Biden Withdrawing from Presidential Race

It might.

Elections are about a whole host of issues. This is one of them. And toobfreak is right. Abortion is a giant albatross around the necks of the GOP.
It is for people who excuse irresponsible sexual behavior for those ignorant women who have already had an abortion. I like others believe an abortion for rape or health are acceptable AND the 1st abortion can be excused as youth and ignorance.
60% of women who aborted their first pregnancy had an abortion of their second pregnancy.
Those women are guilty of murder. Think about it... you approve idiocy on the part of women who already had 1 abortion NOT obviously understanding ....they are murdering a human!
When Democrats alone comprehend that these 60% of abortions are totally irresponsible people who should be RESPONSIBLE! They are killing humans because of their stupidity, etc.
Totally evil at work!
That is Trump fucking up a gift.
If he did that - this is a mistake.
He should be attacking the Democrats - AND HARRIS - for hiding Joes cognitive decline
Not attacking Biden, which is gone
Let's hope Trump does not read your post!
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The funny part about all this is, if it had been Nikki Haley standing across from Biden the night of the debate, it wouldn't have mattered what the Dems did now.
The election would be all but decided.

But that would mean they had to betray the leader of their cult. They would rather lose with him and claim the election was stolen from them and cry like babies the next four years as more "socialism" is forced down their throats. Easier to be the victim.
Who, exactly, do you see beating Trump?

That Libertarian Chase Oliver has a better chance to beat Trump right now than the Democrats candidate-to-be-named-later. Oliver is on the ballot in four states already.
Kamelhump’s campaign motto might well be:

“Yesterday was today, yesterday.

Today is today, today.

Tomorrow will be today, tomorrow.

What the fuck any of this has to with my campaign to become President won’t be determined until tomorrow. But it will be unburdened by today or by Biden.”

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