Biden will have his first Presser

The one thing he hinted at, and that shouldn't be taken lightly, is that he made it clear that he is for breaking the filibuster

When will you let reporters see these overcrowded facilities - that YOU yourself call unacceptable.
Basic answer - not until they don't look so bad, and I don't know how long that will be.

That was painful to watch. I don't like Biden but someone should have thrown in the towel and stopped the conference. The man is definitely ill.

The one thing he hinted at, and that shouldn't be taken lightly, is that he made it clear that he is for breaking the filibuster

That's nice, but he has no say in how Congress conducts its business. It is up to the members only.
It's showtime ...
He looked fairly sharp and gave a
pretty thoughtful answer out of the gate, I have to admit.
But he's full of shit on immigration so far. Trump was doing a great job there.

Yes Trump did a great job on the border and the stuttering fuck threw it all away.

Oh and great thread folks. I've been LMAO all through it.
Overall, for what it's worth and whether you agree with him or not,
he seems to have come prepared . ( of course he literally was prepared for most of the questions and the press was hand-picked... )

Are your expectations lowered because it is Joe?

What did you learn from the presser?

I watched over halfway through and I learned that NO, reporters will not be allowed into facilities housing immigrants.

I also learned that YES, this was exactly as many anticipated. Not only were reporters hand-selected but the Biden team was given the questions beforehand, and they wrote notes for him on what to say.

When Biden speaks it has NO meaning, though he did spark on one item I agree with, which was "the little boy from Honduras" should be flown back to his mother in Honduras. Now ask yourselves if the Democrats approved that pitch and/or they'd do the opposite.
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Here is Bidens big problem: "China is our competitor". Fitting that he used an old Chinese proverb "a journey of 1000 miles starts with one step". China has taken many steps over the last 25 years.

I've never blamed China for beating up the West, I've blamed our leaders who allowed businesses to choose money over liberty, human rights and the long term sustainability of these systems in the West. Trump was accurate when he did the same. I expect MY nation to try and win also, unfortunately I'm quite often let down.

I've said it before and I repeat it. If I am China I am reaching out aggressively to CIA, FBI and other intel agents and telling them, "join us now while you can. You're going to lose. We will one day be the world global currency, we will be the largest military and economic power. There is no future for your nation being overrun, divided and bought. We know, because we are the ones buying the influence."

America used to do the same in East Germany and other Eastern Bloc nations when trying to recruit. It was always an uphill battle, but it worked because the Communists were economically isolated. We embraced China, allowed them into the W.T.O and to run major international agencies without America leading. So, it is very difficult for the West to recruit Chinese spies and CCP, because they can now make it wealthy in their own nations through power.

The idea we can just coincide with a Super Power China is absurd. They will overrun the world, and eventually all of us. Via the very same financing from the West that have armed China, they haven't innovated and developed on their own, they are a One Party nation. We were fooled, but know enough to not be fooled today, so why are we?

Kudos to China. We had one reporter ask about China and we refuse to call them out, instead allowing them to "save face". Why? Would we do this to the Soviets?

The entire Quad coalition will only be successful if America divides China and ostracizes them. I guarantee this. There is no way the West can tell India, Australia, Japan, Taiwan and others that "we have to stand up to China", when we are the ones arming them, bowing to them, and not even holding them accountable for the Wuhan Virus.
Here is Bidens big problem: "China is our competitor". Fitting that he used an old Chinese proverb "a journey of 1000 miles starts with one step". China has taken many steps over the last 25 years.

I've never blamed China for beating up the West, I've blamed our leaders who allowed businesses to choose money over liberty, human rights and the long term sustainability of these systems in the West. Trump was accurate when he did the same. I expect MY nation to try and win also, unfortunately I'm quite often let down.

I've said it before and I repeat it. If I am China I am reaching out aggressively to CIA, FBI and other intel agents and telling them, "join us now while you can. You're going to lose. We will one day be the world global currency, we will be the largest military and economic power. There is no future for your nation being overrun, divided and bought. We know, because we are the ones buying the influence."

America used to do the same in East Germany and other Eastern Bloc nations when trying to recruit. It was always an uphill battle, but it worked because the Communists were economically isolated. We embraced China, allowed them into the W.T.O and to run major international agencies without America leading. So, it is very difficult for the West to recruit Chinese spies and CCP, because they can now make it wealthy in their own nations through power.

The idea we can just coincide with a Super Power China is absurd. They will overrun the world, ad eventually all of us. Via the very same financing from the West that have armed China, they haven't innovated and developed on their own, they are a One Party nation. We were fooled, but know enough to not be fooled today, so why are we?

Kudos to China. We had one person ask about China and we refuse to call them out, instead allowing them to "save face". Why? Would we do this to the Soviets?

The entire Quad issue will only be successful if America divides China and ostracizes them. I guarantee this. There is no way the West can tell India, Australia, Japan, Taiwan and others that "we have to stand up to China", when we are the ones arming them, bowing to them, and not even holding them accountable for the Wuhan Virus.

The CCP plays the long game, decades into the future.

Our politicians, subject to election, only play the game to the next one.
Chris Wallace - "I have personally interviewed every President since Ronald Reagan. And in all those years, I have never seen a President read from pre-written talking points like that. If I am not mistaken, he did that on every foreign policy question".

Which clearly brings a person to see - this President is not actually involved in Foreign Policy.
Chris Wallace - "I have personally interviewed every President since Ronald Reagan. And in all those years, I have never seen a President read from pre-written talking points like that. If I am not mistaken, he did that on every foreign policy question".

Which clearly brings a person to see - this President is not actually involved in Foreign Policy.
Chris Wallace on Biden inaguration

They gave the sorry shithead a press conference, they pre-scripted all the questions, they picked the order of the journalists, and they gave him answers ahead of time.

This is the "leader of the free world" that these idiot Moon Bats allowed to steal an election.
Chris Wallace - "I have personally interviewed every President since Ronald Reagan. And in all those years, I have never seen a President read from pre-written talking points like that. If I am not mistaken, he did that on every foreign policy question".

Which clearly brings a person to see - this President is not actually involved in Foreign Policy.
Chris Wallace on Biden inaguration

Thanks... but that has nothing to do with what I wrote.
Chris Wallace - "I have personally interviewed every President since Ronald Reagan. And in all those years, I have never seen a President read from pre-written talking points like that. If I am not mistaken, he did that on every foreign policy question".

Which clearly brings a person to see - this President is not actually involved in Foreign Policy.
Chris Wallace on Biden inaguration

I refuse to watch Fox News until they fire that piece of Libtard shit Wallace. Probably won't watch it after that seeing that they are as Libtard as the other commie new sources.
I guess Fox wouldn’t submit their question in advance.

Veggie Joe scared of a rookie WH correspondent

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