Biden vs Trump 2024 from Now till November 5, 2024

Hundreds of thousands of illegals are invading the US and this rotter talks about the danger from Russia.... With a paycheck from the military industrial complex, scumbags like this type will go to the extreme to inflate the war alarms.
I would vote for Biden if the alternative is Trump, but the Dems have a serious insularity problem. For the past 2+ years they've been touting economic growth and completely avoiding the topic of inflation, interest rates, and the cost of everything. Most of this is not their fault, but the fact that they refuse to acknowledge it is really pissing off a lot of their working class base, and it reinforces the impression that they are old rich people who are almost as out of touch as the GOP is. And that explains that, no matter how bad Trump's legal problems seem to get, Biden still struggles in the polls.
I would vote for Biden if the alternative is Trump, but the Dems have a serious insularity problem. For the past 2+ years they've been touting economic growth and completely avoiding the topic of inflation, interest rates, and the cost of everything. Most of this is not their fault, but the fact that they refuse to acknowledge it is really pissing off a lot of their working class base, and it reinforces the impression that they are old rich people who are almost as out of touch as the GOP is. And that explains that, no matter how bad Trump's legal problems seem to get, Biden still struggles in the polls.
Polls are worthless. What matters is winning elections and Democrats have been winning all elections so far.

If people get their information from the wrong sources, as Republicans insist in spreading that the sky is falling, that is what they will believe.

Inflation is going down. Unemployment numbers are low, interest rates had to go up to help economy and inflation, now they are steady and will eventually go down.

Everything takes time to happen, even if ALL people do not see it, and it is not possible for ALL the people to do well.
Polls are worthless. What matters is winning elections and Democrats have been winning all elections so far.

Those same polls you call worthless also show generic Democrats leading generic Republicans in most cases. Polls would seem to indicate that they'd prefer a Democrat over a Republican in the Oval Office, especially if it's Trump, but maybe not if it's Biden. The electorate has a history of splitting tickets, which in the past, wasn't a bad thing. In 2024-25, it would be a disaster.

Most polls I'm seeing give the Dems the odds of taking back the House, and possibly keeping the Senate or at least drawing even. But if Trump wins, a 50-50 Senate is a Republican Senate. Biden has been consistently polling terribly, and it's even worse when 3rd party candidates are factored.

Inflation is going down.

Mmm, not so much. Sure, the 'core' inflation that policy wonks blather about has come down from 9% back down to near 3%. Most working class households are still paying substantially more in 2023 than they were in 2019, for things like cars, rents, first time homes...and it costs more to put things on a credit card if they don't have the cash on hand, which many working class households don't.

Unemployment numbers are low, interest rates had to go up to help economy and inflation, now they are steady and will eventually go down.

They likely won't go down in time to change people's perceptions of Biden as being old and out of touch.
Those same polls you call worthless also show generic Democrats leading generic Republicans in most cases. Polls would seem to indicate that they'd prefer a Democrat over a Republican in the Oval Office, especially if it's Trump, but maybe not if it's Biden. The electorate has a history of splitting tickets, which in the past, wasn't a bad thing. In 2024-25, it would be a disaster.

Most polls I'm seeing give the Dems the odds of taking back the House, and possibly keeping the Senate or at least drawing even. But if Trump wins, a 50-50 Senate is a Republican Senate. Biden has been consistently polling terribly, and it's even worse when 3rd party candidates are factored.

Mmm, not so much. Sure, the 'core' inflation that policy wonks blather about has come down from 9% back down to near 3%. Most working class households are still paying substantially more in 2023 than they were in 2019, for things like cars, rents, first time homes...and it costs more to put things on a credit card if they don't have the cash on hand, which many working class households don't.

They likely won't go down in time to change people's perceptions of Biden as being old and out of touch.
I would wait for the elections. Polls have often shown to be mistaken.

No need for a whole essay on how you want people to believe that Biden has done nothing for the country and the country is falling apart.

Go vote in November.
I would wait for the elections. Polls have often shown to be mistaken.

Polling averages are a different story, but if anything, polling in the last 2 presidential elections have under-counted Trump's support. Moreover, in a presidential election, it's about state-by-state results, not whether Biden can run up the score in California and New York.

No need for a whole essay on how you want people to believe that Biden has done nothing for the country and the country is falling apart.

