Biden's 9/9/2021 Address to the Nation: Biden Will Force ALL Federal Workers To Be Vaccinated. Science and Liberty are Dead.

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If we didn't have so many incredibly stupid goat ropers refusing to take a vaccine in which 200 million in this country have already taken and has been proven to save lives, we wouldn't need a mandate. But alas 25% of the adult population gets their medical advice from this message board.
It's no longer "my body, my choice." The freedom to make your own medical decisions is gone. We are being ruled by tyrants.

If you had COVID, like an estimated >100 million other Americans, you have T- and B-cell antibodies which provide better protection to the virus than the vaccines. The vaccines attempt to mimic natural immunity but they only create antibodies against the bio-engineered spike protein. Delta and Mu mutated the spike protein, and that it why the vaccines are losing effectiveness, completely expected for respiratory viruses. The CDC says the vaccines don't prevent infection or transmission, and vaccinated people still have to wear masks.


BREAKING NEWS: Biden will force ALL federal workers to be vaccinated with NO testing options and tell Americans it's the 'only way' to get back to normal in COVID speech today, report claims​

  • President Joe Biden will require all federal workers to be vaccinated, a part of a series of new mandates he'll push in a major speech on the COVID pandemic
  • Workers will not be given the option of testing out, CNN reported
  • 'What we've seen work over the past couple months are mandates, requirements,' Jen Psaki told MSNBC's Morning Joe
  • 'We've seen it work and we've seen it become more popular,' she noted
  • Biden's remarks come as COVID cases continue to rise due to Delta variant
  • He will address six areas where his administration can push for more Americans to get vaccinated
  • Speech is scheduled for 5 p.m. ET

Biden Admin wants to move on from the Afghanistan disaster. Just like he wanted to shift focus from the border crisis to the Afghan withdrawal, he wants to shift focus now to COVID which was originally his most favorable polling. But it's just one leadership failure after another.

I hope the SCOTUS shoves his unscientific unAmerican authoritarian mandate down his throat.
Congratulations, you are a brainwashed functional moron who is absolutely clueless. Thanks Rupert Murdock Internet crazies and GOP scumbag liars...
Too late, you stupid people done fired the unvaccinated nurses. Which will create a shortage. Liberalism destroys everything.
Not just the nurses. The people that run admissions,the people that set up the pre surgery information, the people who work Medicare,Medicaid, Customer service ,Dietitians etc etc.
I have yet to state if I ever like Trump. He is not president, so no reason to bring him up, but those with TDS can't let him go. The left has to have something to hate, and someones civil liberties to stomp on or they aren't happy.
And that is exactly what this rhetoric is about. Trying to take the heat off Biden’s fuck ups by punishing the people that disagree with the Left.
It's no longer "my body, my choice." The freedom to make your own medical decisions is gone. We are being ruled by tyrants.

If you had COVID, like an estimated >100 million other Americans, you have T- and B-cell antibodies which provide better protection to the virus than the vaccines. The vaccines attempt to mimic natural immunity but they only create antibodies against the bio-engineered spike protein. Delta and Mu mutated the spike protein, and that it why the vaccines are losing effectiveness, completely expected for respiratory viruses. The CDC says the vaccines don't prevent infection or transmission, and vaccinated people still have to wear masks.


BREAKING NEWS: Biden will force ALL federal workers to be vaccinated with NO testing options and tell Americans it's the 'only way' to get back to normal in COVID speech today, report claims​

  • President Joe Biden will require all federal workers to be vaccinated, a part of a series of new mandates he'll push in a major speech on the COVID pandemic
  • Workers will not be given the option of testing out, CNN reported
  • 'What we've seen work over the past couple months are mandates, requirements,' Jen Psaki told MSNBC's Morning Joe
  • 'We've seen it work and we've seen it become more popular,' she noted
  • Biden's remarks come as COVID cases continue to rise due to Delta variant
  • He will address six areas where his administration can push for more Americans to get vaccinated
  • Speech is scheduled for 5 p.m. ET

Biden Admin wants to move on from the Afghanistan disaster. Just like he wanted to shift focus from the border crisis to the Afghan withdrawal, he wants to shift focus now to COVID which was originally his most favorable polling. But it's just one leadership failure after another.

I hope the SCOTUS shoves his unscientific unAmerican authoritarian mandate down his throat.

You think you're talking for science

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