Biden's 9/9/2021 Address to the Nation: Biden Will Force ALL Federal Workers To Be Vaccinated. Science and Liberty are Dead.

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No. You do you, and I'll do me. It's called freedom, and it's the American Way.

BS. When you start encroaching on my freedom, it's no longer about you. And that is the biggest issue with neocon losers, they somehow think 'freedom' is the height of human achievement. What a load of shit. Humans compromise every day. I bet if I followed you around for 24 hours, you'd find yourself compromising all the time. Freedom - the type you espouse - is over rated. As I have said many times, you really want 'freedom'? Go build your own road. Your own electricity grid. Your own hammer (from the ground up). Your own petrol refinery. Hell, go get your own oil out of the ground. I could go on, but you get the picture. When it comes to the food you eat, wife or partner you chose, the car you drive and the suburb you live in? Be as free as you want. When a virus that is killing people - but much MORE importantly putting a huge strain on the health system - and you can't be fucked wearing a mask or getting a vaccination, FUCK YOU. I hope all the states bring in restrictions. I hope you ignore those restrictions and get fined and/or arrested. I hope the authorities become a pain in your arse.

And just so you know, I am against some of the restrictions. I'm not fully sold on them. But covering your face and getting the jab? Pffttt...pathetic. I mean, if you're scared of needles, I get it. But as some 'new world order', or 'Gates is doing it to keep tabs on us', or 'who knows if it works or not'? Fuck off....
Biden said tonight, "we need to protect vaccinated workers from the unvaccinated."

Think about that for a moment.

If the vaccines work, why do we need to protect the vaccinated?

If the vaccines don't work, then why force people to get them?

I can't explain it. You'll have to ask the Party of Science.
It shakes me to the core of my soul that they can not see the error in what they are saying and doing. All may be lost. Every man and woman for themselves, if this is what they will continue.
And what about for the greater good?
Giving up freedoms is a slippery slope, and your definition of the greater good may not fit mine. I think restricting the killing of unborn babies is for the greater good. Which, BTW, has killed many more than Covid.
BS. When you start encroaching on my freedom, it's no longer about you. And that is the biggest issue with neocon losers, they somehow think 'freedom' is the height of human achievement. What a load of shit. Humans compromise every day. I bet if I followed you around for 24 hours, you'd find yourself compromising all the time. Freedom - the type you espouse - is over rated. As I have said many times, you really want 'freedom'? Go build your own road. Your own electricity grid. Your own hammer (from the ground up). Your own petrol refinery. Hell, go get your own oil out of the ground. I could go on, but you get the picture. When it comes to the food you eat, wife or partner you chose, the car you drive and the suburb you live in? Be as free as you want. When a virus that is killing people - but much MORE importantly putting a huge strain on the health system - and you can't be fucked wearing a mask or getting a vaccination, FUCK YOU. I hope all the states bring in restrictions. I hope you ignore those restrictions and get fined and/or arrested. I hope the authorities become a pain in your arse.

And just so you know, I am against some of the restrictions. I'm not fully sold on them. But covering your face and getting the jab? Pffttt...pathetic. I mean, if you're scared of needles, I get it. But as some 'new world order', or 'Gates is doing it to keep tabs on us', or 'who knows if it works or not'? Fuck off....
The class amazes me.

It does not encroach on your freedoms all. Get the shot, and wear a mask. You guys say that the vaccine works, so give us our freedoms, and if we die from it so be it. You are protected..right?
Freedom your ass.

Public safety and health

We've lost more people to the pandemic than in all of WWII

If there was ever a public emergency this is it
No. You do you, and I'll do me. It's called freedom, and it's the American Way.

Ya know, you have a great point. This might actually be related to the mid-terms. I'm not sure how this action will stop the slaughtering of the Dems unless things get really worse though. Look for that.

You have not seen the data which shows large numbers of hospitalizations of vaccinated?

As soon as they told you to put your mask back on, you should have realized the vaccines weren't working.

You stoopid or somfin'? :)

CDC says the vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission. The do not provide immunity. They are therefore not "vaccines" according to their own definition last month....

Influenza vaccine doesn't work either.

PhDs are least likely to get vaccinated. They might know something you don't, or be smarter than you.

