Biden's 9/9/2021 Address to the Nation: Biden Will Force ALL Federal Workers To Be Vaccinated. Science and Liberty are Dead.

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The courts will recognize the utter insanity of imposing additional experimental shots due to the first rounds of experimental shots not working
I hope you are correct, but it doesn't seem that Science matters anymore.

I love how your ilk suddenly cares about federal workers.
I care about all workers. Every job is respectable. Firing them is worse for them than getting COVID, generally.

Delta is on the wane. Fortunately Mu and Lambda are barreling in.
The big one will be Nu, which is next. Nu COVID sounds so scary.

Are the vaccinated innocent people trying to do the right thing or are they collaborators with the communist democrat cause?
If they are vaccinated and wearing a mask, and either work, why are they worried about other people?

If they claim that they don't always work, then why do they want to force others to use ineffective medical devices or take ineffective vaccines?

They can't have it both ways.

Boo fucking hoo. Get vaccinated Dipshit.
I already had COVID, Dr. It sucked.

My protection is better than yours.

Why do you think I need to get an ineffective vaccine? You vaccinated? Wearing your mask? Well then you should only care about how others decide to protect themselves if you are a Fascist control freak.

No more excuses.

We are coming for you.
Bring it on, Brother.
So, here we are. The next step taken, and one step closer to, what I figure, is right around the corner. I expect in a few months, they will say that covid has not been stemmed the way they expected, and this mandate we saw today will become a mandate for everyone.

I'm not sure if its legal, ethical, or constitutional (I'm sure it will be challenged), but, dems went there, and it happening.

When you mandate anything, you must also accept responsibility for that decision. When people die because they were forced to take the vaccine, there will be lawsuits. Its going to be hard for the government to defend against someone dying from forced vaccination, when that person was otherwise healthy, and may have never contracted, or had any adverse reaction to getting covid, and would still be alive, had it not been for the vaccine.

You can say that "its for the good of society" all you want, but to the family who lost a loved one, thats not going to matter, and im sure the courts would probably agree.
You can choose your gender?
Global warming?
A beating heart isn't a life?

Yes science.

No, you don't "choose" your gender. No one would choose to be trans or gay and go through all that shit. But all my life I have known people who were not the genders they appeared to others to be.

Yes, global warming.

No a beat heart isn't a life. Get over it.
Medical science is working just fine.

Liberty is questionable with the GOP righties who think they have the right and freedom to say no to the vaccine - false: No one has the right to infect others and possibly cause their death. No one...
Typical Deplorable neocon whackadoodle - it's all about me, me, me.
No. You do you, and I'll do me. It's called freedom, and it's the American Way.

It's unlikely there will be another election day. Martial law will be invoked within 18 months, not because of the virus, but because of the effects of the vaccine to the virus.
Ya know, you have a great point. This might actually be related to the mid-terms. I'm not sure how this action will stop the slaughtering of the Dems unless things get really worse though. Look for that.

As do these [vaccines work great - JH]

We're in the middle of the second wave of a horrific pandemic you tards and we HAVE a vaccine.

USE it morons
You have not seen the data which shows large numbers of hospitalizations of vaccinated?

As soon as they told you to put your mask back on, you should have realized the vaccines weren't working.

You stoopid or somfin'? :)

CDC says the vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission. The do not provide immunity. They are therefore not "vaccines" according to their own definition last month....

If we didn't have so many incredibly stupid goat ropers refusing to take a vaccine in which 200 million in this country have already taken and has been proven to save lives, we wouldn't need a mandate. But alas 25% of the adult population gets their medical advice from this message board.
Influenza vaccine doesn't work either.

PhDs are least likely to get vaccinated. They might know something you don't, or be smarter than you.

Congratulations, you are a brainwashed functional moron who is absolutely clueless. Thanks Rupert Murdock Internet crazies and GOP scumbag liars...

Congratulations brainwashed functional moron. Change the goddamn channel and get some real news for a change....
Thank you for your substantive contribution to this thread. Your intellectual superiority is inherently obvious from your sophisticated prose.

You think you're talking for science

Thank you for your substantive contribution to this thread. ROFL.

Medical science is working just fine.

Liberty is questionable with the GOP righties who think they have the right and freedom to say no to the vaccine - false: No one has the right to infect others and possibly cause their death. No one...
You walked around your whole life spreading influenza and colds which could kill grandmothers.

I bet you did not get the influenza vaccine every year, you hypocrite.
No. You do you, and I'll do me. It's called freedom, and it's the American Way.

Ya know, you have a great point. This might actually be related to the mid-terms. I'm not sure how this action will stop the slaughtering of the Dems unless things get really worse though. Look for that.

You have not seen the data which shows large numbers of hospitalizations of vaccinated?

As soon as they told you to put your mask back on, you should have realized the vaccines weren't working.

You stoopid or somfin'? :)

CDC says the vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission. The do not provide immunity. They are therefore not "vaccines" according to their own definition last month....

Influenza vaccine doesn't work either.

PhDs are least likely to get vaccinated. They might know something you don't, or be smarter than you.

Thank you for your substantive contribution to this thread. Your intellectual superiority is inherently obvious from your sophisticated prose.

Thank you for your substantive contribution to this thread. ROFL.

You walked around your whole life spreading influenza and colds which could kill grandmothers.

I bet you did not get the influenza vaccine every year, you hypocrite.
Fucking right wing insanity on display

Will these nutjobs ever come back to reality?
Biden said tonight, "we need to protect vaccinated workers from the unvaccinated."

Think about that for a moment.

If the vaccines work, why do we need to protect the vaccinated?

If the vaccines don't work, then why force people to get them?

I can't explain it. You'll have to ask the Party of Science.
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