Biden won in 2020 because of the absentee vote

The Absentee Population, those who are absent from their bodies, are a key portion of the Biden Base.

This is a picture of Sleepy Joe's most dependable supporters.

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Suuure, uh-huh...


"Hundreds of challengers from both parties were inside the central counting board all afternoon and all evening; dozens of reporters were in the room too," Garcia said. "At all times, people outside the center could see in through windows that were further away from counting board work spaces."
come on man...CNN?...
come on man...CNN?...
how about an affidavit. a good one?

warning: it's long and contains facts.

oh, they were interested. e.g. in the one i linked. your problem is that the affidavits presented by team tard were bullshit. and judges can be the judge of that.
They never took the time to read them so neither will I....why waste my time reading bullshit from some TDS clown....
Aren't Democrats saying the same thing about the midterms? Biden said the elections can't be trusted himself.
Correcto Mondo.That out of one side of their Lying yappers
they insist that 2020 was The most Secure Election in Modern time.
So secure that any mention of Fraud or Irregulartites will NOT be
Then out the other side of said yapper they insist that there's potential
for Voter Suppression and Jim Crow election tampering.
Give an Example of Jim Crow tampering in 2020 plus Voter Suppression.
They pulled this same crap in the summer of 2012.
Now they Insist that there must be a New Universal Voter law enacted,
Where Voter ID is considered Racist.
These people need to be Institutionalized.They already half crazed with their
own Radical Unamericanism.
They just wanted to see the ballots that were being counted...and no there were no republicans in the room...that is a lie....
Liar. Of course there were Republicans in the room. Just not the unruly ones who were trying to disrupt the counting because they wanted the counting to stop while Trump was still ahead.

As he spoke, there were more than 100 Republican challengers still freely roaming the counting room, with only four tables left counting.

Rambtard just lies and lies and lies. So sad the truth is not on your side.
yes, dear. stay in your safe place. it's wild out there where real facts roam.
The left wouldn't know a fact if it hit them in the face...the mountain of lies you people operate under is astounding....I'll bet you still think Putin got Trump elected....
What’s so interesting about this? We already knew this would be the case going into the election.

We knew that Trump was telling his supporters not to vote by mail. We also know that Democrats were more likely to vote by mail due to covid.

Everyone knew this. Conservatives just like to make retarded conspiracy theories because they’re sore loser crybabies.
Not that there is anything wrong with that....still very interesting.

If we had data for all 50 states, we would likely see Trump winning the Election Day vote in almost all of them and Biden winning the absentee vote in almost all of them.

View attachment 602454

Literally a topic created to say ''Biden won in 2020 because he got more votes''. Wow!
It was close, but Biden won because he got more votes. the election was certified by both Republicans and Democrat's.

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