Biden was Against The Travel Ban Before He Was For It, For An End To Fracking Before He Was For it, Was For a Natl Mask Mandate But Is Now Agaisnt It


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Joe Biden Vice President of the United States Flip by FrecklesCat

Joe Biden Vice President of the United States Flip by FrecklesCat

Biden is a senile, old fool. The END.
Really Kamala should debate Trump rather than Dementia Joe, but we all know that will never happen.
Joe Biden Vice President of the United States Flip by FrecklesCat

All these things the Democrats are now backing away from they will do if they get the power.
Joe Biden Vice President of the United States Flip by FrecklesCat

All these things the Democrats are now backing away from they will do if they get the power.

This is the Dem's lying phase of the election where Dems pretend to flip flop to suck up to independent voters who they will screw over if they win by flip flopping right back to the socialist crap they promised the Dem party during the primary.

Kinda like Kamela was 100% dead set against everything Biden stood for, ADAMANTLY, before she was now ready to suck him off as his BFF.
Did you expect a senile guy to take a stand on anything? He only does what others tell him. They tell him take a stand against this that’s what he does. They see numbers dropping they say make a statement for it. That’s what he does. The real problems is you have no idea what ”they” The handlers really think or want because”they“ are only in the shadows.
Joe Biden Vice President of the United States Flip by FrecklesCat

Tell me of one politician that never changes a stance.............

Oh, and Mexico is still not paying for the wall to replace the wall...
Joe Biden Vice President of the United States Flip by FrecklesCat

Tell me of one politician that never changes a stance.............

Oh, and Mexico is still not paying for the wall to replace the wall...
You mean, tell you about a politician that never changes his stance over multiple topics from one week to another based on polling and his handlers telling the Senile Pedophile Puppet what to say?
Joe Biden Vice President of the United States Flip by FrecklesCat

All these things the Democrats are now backing away from they will do if they get the power.
They lie just like Obama lied and will say anything to get elected.
I'd have more sympathy if he weren't a cop, but denied bail is excessive bail. Even if the guy's in shackles, technically he needs a computer, printer, telephone, and internet access to work on his papers for court with the Assistance of Counsel.

The other side has that stuff and uses it.
Joe Biden Vice President of the United States Flip by FrecklesCat

Tell me of one politician that never changes a stance.............

Oh, and Mexico is still not paying for the wall to replace the wall...

We aren't simply talking about 'a politician changing his / her mind / stance on an issue. This is a case of a far left socialist strongly declaring he is for / against something, seeing how his platform hurts his chances of winning, realizing they have to lie their ass off and declare they stand for the opposite of what they said earlier, doing so, and hoping people buy it so they can get into office and then do exactly what they said the 1st time.

It's trying to hide who they are and their plan for America should they win.
Joe Biden Vice President of the United States Flip by FrecklesCat

All these things the Democrats are now backing away from they will do if they get the power.
Or the slow implementation will start behind the scenes if not quickly.
Only 2% - TWO PERCENT - of Democrats wanted Kamala Harris to be the Democratic party nominee and president of the United States ... and by GIVING Dementia-Joe the nomination, the Democratic Party is forcing / giving Kamala Harris as president on not only Democrats but also the entire nation if they win.

EVERYONE - not just the 98% of Democrats who rejected Harris as the DNC Nominee / Future President - needs to know that in November they won't be voting for BIDEN to be President if they cast their vote for Biden-Harris, they will be voting to make Kamala Harris President of the United States.

No way Joe Biden makes it through his 1st year in office.

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