Biden won in 2020 because of the absentee vote

Fact checks mean nothing. They have been thoroughly discredited for supporting opinions, not facts. Next.
Notice how the Dems and the MSM don't even bother anymore with
Fact Checking.Gee I wonder why.Because Biden and his Press Secretary would
need legions more Fact Checkers just to keep up.
With their daily diet of outright Lies and redirections and Coulda,woulda
shoulda ... drivel.
Well then why are you so quick to make it seem like
fixing a mere peanut butter and jelly sandwich.Like some
" Little Rascal " This isn't a qucikie fix Dilemna.The Election in 2020
was a gigantic mess.And not because of ANTHING Trump pulled.
Mollie Hemingway { The Federalist } came close a half a year ago with :
- Rigged : { How the Media,Big Tech,and the Democrats
Seized Our Elections - { Oct.12,2021 }
The election was not a gigantic mess. Trump was the gigantic mess. Had he been a normal human being and accepted the fact that he lost, none of this would have happened. Trying to get his VP to flip the election would never have happened. Sedition Day would never have happened.

But he's not normal. He's fucked in the head and would rather drag the country down to its knees rather than just simply admit he lost.

There was nothing wrong with Republicans contesting elections in states where they felt there were problems. Gore did the same in Florida 20 years earlier. But unlike Trump, when he couldn't prove his case in the courts and the clock ran out, Gore manned up, put the country before himself and conceded so the country could move on.

Result? Gore lost the election. Gore never tried to subvert the Constitution to be declared the winner of an election he actually lost. Gore's base never stormed the Capitol to prevent Bush's victory from being certified by Congress. The country moved on.

Compare that with Trump...

He too fought it in court. But unlike Gore, he refused to concede even though he lost in court and the clock ran out. Unlike Gore who accepted his bitter loss, Trump and his people tried to get fake electors to submit fake slates to Congress. Trump and his people tried to get the VP to subvert the Constitution he swore to defend by unilaterally rejecting Biden electors and/or accept the fake Trump electors so that he could be declared the winner of the election he lost. Unlike Gore, Trump put himself in front of the nation.

Result? Sedition Day, a day that will haunt this nation in infamy for years to come. Lawmakers and the VP evacuated for safety from a violent mob of domestic terrorists threatening to kill them because Pence chose to defend the Constitution over Trump. Nearly 16 months later, with still zero proof the election was stolen, ⅔rds on the right still feel the election was stolen znd America has not moved on.

At what point do you rightards love America more than you love Trump? How many years is that gonna take you?
One unusual feature of the Elections Clause is that it does not confer the power to regulate congressional elections on states as a whole, but rather the “Legislature” of each state. The Supreme Court has construed the term “Legislature” extremely broadly to include any entity or procedure that a state’s constitution permits to exercise lawmaking power. Thus, laws regulating congressional elections may be enacted not only by a state’s actual legislature, but also directly by a state’s voters through the initiative process or public referendum, in states that allow such procedures.

The Court also has held that a legislature may delegate its authority under the Elections Clause to other entities or officials.

The Supreme Court has the Responsibility to Interpret the Constitution
as Written.There is no wiggle room as far as Election law.
Especially Election law.Without fair and impartial Election laws there is no
United States.Our Founders did not Trust in a Democratic run Country.
But in a Republic.
I see where there was an attempt to Change the Definition of " Freedom "
Recently.Like the Dweebs who came up with rerouting the Definition of
" Racism ". That is How Stalinism took hold.First by changing the meaning
of words in order to use as propaganda.Like what The Black Lady {always wears
black } Rachel Maddow pulled.With her snarky proud as a Piggie mug.
What did Trump get that he wanted? Very little. The way the votes were counted was not one of those things. Try again and stop making shit up.

As someone just pointed out, when there were complaints in PA before the election about waiting until the polls closed to count mail-in ballots, Trump balked at those complaints and PA Republican Senators fought to keep the law in place
Fact checks mean nothing. They have been thoroughly discredited for supporting opinions, not facts. Next.


Spits thd delusional poster who still thinks there was massive fraud despite nearly 16 months of not being able to prove he's not crazy.