I didn't say he's done nothing for the country. He's done some good things, especially when he had a Senate and House to work with. My point is that he's not doing a good job of selling himself to the public, and sorry, but when someone has a job approval rating of under 40% for the better part of two years, the Democratic party can't just ignore that. Or at least they shouldn't. But they have, and unless Trump is convicted, sentenced, and incarcerated by the fall, there's a real good chance that Donald Trump is going to be President again.
Polling averages are a different story, but if anything, polling in the last 2 presidential elections have under-counted Trump's support. Moreover, in a presidential election, it's about state-by-state results, not whether Biden can run up the score in California and New York.

I didn't say he's done nothing for the country. He's done some good things, especially when he had a Senate and House to work with. My point is that he's not doing a good job of selling himself to the public, and sorry, but when someone has a job approval rating of under 40% for the better part of two years, the Democratic party can't just ignore that. Or at least they shouldn't. But they have, and unless Trump is convicted, sentenced, and incarcerated by the fall, there's a real good chance that Donald Trump is going to be President again.
Still, we have to wait until November 5, see if Trump will ever debate Biden, etc, etc. It is only February.

Real supporters of the law don't commit so many crimes they need $50 million to defend themselves.Real billionaires don't beg their supporters for cash.

Real good business people don't run their businesses into the ground with scams, fraud, and poor decision making.

Real husbands don't cheat on their wives with porn stars.

Real Presidents don't root for murderous dictators and hope their own country suffers financial disaster.

Real supporters of our troops don't call them "suckers and losers."

Real winners don't lose the popular vote twice.

Real smart people don't say there were airports in the Revolutionary War, or confuse Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi.

It's safe to say @realDonaldTrump
I cannot understand why both parties have not back better candidates. I would have voted for Haley but she will not be the nominee.

Paul Quirk, a political science professor at the University of British Columbia in Canada, told Newsweek: "The legitimate concern about Biden's age is that by the end of a second term, he would be almost five years older than he is now.

"There is obvious potential for serious cognitive failure by then. And if it occurred, the real danger is that Biden would fail to recognize it, and refuse to let his vice president take over.

"From the standpoint of the campaign, Biden's age should be less of an issue than Trump's more apparent cognitive decline - displayed in slurred speech and gross, repeated errors in one campaign rally after another."

Both Trump and Biden have tried to downplay their apparent cognitive issues, with Trump even saying in January that he took a mental fitness test and "aced it."

And while Biden has also dismissed the concerns, Mr Quirk believes many Democrats want him to step aside.

However, the expert added that it is likely too late to replace Biden as the Democratic Party nominee for the upcoming election.
I cannot understand why both parties have not back better candidates. I would have voted for Haley but she will not be the nominee.

Paul Quirk, a political science professor at the University of British Columbia in Canada, told Newsweek: "The legitimate concern about Biden's age is that by the end of a second term, he would be almost five years older than he is now.

"There is obvious potential for serious cognitive failure by then. And if it occurred, the real danger is that Biden would fail to recognize it, and refuse to let his vice president take over.

"From the standpoint of the campaign, Biden's age should be less of an issue than Trump's more apparent cognitive decline - displayed in slurred speech and gross, repeated errors in one campaign rally after another."

Both Trump and Biden have tried to downplay their apparent cognitive issues, with Trump even saying in January that he took a mental fitness test and "aced it."

And while Biden has also dismissed the concerns, Mr Quirk believes many Democrats want him to step aside.

However, the expert added that it is likely too late to replace Biden as the Democratic Party nominee for the upcoming election.
I cannot understand why both parties have not back better candidates. I would have voted for Haley but she will not be the nominee.

Paul Quirk, a political science professor at the University of British Columbia in Canada, told Newsweek: "The legitimate concern about Biden's age is that by the end of a second term, he would be almost five years older than he is now.

"There is obvious potential for serious cognitive failure by then. And if it occurred, the real danger is that Biden would fail to recognize it, and refuse to let his vice president take over.

"From the standpoint of the campaign, Biden's age should be less of an issue than Trump's more apparent cognitive decline - displayed in slurred speech and gross, repeated errors in one campaign rally after another."

Both Trump and Biden have tried to downplay their apparent cognitive issues, with Trump even saying in January that he took a mental fitness test and "aced it."

And while Biden has also dismissed the concerns, Mr Quirk believes many Democrats want him to step aside.

However, the expert added that it is likely too late to replace Biden as the Democratic Party nominee for the upcoming election.
Democrats do not want to replace Joe Biden as candidate. His very good record for the past 3 years is what makes them want him to stay.

This is not about cognitive anything, but about who respects the constitution and who will bring progress to the country.

Experts nothing.

This is just another post attempting to make it look like Biden should not be running for President. He wishes he did not have to, but we are glad he is.

The alternative, Trump, is disastrous for the US with his endless Authoritarian tendencies and friends.

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