Biden vs Trump 2024 from Now till November 5, 2024

Ho hum. Democrats overperform in yet another special election.

Ruby red district, R+29 in 2020, goes to R+9 in the special election for congress. Just a 20-point swing. No biggie.

This is why the Trump cultists are sweating.
There have been many sayings in the Media and on the boards. Is Biden too old for a second turn? Has Biden damaged the country? Is Trump capable of understanding the issues? Does he understand what he says in his rallies and interviews on television?

We are about 14 months until the election. Clearly, for me, Trump will be the candidate for the Republicans, Biden for the Democrats.

I will be posting what one side or the other, and the Media say on both until November 5, 2024.

I want to follow what happens from now until Election Day from both sides.

So, Here we go !!

Trump definitely looks to have the edge today. Not only is he polling slightly ahead or even neck and neck with Joe Biden. But especially in the midwest, polling numbers unrepresent Trump's actual support.

Mitch McConnell knows Trump provoked the violent attack on our Capitol and then “watched television happily” as his mob brutally beat police officers and hunted the Vice President. He knows Trump refused for hours to tell his mob to leave and “even then with police officers bleeding…he kept repeating his election lies and praising the criminals.” He knows Trump committed a “disgraceful dereliction of duty” and is a danger to our Republic. Trump and his collaborators will be defeated, and history will remember the shame of people like
who enabled them.
Tweeting and twittin. Some people just don't have any thoughts of their own.

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