Biden White House Now Preparing For a Second Trump Term


Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2022
Latest poll from Harvard/Harris has Trump ahead of Biden by 4 points in the national vote, and ahead an average of 6 points in the swing states.

The media is panicking like never before.

At this point, unless you're living under a rock, you've seen at least two or three "Left-leaning" outlets begin to criticize Biden and/or pontificate about the precarity of him running again given his age and low approval.

So now the desperation is kicking in.

They're finally beginning to accept another Trump term is not only possible, but incredibly likely.

Time to deep six Trump's plans to explode the Deep State:

President Joe Biden’s administration is trying to head off a proposal from former President Donald Trump that could re-shape the federal workforce.

Trump has said that if he is elected, he would adopt policies to weed out managers and others in policy-making positions who currently enjoy civil service protections.

At the end of his term, Trump approved an executive order that created a new classification of federal workers, so that managers in “confidential, policy-determining, policy-making, or policy-advocating positions” would be in a new Schedule F, according to CNN. These workers would no longer be protected from dismissal as are most federal civil service workers.

Biden undid that order after taking office and now has proposed a rule that his administration hopes would make it harder to reclassify workers.

Trump has made no secret that Schedule F would be a part of his plans, Breitbart News reported, citing remarks prepared for last year’s Turning Point USA Student Action Summit.
“To drain the swamp, we need to fire the swamp. With schedule F, I took executive action to make it possible to fire federal employees who are bypassing our democracy to advance wokeism and corruption,” the remarks said.

The good news here is two fold:

Not only can any efforts made by the Biden White House be completely rescinded by an incoming Trump Administration, but this is proof positive that they are running scared.

Let the games begin.
Latest poll from Harvard/Harris has Trump ahead of Biden by 4 points in the national vote, and ahead an average of 6 points in the swing states.

The media is panicking like never before.

At this point, unless you're living under a rock, you've seen at least two or three "Left-leaning" outlets begin to criticize Biden and/or pontificate about the precarity of him running again given his age and low approval.

So now the desperation is kicking in.

They're finally beginning to accept another Trump term is not only possible, but incredibly likely.

Time to deep six Trump's plans to explode the Deep State:

The good news here is two fold:

Not only can any efforts made by the Biden White House be completely rescinded by an incoming Trump Administration, but this is proof positive that they are running scared.

Let the games begin.
The hilarious part is these fools keep on with the indictments, the bad press, and interviews to get Trump and it only helps Trump. But the really hilarious part is that even when this has happened over and over and over again, they continue doing the same thing. You just have to bang these people in the head and say, "Hello! Is anyone in there?"
You just have to bang these people in the head and say, "Hello! Is anyone in there?"

Only empty headed corporate shills who would sell themselves to the highest bidder.

And have.

But as long as they repeat the feel good Leftist talking points, and blather on about how much they hate Orange Man Bad - a segment of the brainwashed population will mindlessly devour anything else they have to say.
It'll be the morning of Trumps swearing in...and the entire white house itself will be gone.

Biden stole it & left with EVERYTHING!

It'll be like the grinch...he didn't even leave a crumb big enough for a mouse.

There will just be a gaping hole in the ground where the white house used to be.
It'll be the morning of Trumps swearing in...and the entire white house itself will be gone.

Is Biden gonna pull an 1812?

These days, I'm not sure he could even pull off a bowel movement.
The Left seems to end up gaslighting themselves a little too effectively and they don't know the true conditions on the ground and then it's too late. Their base ends up hitting peak apathy or fear.

That's what happens when you live in a bubble, think the World is exactly as it appears at the surface level (what the media presents) - and talk down to people when you yourself actually know fuck all.
Latest poll from Harvard/Harris has Trump ahead of Biden by 4 points in the national vote, and ahead an average of 6 points in the swing states.

The media is panicking like never before.

At this point, unless you're living under a rock, you've seen at least two or three "Left-leaning" outlets begin to criticize Biden and/or pontificate about the precarity of him running again given his age and low approval.

So now the desperation is kicking in.

They're finally beginning to accept another Trump term is not only possible, but incredibly likely.

Time to deep six Trump's plans to explode the Deep State:

The good news here is two fold:

Not only can any efforts made by the Biden White House be completely rescinded by an incoming Trump Administration, but this is proof positive that they are running scared.

Let the games begin.
Suicides in disgusting blue shitholes will jump 350% on 11/5/2024
Quite the opposite just up the highway from me…If one doesn’t use pronouns in L.A. they are on the cancellation list.

LA can plunge into the ocean as far as I'm concerned.

My wife's cousin moved out there and turned into a totally woke douchebag.

That's on him, for sure, but I have a feeling Maine would not be as conducive to such an unfortunate development.
There has to be a term for self-gaslighting... I mean what was the play? Did they not notice how much people hate Biden/Harris? Did they not notice they have no one on the bench that the average person has even ever heard of?

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