I also note, you have presented no proof the counting stopped.
Pack of Lies by Liars.Just like the way these same pack of Unamerican Liars
made up crap about Trump and Russian Collusion and Quid Pro Quo.
When it was Hillary who had Trump spied on and Obama used his Deep State
to Frame him.It's Projection and Gaslighting.
These same bunch now Making January 6th out as The Worst event in Recent
memory.Using Millions of tax payer money to hunt down as many as they can
of these Insurrectionists { where not One firerarm was collected let alone used }
No one was Killed that day except by a Capitol Cop who shot w/o as much a
warning Ashli Babbett.Who did not break anything but was pushed into the
Capitol by a mob.That Capitol Cop had his Identity concealed.
Yet these same Unamerican Liars are now To Be Trusted with insisting that
the Election of 2020 was " The Most Secure in memory ".
The Lies are now so manifest and legion they could fill a text larger than
The Warren Commission Report { J.F.K. Assissination }
Great... post your proof counting stopped.....
The election was not a gigantic mess. Trump was the gigantic mess. Had he been a normal human being and accepted the fact that he lost, none of this would have happened. Trying to get his VP to flip the election would never have happened. Sedition Day would never have happened.

But he's not normal. He's fucked in the head and would rather drag the country down to its knees rather than just simply admit he lost.

There was nothing wrong with Republicans contesting elections in states where they felt there were problems. Gore did the same in Florida 20 years earlier. But unlike Trump, when he couldn't prove his case in the courts and the clock ran out, Gore manned up, put the country before himself and conceded so the country could move on.

Result? Gore lost the election. Gore never tried to subvert the Constitution to be declared the winner of an election he actually lost. Gore's base never stormed the Capitol to prevent Bush's victory from being certified by Congress. The country moved on.

Compare that with Trump...

He too fought it in court. But unlike Gore, he refused to concede even though he lost in court and the clock ran out. Unlike Gore who accepted his bitter loss, Trump and his people tried to get fake electors to submit fake slates to Congress. Trump and his people tried to get the VP to subvert the Constitution he swore to defend by unilaterally rejecting Biden electors and/or accept the fake Trump electors so that he could be declared the winner of the election he lost. Unlike Gore, Trump put himself in front of the nation.

Result? Sedition Day, a day that will haunt this nation in infamy for years to come. Lawmakers and the VP evacuated for safety from a violent mob of domestic terrorists threatening to kill them because Pence chose to defend the Constitution over Trump. Nearly 16 months later, with still zero proof the election was stolen, ⅔rds on the right still feel the election was stolen znd America has not moved on.

At what point do you rightards love America more than you love Trump? How many years is that gonna take you?
AZ. and GA have proven what a mess the election was. There are documented facts of laws being broken and regulations ignored and illegal ballots. Swing state elections had 0 integrity and it can and will be proven.

Spits thd delusional poster who still thinks there was massive fraud despite nearly 16 months of not being able to prove he's not crazy.

I also note, you have presented no proof the counting stopped.
Why won't we be given the chance to prove anything? Why is access to what should be transparent denied? Where are the ballot images in GA.? Why won't Dominion release the source code for Maricopa County, an election they ran, which is illegal it itself?
The election was not a gigantic mess. Trump was the gigantic mess. Had he been a normal human being and accepted the fact that he lost, none of this would have happened. Trying to get his VP to flip the election would never have happened. Sedition Day would never have happened.

But he's not normal. He's fucked in the head and would rather drag the country down to its knees rather than just simply admit he lost.

There was nothing wrong with Republicans contesting elections in states where they felt there were problems. Gore did the same in Florida 20 years earlier. But unlike Trump, when he couldn't prove his case in the courts and the clock ran out, Gore manned up, put the country before himself and conceded so the country could move on.

Result? Gore lost the election. Gore never tried to subvert the Constitution to be declared the winner of an election he actually lost. Gore's base never stormed the Capitol to prevent Bush's victory from being certified by Congress. The country moved on.

Compare that with Trump...