Thank you for your substantive contribution to this thread. Your intellectual superiority is inherently obvious from your sophisticated prose.

Thank you for your substantive contribution to this thread. ROFL.

You walked around your whole life spreading influenza and colds which could kill grandmothers.

I bet you did not get the influenza vaccine every year, you hypocrite.
From your link... Everything you know is wrong it's amazing. This is a great vaccine and a horrible disease and you brainwashed functional morons are going to get us all killed in the end.
No, a Study Didn't Find That 'the Most Highly-Educated ...
Search domain truthorfiction.com
The research did not determine that PhDs are "the most vaccine hesitant," it appeared to indicate that among definitively vaccine hesitant individuals, PhDs were least likely to change their views. The headline and its claims are not true. Comedian's Spoof Interview as 'Flight Attendant' Spreads Virally on Facebook Watch
The class amazes me.

It does not encroach on your freedoms all. Get the shot, and wear a mask. You guys say that the vaccine works, so give us our freedoms, and if we die from it so be it. You are protected..right?
Wrong d****** and neither is anybody else. There are breakthroughs that are all kinds of people who can't get vaccinated. Change the channel someday and get some real news not crap propaganda from scumbags. If everyone who can got vaccinated it would end this thing within no time. It's stupid GOP base after all- this is ridiculous. This vaccine is as good as the polio vaccine or any other, you just have been brainwashed with b*******. Why they do it is beyond me. They certainly get an addicted audience.
From your link... Everything you know is wrong it's amazing. This is a great vaccine and a horrible disease and you brainwashed functional morons are going to get us all killed in the end.
No, a Study Didn't Find That 'the Most Highly-Educated ...
Search domain truthorfiction.com
The research did not determine that PhDs are "the most vaccine hesitant," it appeared to indicate that among definitively vaccine hesitant individuals, PhDs were least likely to change their views. The headline and its claims are not true. Comedian's Spoof Interview as 'Flight Attendant' Spreads Virally on Facebook Watch
I thought you were vaccinated and wearing a mask. So you should be protected....right?
The class amazes me.

It does not encroach on your freedoms all. Get the shot, and wear a mask. You guys say that the vaccine works, so give us our freedoms, and if we die from it so be it. You are protected..right?
He is not even American. No one is encroaching on his “ freedoms”.
He is not even American. No one is encroaching on his “ freedoms”.
Ahhh. Thanks for the heads up. I am new to these boards. Is English his second language, or is he still young and thinks cursing and name calling makes him looks all grown up?
They think self interest is selfish because they self loathe
No we loath the scumbag missinformation that turns you into zombies... Lovely people otherwise. Stop being babies and take your shot for crazy lol. I realize you have been totally overwhelmed with bad s*** propaganda about every little problem it might have. But the fact is it is just as safe as any other vaccine and more effective if anything. But this can't go on forever. Some variant will come along because of idiots like you that will actually kill us all.
Giving up freedoms is a slippery slope, and your definition of the greater good may not fit mine. I think restricting the killing of unborn babies is for the greater good. Which, BTW, has killed many more than Covid.
Meh, the slippery slope BS is just a way for those who want to live like hermits to dismiss their obligation to the greater good of us all. I'm no socialist, and I certainly like my freedoms, but there is a certain group of people who believe they can live their life without any interaction of others, but are the first to call the police, or run to the emergency room when they are in the shit. Suddenly they want to be part of the human race...
The class amazes me.

It does not encroach on your freedoms all. Get the shot, and wear a mask. You guys say that the vaccine works, so give us our freedoms, and if we die from it so be it. You are protected..right?
If you get COVID and spread it because you are not vaccinated, or sneeze on someone because you are not wearing a mask, how is that protecting me?
Ahhh. Thanks for the heads up. I am new to these boards. Is English his second language, or is he still young and thinks cursing and name calling makes him looks all grown up?
No, English is my first language. Cursing and name calling are part of the English language. Is it your second language?
Freedom your ass.

Public safety and health

We've lost more people to the pandemic than in all of WWII

If there was ever a public emergency this is it
Ahhhh. Not even close.

An estimated total of 70–85 million people perished...
Covid (as of 3 days ago)
4.5 Million
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