Biden won in 2020 because of the absentee vote

America lost as 20% want their vote back. Biden won due to the absentee vote
You remain confused.

The President won and Trump lost because of the certified votes of 155,485,078 Americans that resulted in an electoral college vote of 306-232.

Every state, at times after recounts, audits, and court challenges, certified those totals, and the Congress of the United States with the Vice President presiding formally recognized the democratic verdict, despite a goon attack attempting to deny the American public its choice.

Of course, you can make claims based upon the pretense that every vote is not equal to every other vote such as, "Biden won because the votes of college-educated Americans count for more than those of the less-educated," but it is not true. Every vote within every state has precisely the same value as every other vote within that state.

Biden won because 7,052,770 more Americans voted for him than voted for Trump, resulting in the president receiving 74 more electoral college votes.

When Trump voted by mail in the 2020 primary, his vote was assigned precisely the same value as a poor person who had waited in line for hours to cast her ballot, no more, no less.
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There is no need explain what those Republicans did. We saw it happen. They did nothing. No need for a vast conspiracy when so many had the same goal.
Thus, the paranoid conspiracy that festers in the minds of the weird worshipers.

Do you believe the cabal of Republican governors, Republican secretaries of state, Republican attorneys general, and other Republican election officials who conspired coordinated their caper via Navajo Code Talkers, after having coordinated all national independent public surveys throughout four years in falsifying the Loser's relentless public disapproval?


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They're everywhere1 They're everywhere?
Thus, the paranoid conspiracy that festers in the minds of the weird worshipers.

Do you believe the cabal of Republican governors, Republican secretaries of state, Republican attorneys general, and other Republican election officials who conspired coordinated their caper via Navajo Code Talkers, after having coordinated all national independent public surveys throughout four years in falsifying the Loser's relentless public disapproval?


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They're everywhere1 They're everywhere?
The media lied about Trump's popularity. They are still lying about it. Fraud has been proven in WI.

The certified 2020 election results in Pennsylvania show Joe Biden won with 80,555 more votes than Donald Trump. But when then-Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar certified the vote on Nov. 24, 2020, the state had 784,752 more ballots than voters; nearly ten times more than Biden’s margin of victory.

There are legitimate reasons for over-votes; for example, a voter may make a mistake and ask for a new ballot. But Pennsylvania law specifically says when the ballots exceed the total number of persons who voted, “such excess shall be deemed a discrepancy and palpable error, and shall be investigated by the return board, and no votes shall be recorded from such district until such investigation shall be had.”

Put simply, over-votes can’t be counted until they are investigated.

But they weren’t investigated before the election was certified. The Pennsylvania Department of State did not respond to questions for this story.

Lots of electoral votes stolen in PA.
“We can’t ignore it because the laws were broken certifying the election, which now shows that the anomalies, irregularities, and potential fraud, far outweighs the margin of victory,” Audit the Vote PA CEO Toni Shuppe told The Epoch Times. “How do we move forward knowing that our votes are going to count, without investigating, analyzing and decertifying something that we know was not legitimate?”

For example, in Pike County, between 2016 and 2020, there was a 6.1 percent increase in Democrat voter registrations, but Biden got 40 percent more votes than Democrat Hillary Clinton.

In Tioga County, there was a 15.6 percent decrease in registered Democrat voters, yet in this county, Biden got 27 percent more than Clinton.

If that does not scream fraud, I do not know what does.
“We can’t ignore it because the laws were broken certifying the election, which now shows that the anomalies, irregularities, and potential fraud, far outweighs the margin of victory,” Audit the Vote PA CEO Toni Shuppe told The Epoch Times. “How do we move forward knowing that our votes are going to count, without investigating, analyzing and decertifying something that we know was not legitimate?”

For example, in Pike County, between 2016 and 2020, there was a 6.1 percent increase in Democrat voter registrations, but Biden got 40 percent more votes than Democrat Hillary Clinton.

In Tioga County, there was a 15.6 percent decrease in registered Democrat voters, yet in this county, Biden got 27 percent more than Clinton.

If that does not scream fraud, I do not know what does.
How many eligible voters in each county?

Your stats prove nothing.
What fraud has been proven?

gablemen's "report" was just a conservative wet dream.
Not for the legislators. They said they believe there was widespread fraud. Good enough for everyone except people backing the traitors. like you.
How many eligible voters in each county?

Your stats prove nothing.
Again, it has been proven to legislature who said they can't decertify. I hope someone looks into that. You know the same shit went on in every swing state.
Take it to court....see how fast it's laughed out.
The court of public opinion is what matters. This corrupt administration owns the courts. They will think of something to dismiss any case that will prove fraud, they already have.

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