Biden White House Dismisses Rising Inflation: Labor Dept says inflation at highest point in 30 years.


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Inflation is a tax on the poor.

Change my mind.

Inflation and the government borrowing that fuels it is a backdoor tax on everyone. Clearly $1 doesn't purchase what it did a year ago there's been a massive tax increase on the poor and middle class. The wealthy can take the hit. I earn enough not to be bothered by it. The poor and middle class get whacked. That asshole Biden doesn't seem to care that inflation is hammering the poor and middle class is grounds for his impeachment.
The dumbest man to sit in the US Senate for the better part of four decades is now our President! Joe Biden is essentially clueless. What you have to ask yourself is who it is that's pulling his strings and telling him what to say when he's reading off his teleprompter. Then you have to ask what that person or person's agenda is when they deliberately ignore basic economic theory about things like inflation! They know damn well that a 3 trillion dollar stimulus in the middle of high inflation will not decrease inflation but increase it...yet they're lying to the American people telling us that passing the BBB will lower inflation! So who are these liars?
Inflation is a tax on the poor.

Change my mind.

We probably wouldn't notice if each of us had a black woman to stack the shelves.

Inflation is a tax on the poor.

Change my mind.

Poor people already have taxation. Did you think Yuge tariffs were a benefit to the poor?
Inflation is a tax on the poor.

Change my mind.

Poll: Majority Directly Blame Biden for Inflation Negatively Affecting Them​

Most Americans say inflation is negatively affecting them and blame President Biden, a Yahoo News/YouGov poll released this week found.

Over-three quarters of Americans, 77 percent, said inflation is affecting their lives, and a majority across all party lines say the same. That includes 90 percent of Republicans, 79 percent of independents, and 69 percent of Democrats:

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