Biden's 9/9/2021 Address to the Nation: Biden Will Force ALL Federal Workers To Be Vaccinated. Science and Liberty are Dead.

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I thought you were vaccinated and wearing a mask. So you should be protected....right?
No there are breakthroughs and there're all kinds of people that can't get vaccinated. Change the channel. Pretty soon we're going to make you do it stop being a little baby and stop believing all this crap. It's a fine vaccine very safe and effective. Everything you know is wrong all of it got it?
It's no longer "my body, my choice." The freedom to make your own medical decisions is gone. We are being ruled by tyrants.

If you had COVID, like an estimated >100 million other Americans, you have T- and B-cell antibodies which provide better protection to the virus than the vaccines. The vaccines attempt to mimic natural immunity but they only create antibodies against the bio-engineered spike protein. Delta and Mu mutated the spike protein, and that it why the vaccines are losing effectiveness, completely expected for respiratory viruses. The CDC says the vaccines don't prevent infection or transmission, and vaccinated people still have to wear masks.


BREAKING NEWS: Biden will force ALL federal workers to be vaccinated with NO testing options and tell Americans it's the 'only way' to get back to normal in COVID speech today, report claims​

  • President Joe Biden will require all federal workers to be vaccinated, a part of a series of new mandates he'll push in a major speech on the COVID pandemic
  • Workers will not be given the option of testing out, CNN reported
  • 'What we've seen work over the past couple months are mandates, requirements,' Jen Psaki told MSNBC's Morning Joe
  • 'We've seen it work and we've seen it become more popular,' she noted
  • Biden's remarks come as COVID cases continue to rise due to Delta variant
  • He will address six areas where his administration can push for more Americans to get vaccinated
  • Speech is scheduled for 5 p.m. ET

Biden Admin wants to move on from the Afghanistan disaster. Just like he wanted to shift focus from the border crisis to the Afghan withdrawal, he wants to shift focus now to COVID which was originally his most favorable polling. But it's just one leadership failure after another.

I hope the SCOTUS shoves his unscientific unAmerican authoritarian mandate down his throat.
See my sig.
Ahhhh. Not even close.


Covid (as of 3 days ago)
Are you sure English is your first language? Your link proved his point. He said "We lost more people to the pandemic than the whole of WWII"
Even a rudimentary scan of those words would tell anybody with a semblance of intelligence that the "We" is referring to the US.

US Deaths in WWII (according to your own link): 419,400
COVID deaths in the US as of 9 Sept: 674,547

Now, I was okay at maths as a kid, but nothing to write home about. But even with my limited knowledge I know that 674,000 is more than 419,000...
Are you sure English is your first language? Your link proved his point. He said "We lost more people to the pandemic than the whole of WWII"
Even a rudimentary scan of those words would tell anybody with a semblance of intelligence that the "We" is referring to the US.

US Deaths in WWII (according to your own link): 419,400
COVID deaths in the US as of 9 Sept: 674,547

Now, I was okay at maths as a kid, but nothing to write home about. But even with my limited knowledge I know that 674,000 is more than 419,000...
I see. You only care about US lives. You can try and skew the numbers, but COVID has not come close to taking as many lives as WWII. 85 million is greater than 4.5 million the last time I looked.
It's no longer "my body, my choice." The freedom to make your own medical decisions is gone. We are being ruled by tyrants.

If you had COVID, like an estimated >100 million other Americans, you have T- and B-cell antibodies which provide better protection to the virus than the vaccines. The vaccines attempt to mimic natural immunity but they only create antibodies against the bio-engineered spike protein. Delta and Mu mutated the spike protein, and that it why the vaccines are losing effectiveness, completely expected for respiratory viruses. The CDC says the vaccines don't prevent infection or transmission, and vaccinated people still have to wear masks.


BREAKING NEWS: Biden will force ALL federal workers to be vaccinated with NO testing options and tell Americans it's the 'only way' to get back to normal in COVID speech today, report claims​

  • President Joe Biden will require all federal workers to be vaccinated, a part of a series of new mandates he'll push in a major speech on the COVID pandemic
  • Workers will not be given the option of testing out, CNN reported
  • 'What we've seen work over the past couple months are mandates, requirements,' Jen Psaki told MSNBC's Morning Joe
  • 'We've seen it work and we've seen it become more popular,' she noted
  • Biden's remarks come as COVID cases continue to rise due to Delta variant
  • He will address six areas where his administration can push for more Americans to get vaccinated
  • Speech is scheduled for 5 p.m. ET

Biden Admin wants to move on from the Afghanistan disaster. Just like he wanted to shift focus from the border crisis to the Afghan withdrawal, he wants to shift focus now to COVID which was originally his most favorable polling. But it's just one leadership failure after another.

