Biden won in 2020 because of the absentee vote

Let me clean this whole thread up.

Biden was installed due to flimsy-ass mail in voting in 2020. That's why the majority of European Democracies won't touch mass marketed blanket mail in ballots!

You can now proceed.
NONE OF THE SWING STATES Trump contested had mass marked blanket mail in ballots,

Try again!

Trump lost because citizens got to vote, and they voted him out!

Donald Trump
you're FIRED!

Was said loud and clear!
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^what an entitled immature brat.

grow some balls and admit you are trolling, you dishonest scumbucket.

that would be INTERESTING.
I am not trolling. I pointing out an interesting data point and all you leftists are going crazy with your over explanations. Relax. Take a Midol.
So I am not entitled to have a disparate opinion? OK
stop whining and lying for a second, would ya?

you are not entitled to claim victory and get away with it when all you have done is peeing on the floor. you can have a participation ribbon:


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