LOL, it is you who are one of the lemmings following along with the members of the GOP Caucus in both chambers of Congress.

Have you been vaccinated for polio? For the Measles? For the Flu? For Tetanus? If not you are the little lemming. If you've ever served in our Armed Forces you would have gotten a hell of a lot more shots, and believe me when I say that the night after we got them the division trying to sleep sweated and shivered off and on in our racks all night.

You poor, poor child. I am not a Repub, I am a critical thinker with the ability to make his own decisions. I don't fall prey to fear porn and unlike you I will not bow down to Biden, the Dems and that little monkey Fauci. It is funny tat you think you're "brave" because you took the Jab, you aren't "brave" you're a cowardly little lemming who does exactly what they tell you to do. Be careful, Omicron is coming for you.....

Some people value their lives. If not for their own sake but for their family. I will take every precaution for my own life because my family depends on me. I want to be there for them.
This is a decision only you can make. It is immoral to make this decision for anyone else.
Once again I find myself quoting Carl Sagan who, in a book in 1979, wrote about what he believed the future of America will be...
He said " it will be a celebration of ignorance of sorts, people will listen to an enormously powerful media... and choose what feels good to believe over truth."

President Biden said Thursday that Americans unvaccinated against the coronavirus are facing a winter of "severe illness and death."

"It’s here now and it’s spreading and it’s going to increase," the president said about the omicron variant while meeting with his coronavirus response team. "For unvaccinated we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death if you’re unvaccinated for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they will soon overwhelm."

A staff member from the National Health Organisation (EODY) prepares a booster Johnson and Johnson vaccine against COVID-19 at Karatepe refugee camp,

I agree we'd be better off if they all die, but I don't see why Biden is concerned unless vaccines are not effective in preventing serious illness with the new varient. So long as covid deaths are primarily among those who don't get vaccinated and the already immune compromised, most workers will be ok. Still if he keeps paying people to stay home, we are probably stuck with a fed induced recession.
Bring the data. Your anecdotal experience is not data.
It's not, but it's hard to believe vaccines are bad when the vast majority of deaths I've seen (and I've seen a lot) are in the unvaccinated. Like 90% or so.

I've already brought the data.





I don't know if Omicron is "killing no one". There's not sufficient data to make that type of statement.

People are dying of COVID. If they're not dying of Omicron, they're dying from delta or beta or alpha or whatever they happen to catch.

But they are dying.

Are you going to keep ignoring that?
Once again... do you realize how absurd what you are saying is??
Are you on medication? You should be.

1) - You: I don't know if Omicron is "killing no one". There's not sufficient data to make that type of statement.
Uh.... yes there is. The World Health Organization, right on their website...number of deaths - 0.

2) You: But they are dying

Who?? And from what? ... car accidents? Overdose? What are you referring to?
This thread is about an absurd statement the President was directed to say ABOUT OMICRON... HELLOOOO????
The reason he was directed to talk, why he made the appearance... was a discussion about Omicron. Omicron.
HERE - one more time - OMICRON.

Holy shit man. You are either really this dense (probably not) or just so deep in your place as a sheep you can't think for yourself.
And why is the left so willing to go along with whatever they are told despite GLARING facts saying the opposite.


According to the CDC less than 1,000 children under 12 has died from Covid nationwide.
A child literally has more chance of dying from eating at a restaurant and choking than Covid.

Yet despite this - the government has repeatedly been discussing forced Covid vaccines for young children.
YOU can't get a SINGLE Democrat here or anywhere to even approach a discussion about this.
Because children spread the illness, esp to teachers, and we want schools to stay open so parents can go to work. And also other family members, who are more at risk.
Delta is still out there and it spikes during the winter.
You'll never convince them of anything. They have all the answers. They are all experts in viruses and immunology. Just like those that constantly posted their anti-vaccine messages on their facebook/twitter feeds. Making fun of those that got vaccinated. Now they're 6 feet under. Only on their death beds did some express their regret of not getting vaccinated (those that could still communicate anway). But by then, of course, it was too late.

At this point nobody is going to convince those that havent been vaccinated to get vaccinated. Why bother with them anymore?
Because children spread the illness, esp to teachers, and we want schools to stay open so parents can go to work. And also other family members, who are more at risk.
They'll still spread it, the shot won't stop that from happening. Yet it's putting them at risk for unknown side effects that could be potentially harmful down the road.
I agree we'd be better off if they all die, but I don't see why Biden is concerned unless vaccines are not effective in preventing serious illness with the new varient. So long as covid deaths are primarily among those who don't get vaccinated and the already immune compromised, most workers will be ok. Still if he keeps paying people to stay home, we are probably stuck with a fed induced recession.
Who is being paid to stay home? The extended UI is over and done with.
Yep... you would think someone wrote this a week ago.
Not sure where I got 1979, it appears it was 1995...either way. I love this quote.
I heard of it first a couple years ago, of all places, in a YouTube video.
This mutation that the above study is reifying to reify Omicron is precisely the basis for ebola vaccine (Gates-Fau Chi-WHO-NIH-CDC vaccine). Absolutely, precisely, the basis for ebola vaccine. No doubt about that. An old Delta mutation that appeared within one week of each other in two places on earth: China and Germany. There is no Homo sapiens that can verify where it happened first. This is another reason for Dem-Nazi media to use Fau Chi's mutation with which to give credibility to Omicron's terror, with which to scare little boys and girls as Pedo JoeXi and his medically-influenced trollop visit Wisconsin to scare parents into vaccinating their kids. They have much invested. They can't afford to lose this one.
This mutation that the above study is reifying to reify Omicron is precisely the basis for ebola vaccine (Gates-Fau Chi-WHO-NIH-CDC vaccine). Absolutely, precisely, the basis for ebola vaccine. No doubt about that. An old Delta mutation that appeared within one week of each other in two places on earth: China and Germany. There is no Homo sapiens that can verify where it happened first. This is another reason for Dem-Nazi media to use Fau Chi's mutation with which to give credibility to Omicron's terror, with which to scare little boys and girls as Pedo JoeXi and his medically-influenced trollop visit Wisconsin to scare parents into vaccinating their kids. They have much invested. They can't afford to lose this one.
You're mentally ill. Get help.
Once again... do you realize how absurd what you are saying is??
Are you on medication? You should be.

1) - You: I don't know if Omicron is "killing no one". There's not sufficient data to make that type of statement.
Uh.... yes there is. The World Health Organization, right on their website...number of deaths - 0.

2) You: But they are dying

Who?? And from what? ... car accidents? Overdose? What are you referring to?
This thread is about an absurd statement the President was directed to say ABOUT OMICRON... HELLOOOO????
The reason he was directed to talk, why he made the appearance... was a discussion about Omicron. Omicron.
HERE - one more time - OMICRON.

Holy shit man. You are either really this dense (probably not) or just so deep in your place as a sheep you can't think for yourself.
1. No, there's not. The WHO can say no one has been "reported" to have died of omicron and I'd still doubt that statement (link) (even more salacious headline). We simply don't have the ability to determine every single case of omicron.

2. But they are dying.

Yes, and you ask "from what". Did you not read the very next sentence? They're dying primarily from delta. See, there's this thing where delta COVID still EXISTS and it is still KILLING people. Why ask questions that are already answered?
the vast majority of deaths I've seen (and I've seen a lot) are in the unvaccinated. Like 90% or so.
Now, what percentage of the people who were unvaccinated had one dose? What percentage had two doses, and what percentage had a booster?

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