Biden won in 2020 because of the absentee vote

Why won't we be given the chance to prove anything? Why is access to what should be transparent denied? Where are the ballot images in GA.? Why won't Dominion release the source code for Maricopa County, an election they ran, which is illegal it itself?

Shitstain... you had the chance. You failed. Miserably.
yeah right dummy.Gore made a statement before the 2000 Election when asked
about a Popular Vote or Electoral vote.He had no choice but to say an Electoral
vote is how elections are decided.Then after he lost He changed his mind.
He also Cherry-picked only highly Democrat counties { Broward and Miami-Dade}
for those to have a Recount.He also moved mountains to Disallow oversees
military ballots to be included in the count.Because of some Postal mark error.
A Date.The same crap the Florida State Supreme Court pulled in the
Recount of 2000.They did eveything in their power { The Most Radical of all
State Supreme Courts } in making it difficult for Bush to have an impartial
Recount.Even Though Katheleen Harris was in charge of Certifying that States
election,.It took the U.S. Supreme Court to straighten out what the
Radical Florida State Supreme Court tried to usurp.

Nothing in your post refuted a word I said, con.
How many Signed affidavits were used as example of irregularites
to no effect.Because the Fix was in.Courts were not going to allow
any cases over Election Fraud or Irregularities.Because Cases were brought.
They were either ignored or dates for consideration always move ahead in time.
That is also why the Strong-armed democrats went around threatening anyone
daring to bring up Possible Election fraud or irregularities.
Which is all democrats do when Losing an Election.From 2000 to 2004
and then 2016.
How many of those affidavits did you see?

You never learn, rightard.

From the AZ audit...

This is the most important finding in the audit because the paper ballots are the best evidence of voter intent, and there is no reliable evidence that the paper ballots were altered to any material degree.

How come you do not post the whole story?
Excuse me, Mr. Moron, you made a statement concerning the post COVID panic and I responded.
You did not refute the fact about the lines during the panic.
You just admitted they only existed in the very beginning of the "panic"

How come you do not post the whole story?
That was addressed in the audit. But again...

This is the most important finding in the audit because the paper ballots are the best evidence of voter intent, and there is no reliable evidence that the paper ballots were altered to any material degree.

You just admitted they only existed in the very beginning of the "panic"
Define the “beginning” of the panic.
The beginning went on for at least a year and you are the one trying to say everyone stopped waiting on line.
Way after the election the lines waned down because the stores were going broke having fewer shoppers.
All you LibTards do is spout shit until you think something sticks.
AZ. and GA have proven what a mess the election was. There are documented facts of laws being broken and regulations ignored and illegal ballots. Swing state elections had 0 integrity and it can and will be proven.
Swing state elections had 0 integrity and it can and will be proven.
No integrity until they swing back to elect a Republican that is.
Define the “beginning” of the panic.
The beginning went on for at least a year and you are the one trying to say everyone stopped waiting on line.
Way after the election the lines waned down because the stores were going broke having fewer shoppers.
All you LibTards do is spout shit until you think something sticks.
I never saw a line in ANY of those places after the end of March 2020
Why won't we be given the chance to prove anything? Why is access to what should be transparent denied? Where are the ballot images in GA.? Why won't Dominion release the source code for Maricopa County, an election they ran, which is illegal it itself?
Every day is a chance. Who is even trying? Who is presenting evidence to a court? No one. Can you guess why?

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