Biden wants to raise taxes

Raising taxes on the rich is something the Democrats use as a campaign issue. The fact is it is the middle class that bears the brunt of any tax increase as the wealthy have tax shelters to avoid paying additional taxes.

So explain what tax shelters do you mean?
Ask Blaster.
He's the one that mentioned tax shelters.

The rich pay the bulk of the taxes as you’ve been told.
Is that why trump paid $750. <<<< or is this a LIE.
Ask Blaster.
He's the one that mentioned tax shelters.

Is that why trump paid $750. <<<< or is this a LIE.
/——-/ He had write offs. If you have no income, you pay no taxes. But it won’t go away because rich democRATs take the same write offs.
The Medicare Hospital Insurance (HI) Trust Fund is projected to be depleted in 2028. There are about 63,964,675 people enrolled in medicare. That is a lot of votes and people who depend on it. If he goes bust, then whose to blame. So do you raise taxes on the lower and middle class or on the rich?
Trump cuts taxes for the rich. Who does it benefit? Does it stimulate the economy?

The TCJA 2 Years Later: Corporations, Not Workers, Are the Big Winners

Biden wants to raise taxes​

Since he was first elected back in the 70’s and he is a dimocrap, it’s in the DNA. Got anything recent?

It's theater.
The Democrats had all 3 branches to pass whatever they wanted.
Now they don't
Democrats can scream how the Republicans are stopping them, when they stopped themselves.
All political theater.
It's theater.
The Democrats had all 3 branches to pass whatever they wanted.
Now they don't
Democrats can scream how the Republicans are stopping them, when they stopped themselves.
All political theater.
Biden got quite a bit passed with the help of some GOP folks.

He's done a lot considering the margin in the House and the 50/50 senate.
Raising taxes for Medicare.

/----/ democRATs are tone deaf. Now his tax on stock buybacks is jumping 400%.
The president also renewed his call to quadruple the recently implemented excise tax on stock buybacks, which he first unveiled during his State of the Union address. On Jan. 1, a new 1% tax on share repurchases went into effect, but has done little to damp business enthusiasm for the practice. The provision is currently set to bring in about $74 billion over the coming decade, and Biden is proposing to increase the rate to 4%.
Instead of raising taxes, how about we pull back on some of the foreign aid. Anyone ever look at these dollars.

Go to the dashboard and peruse the countries or run a report and export out of excel f you wish.

Here's a short list:
  • Canada $32 Mill - why?
  • Ukraine $9.9 Billion
  • Afghanistan $3.8 Billion
  • India $127 Million
  • Mexico $166 million
  • Russia $1.7 Million
  • China $1.7 Million
  • Mongolia $12 Million
  • Egypt $174 Million
We have a total of $47 billion dollars obligated.
Take half that, $23 Billion now, and invest back into this country. Think what we could do with those funds
Instead of raising taxes, how about we pull back on some of the foreign aid. Anyone ever look at these dollars.

Go to the dashboard and peruse the countries or run a report and export out of excel f you wish.

Here's a short list:
  • Canada $32 Mill - why?
  • Ukraine $9.9 Billion
  • Afghanistan $3.8 Billion
  • India $127 Million
  • Mexico $166 million
  • Russia $1.7 Million
  • China $1.7 Million
  • Mongolia $12 Million
  • Egypt $174 Million
We have a total of $47 billion dollars obligated.
Take half that, $23 Billion now, and invest back into this country. Think what we could do with those funds
/——-/ But, wait folks. There’s more of our tax dollars being squandered.
Raising taxes on the rich is something the Democrats use as a campaign issue. The fact is it is the middle class that bears the brunt of any tax increase as the wealthy have tax shelters to avoid paying additional taxes.
That is what the Progs do over and over. There is a history. If not, then Joe will offer the hugest tax cut and tax changes in American history for the working peasants and retirees. He won't. He knows like Progs do where the money comes from.

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