I hope the SCOTUS shoves his unscientific unAmerican authoritarian mandate down his throat.

Our world has become abstract built on fake ideologies, false narrations, fear & control. Who better to carry that out for the communists than the Demonicrot party?
I see. You only care about US lives. You can try and skew the numbers, but COVID has not come close to taking as many lives as WWII. 85 million is greater than 4.5 million the last time I looked.
I doesn't matter if I care about US lives or not, and that is a completely different matter and point. He wasn't skewing the numbers. He made a point - more US lives have been lost to COVID than in WWII. Those were his parameters he set. Your ego has refused to do a mea culpa in that you misunderstood his point. Instead of going "whoops, sorry, read it wrong" you are trying to switch the parameters of his point. And I agree, COVID has not come close to taking the number of lives of those who died in WWII. He will agree with that point, too. But at the end of the day, that is YOUR point, not his.
I doesn't matter if I care about US lives or not, and that is a completely different matter and point. He wasn't skewing the numbers. He made a point - more US lives have been lost to COVID than in WWII. Those were his parameters he set. Your ego has refused to do a mea culpa in that you misunderstood his point. Instead of going "whoops, sorry, read it wrong" you are trying to switch the parameters of his point. And I agree, COVID has not come close to taking the number of lives of those who died in WWII. He will agree with that point, too. But at the end of the day, that is YOUR point, not his.
Would be interesting to know the number of flu deaths in the US during WWII. Good luck finding that data.
I doesn't matter if I care about US lives or not, and that is a completely different matter and point. He wasn't skewing the numbers. He made a point - more US lives have been lost to COVID than in WWII. Those were his parameters he set. Your ego has refused to do a mea culpa in that you misunderstood his point. Instead of going "whoops, sorry, read it wrong" you are trying to switch the parameters of his point. And I agree, COVID has not come close to taking the number of lives of those who died in WWII. He will agree with that point, too. But at the end of the day, that is YOUR point, not his.
When someone uses the term "we've" it is difficult to ascertain who he was talking about. I assumed, since covid is world wide issue and so was WWII, that he was talking about mankind. And you assumed he was talking about the US. However, that does not change the fact that covid has not killed near the amount of people as WW2, no matter how you want to look at it.
BS. When you start encroaching on my freedom, it's no longer about you. And that is the biggest issue with neocon losers, they somehow think 'freedom' is the height of human achievement. What a load of shit. Humans compromise every day. I bet if I followed you around for 24 hours, you'd find yourself compromising all the time. Freedom - the type you espouse - is over rated. As I have said many times, you really want 'freedom'? Go build your own road. Your own electricity grid. Your own hammer (from the ground up). Your own petrol refinery. Hell, go get your own oil out of the ground. I could go on, but you get the picture. When it comes to the food you eat, wife or partner you chose, the car you drive and the suburb you live in? Be as free as you want. When a virus that is killing people - but much MORE importantly putting a huge strain on the health system - and you can't be fucked wearing a mask or getting a vaccination, FUCK YOU. I hope all the states bring in restrictions. I hope you ignore those restrictions and get fined and/or arrested. I hope the authorities become a pain in your arse.

And just so you know, I am against some of the restrictions. I'm not fully sold on them. But covering your face and getting the jab? Pffttt...pathetic. I mean, if you're scared of needles, I get it. But as some 'new world order', or 'Gates is doing it to keep tabs on us', or 'who knows if it works or not'? Fuck off....
>When you start encroaching on my freedom, it's no longer about you.

>I hope you ignore those restrictions and get fined and/or arrested

You win, Doc!

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Covid is a world wide issue.

WW2 - 80 Mil
Covid - 4.5 Mil

Edit: And I know you want to force me to "shut up", so I guess you want to take away that liberty as well.
The discussion is about policies in the US… not the world

And the US has been hit hardest by the pandemic
From your link... Everything you know is wrong it's amazing. This is a great vaccine and a horrible disease and you brainwashed functional morons are going to get us all killed in the end.
No, a Study Didn't Find That 'the Most Highly-Educated ...
Search domain truthorfiction.com
The research did not determine that PhDs are "the most vaccine hesitant," it appeared to indicate that among definitively vaccine hesitant individuals, PhDs were least likely to change their views. The headline and its claims are not true. Comedian's Spoof Interview as 'Flight Attendant' Spreads Virally on Facebook Watch

The researchers analysed more than 5 million survey responses by a range of different demographic details, and classed those people who would “probably” or “definitely” not choose to get vaccinated as “vaccine hesitant.”

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