasn't been a good 24 hours for Joe Biden.

Speaking to the "CBS Evening News," the Democratic vice-presidential candidate said today's leaders should take a lesson from the history books and follow fellow Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt's response to a financial crisis.

"When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed. He said, 'Look, here's what happened,'" Biden said in an interview broadcast Monday.

Problem is, Republican Herbert Hoover was in office when the stock market crashed in October 1929. FDR was elected three years later.

Biden makes FDR gaffe during CBS interview
Somewhat out of touch with the real history of the Depression

But not of the scope of claiming Washington captured British airports in the Revolutionary War
British ports. Idiot.

Nice try, but Washington didn’t capture any British ports either.
Trump said “airports”

“Our army manned the air, rammed the ramparts, took over airports”
Oh, big deal. You really wanna go down that road when you're voting Biden?
Sure let’s do it
Want to compare Biden’s gaffes to Trump?

You will lose Bigly
LOL.. You want to destroy your credibility Billie, just keep bringing up this Clinton conspiracy garbage. Nothing showcases someone's divorce from reality more than Clinton conspiracy rubbish.

What conspiracies? There's no conspiracy, it is all fact.
Biden needs two things in a Vice President
Someone who can deliver swing states
Given Biden would only serve one term and is quite old, someone who can step in as President.

The Biden veepstakes

1. Liz Warren: Name recognition, solidifies liberal wing
2. Amy Klobuchar: Can deliver key Midwest votes
3. Kamala Harris: Impressive speaker, black vote
4. Corey Booker: Articulate and passionate, black vote
5. Stacey Abrams: Georgia, black vote
6. Gov Lujan Grisham of New Mexico: little known, Hispanic vote
He also needs a brain.
Biden has a big brain. He is smart, real smart
Highest IQ ever

I bet he knows more than the generals.

We thought Rump knew more than the generals, but then he saluted a North Korean one. :oops:

Prolly figgered his fingers were so short that nobody would notice.
Those Revolutionary War pilots could fly all the way to a wonderful place in Germany to the cancer-causing sound of windmills. They landed there cheered on by thousands and thousands on rooftops waving fake magazine covers printed by three million illegals. Believe me.

Biden makes FDR gaffe during CBS interview
By THE ASSOCIATED PRESSSeptember 23, 2008 8:23 PM

WASHINGTON - It hasn't been a good 24 hours for Joe Biden.

Speaking to the "CBS Evening News," the Democratic vice-presidential candidate said today's leaders should take a lesson from the history books and follow fellow Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt's response to a financial crisis.

"When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed. He said, 'Look, here's what happened,'" Biden said in an interview broadcast Monday.

Problem is, Republican Herbert Hoover was in office when the stock market crashed in October 1929. FDR was elected three years later.

Biden makes FDR gaffe during CBS interview
Somewhat out of touch with the real history of the Depression

But not of the scope of claiming Washington captured British airports in the Revolutionary War
British ports. Idiot.

Nice try, but Washington didn’t capture any British ports either.
Trump said “airports”

“Our army manned the air, rammed the ramparts, took over airports”
Oh, big deal. You really wanna go down that road when you're voting Biden?
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