Biden vs Trump 2024 from Now till November 5, 2024

[ Just remember the Salem Witch Hunt and decide whether one would like to have a government of people who think and behave like the witch hunters who burned people alive ]


Donald Trump appeared on stage more than 90 minutes late in Nashville, Tennessee, on Thursday night, where he delivered a speech that was as wild as it was incoherent.

The Republican presidential front-runner appeared flushed and visibly exhausted as he arrived to address the National Religious Broadcasters’ (NRB) International Christian Media Convention, tripping over simple words like “evangelical” during an address littered with verbal miscues and false claims.

At various points, Mr Trump declared that he had made “Israel” the capital of Israel during his presidency (presumably confusing the decision to move its US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem), said that he planned to close down the Department of Education and praised the Capitol rioters, whom he again characterised as political prisoners and referred to as “the J6 hostages”, for their “tremendous spirit”.

He also falsely claimed that “everybody” agreed with the US Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v Wade and, at one stage, appeared to confuse FBI special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into his campaign’s alleged ties to Russia in 2018 with the spurious Hunter Bidenlaptop affair so beloved of conspiracy-minded conservatives.

Mr Trump sought to appeal to his audience of believers by presenting himself, not altogether convincingly, as a man of faith, pushing the false narrative that Democrats are in favour of terminating unwanted infants “even after birth” and suggesting that any Christian who votes for the opposition must be “crazy”.


Hey Mossad Guy, what do you think of this?

Ah yes, here we are in another major ‘election’ year, where it seems at this point, your choices (not mine of course) will likely be the same as they have been the past 8 years. A brain-dead, controlled, criminal, and evil leftist stooge called Biden, or a war-mongering, narcissistic, controlled, and arrogant lying stooge called Trump. This sounds like a set-up, and it is, but do you really think it matters one iota from one year to the next, one decade to the next, or in reality, has it ever mattered at all which piece of scum is selected? Of course it does not matter, because the scourge of mankind, particularly for the masses, other than their own stupidity, is the allowance of a government of any kind to rule over them. Masters and slaves will forever be separated, and each group will be relegated to their respective castes, which is the ultimate insult to the superiority of the individual. Without the individual as sovereign, no freedom can exist.

What this boils down to is another in a long line of divisive political nonsense called voting, where the lowly ‘citizen’ (State-owned stock) is ‘promised’ (by government) to have a say in his own slavery; and this idiocy is actually believed by most to be ‘fair’, or at least a majority of those voluntarily choosing their guy to be king, find this form of absurdity not only useful, but sacred. This time is also when those who call themselves the ‘people’s representatives,’ are selected as well to make and heavily enforce, what are called ‘laws,’ in order to keep the herd in line. None of this applies to the ruling class of course, as all is not equal in fake justice for Caesar and his congressional court, and the sheeplike proletariat. I have always found it asinine to even consider that I needed a ‘leader,’ much less a chosen human representative to speak and act on my behalf. What a load of crap is this insane desire to have some low-life, controlling, human piece of garbage, (politician) speaking for and lording over me?

In essence, the people have voluntarily chosen in this country, although coerced greatly by the oligarchy’s propaganda, indoctrination, promises, and bald-faced lies, to place their lives in the hands of the lowest form of common humans, who are politicians, to rule over every aspect of their lives. The result is that 335 million people are ruled over and fully controlled, fleeced, held captive, incarcerated, and in many cases murdered, at the hands of; a president, 435 congressmen, 100 senators, a completely corrupt group of nine worthless political judges called the Supreme Court, and taxpayer paid enforcers. Think about this for just a moment, and do the math. This means that 335 million of you are owned and controlled by 545 pieces of political scum. Does that make you proud, or can you fathom the insanity of such lunacy?
There Is No Such Thing as 'Representative' Government: There Has Never Been! - LewRockwell
There have been many sayings in the Media and on the boards. Is Biden too old for a second turn? Has Biden damaged the country? Is Trump capable of understanding the issues? Does he understand what he says in his rallies and interviews on television?

We are about 14 months until the election. Clearly, for me, Trump will be the candidate for the Republicans, Biden for the Democrats.

I will be posting what one side or the other, and the Media say on both until November 5, 2024.

I want to follow what happens from now until Election Day from both sides.

So, Here we go !!
/-----/ Heels Up appeals to young voters with drugs.
  • Vice President Kamala Harris Has “No Plans” to Remove Video Saying Biden Administration Has “Changed Federal Marijuana Policy”
    A recent campaign video posted by Vice President Kamala Harris says the Biden Administration has “changed federal marijuana policy”. A campaign official says she has no plans to remove the video. In the February 9 video meant to appeal to “young voters”, Vice President Harris said
  • “We changed federal marijuana policy, because nobody should have to go to jail just for smoking weed.”

    Despite the fact that the Biden Administration has not yet “changed federal marijuana policy”, the video has remained live for 16 days, accumulating over 435,000 views. Now, a campaign official says the Vice President has “no plans” to remove the video. The official refused to give further comments or to elaborate on the discrepancy between VP Harris’ statements and the facts.
  • ... (themarijuanaherald)
[ The one on the left could have been a friend or member of your family. But Trump does seem to love all people ]

[What? Inciting religious fanatics to now outlaw what, exactly? Parents taking care of their own children? Is that next? ]


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