He too fought it in court. But unlike Gore, he refused to concede even though he lost in court and the clock ran out. Unlike Gore who accepted his bitter loss, Trump and his people tried to get fake electors to submit fake slates to Congress. Trump and his people tried to get the VP to subvert the Constitution he swore to defend by unilaterally rejecting Biden electors and/or accept the fake Trump electors so that he could be declared the winner of the election he lost. Unlike Gore, Trump put himself in front of the nation.

Result? Sedition Day, a day that will haunt this nation in infamy for years to come. Lawmakers and the VP evacuated for safety from a violent mob of domestic terrorists threatening to kill them because Pence chose to defend the Constitution over Trump. Nearly 16 months later, with still zero proof the election was stolen, ⅔rds on the right still feel the election was stolen znd America has not moved on.

At what point do you rightards love America more than you love Trump? How many years is that gonna take you?
yeah right dummy.Gore made a statement before the 2000 Election when asked
about a Popular Vote or Electoral vote.He had no choice but to say an Electoral
vote is how elections are decided.Then after he lost He changed his mind.
He also Cherry-picked only highly Democrat counties { Broward and Miami-Dade}
for those to have a Recount.He also moved mountains to Disallow oversees
military ballots to be included in the count.Because of some Postal mark error.
A Date.The same crap the Florida State Supreme Court pulled in the
Recount of 2000.They did eveything in their power { The Most Radical of all
State Supreme Courts } in making it difficult for Bush to have an impartial
Recount.Even Though Katheleen Harris was in charge of Certifying that States
election,.It took the U.S. Supreme Court to straighten out what the
Radical Florida State Supreme Court tried to usurp.
The Supreme Court has the Responsibility to Interpret the Constitution
as Written.There is no wiggle room as far as Election law.
Especially Election law.Without fair and impartial Election laws there is no
United States.Our Founders did not Trust in a Democratic run Country.
But in a Republic.

There is not. The election laws are the purview of the states legislative process not exclusively of the state legislatures. That is the precedent and will stay that way unless the Neo-Court changes it. Most all states have delegate the authority for determining presidential electors to the state wide popular votes in a democratic election.
AZ. and GA have proven what a mess the election was. There are documented facts of laws being broken and regulations ignored and illegal ballots. Swing state elections had 0 integrity and it can and will be proven.
How many Signed affidavits were used as example of irregularites
to no effect.Because the Fix was in.Courts were not going to allow
any cases over Election Fraud or Irregularities.Because Cases were brought.
They were either ignored or dates for consideration always move ahead in time.
That is also why the Strong-armed democrats went around threatening anyone
daring to bring up Possible Election fraud or irregularities.
Which is all democrats do when Losing an Election.From 2000 to 2004
and then 2016.
There is not. The election laws are the purview of the states legislative process not exclusively of the state legislatures. That is the precedent and will stay that way unless the Neo-Court changes it. Most all states have delegate the authority for determining presidential electors to the state wide popular votes in a democratic election.
Each State Legislature determines each states Election law and procedures.
Each State Legislature determines each states Election law and procedures.

They do have to pass the law but it is subject to the legislative procedure for the state. For example.

The Governor could have Vetoed the legislation. Then the legislature could have tried to override that but the law itself is still subject to the complete legislative process.
How many Signed affidavits were used as example of irregularites
to no effect.Because the Fix was in.Courts were not going to allow
any cases over Election Fraud or Irregularities.Because Cases were brought.
They were either ignored or dates for consideration always move ahead in time.
That is also why the Strong-armed democrats went around threatening anyone
daring to bring up Possible Election fraud or irregularities.
Which is all democrats do when Losing an Election.From 2000 to 2004
and then 2016.
So much for the lie about "the lines" then. and Azog are taking hits here pal
Excuse me, Mr. Moron, you made a statement concerning the post COVID panic and I responded.
You did not refute the fact about the lines during the panic.
AZ. and GA have proven what a mess the election was. There are documented facts of laws being broken and regulations ignored and illegal ballots. Swing state elections had 0 integrity and it can and will be proven.

You never learn, rightard.

From the AZ audit...

This is the most important finding in the audit because the paper ballots are the best evidence of voter intent, and there is no reliable evidence that the paper ballots were altered to any material degree.


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