Biden's 9/9/2021 Address to the Nation: Biden Will Force ALL Federal Workers To Be Vaccinated. Science and Liberty are Dead.

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We are now on the brink of civil war, and any slight perceived difference between the Democrats and Nazis has vanished.
Oh shut up pussy. We are not on the brink of Civil War. You will sit there and on your fat ass and do absolutely nothing as you always have.
More details of the forthcoming announcement...

  • Federal workers have 75 days to get fully vaccinated.
  • There will be no testing option.
  • There will be limited exemptions for disability or religious reasons.
  • Employees who do not comply will face HR discipline, starting with counseling and up to termination.
  • Federal labor unions were not consulted, despite Joe getting all cozy with them on Labor Day.
  • The president will also urge business to implement strict vaccine requirements.

I wonder when Biden Admin will force all private employers who receive any federal funding to mandate vaccines? They have already done it with health care. (2)

(2) Biden administration announces vaccination requirement for long-term care workers
>I wonder when Biden Admin will force all private employers who receive any federal funding to mandate vaccines? They have already done it with health care. (2)

My God he did even worse. He went full Fascist.

Here is his full speech...

At 7:30 he says that he is going to require all private employers who employ more than 100 people to require the workforce is fully vaccinated or tested weekly.

We are on the brink of national unrest perhaps.

This is going to disproportionately affect people of color. Dems like to do that.

Early in the speech, he says, "this is not about freedom or personal choice." Well, Duh.

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Oh shut up pussy. We are not on the brink of Civil War. You will sit there and on your fat ass and do absolutely nothing as you always have.
I see no Non Progs rising up at this point. But things do happen. The other way is a long slow death of a nation as people slowly more and more stop smiling and reduce the quality of their work.
So. . . I went to YouTube to watch five minutes of this address.

It has me curious. . . Biden is known for his stumbling of late. I guess he can still read a teleprompter when loaded up with stimulants all right. . . either that, or this speech was a deep fake.


But. . what I was MORE interested in, was the meta-data on this speech, and, from all places, CBS news. Of course, FOX is conservative, and the comments on this site tend to trend negative. . . but around election time, most of the comments were more positive toward Biden than they were toward Trump on the other stations.

My, how times have quickly changed as the folks now see the back of the theater.

It is really, REALLY good to see so many folks that see through this bullshit. I imagine a lot of what they are telling us about how many folks are dying, and how many folks are in the ER's are a lie, as well as the popularity of this president.

It would not at all surprise me if they are forced to rig the California recall at this point.

The magnitude of the fraud was not clear till I looked at the comments and data on this video. I am surprised CBS even allows it, or Google is being honest about it still at this point.

Most establishment sources just turn commenting off these days, they realize it is not in their interest. :rolleyes: Exposing the emperor having no clothes? It never is.

It's no longer "my body, my choice." The freedom to make your own medical decisions is gone. We are being ruled by tyrants.

If you had COVID, like an estimated >100 million other Americans, you have T- and B-cell antibodies which provide better protection to the virus than the vaccines. The vaccines attempt to mimic natural immunity but they only create antibodies against the bio-engineered spike protein. Delta and Mu mutated the spike protein, and that it why the vaccines are losing effectiveness, completely expected for respiratory viruses. The CDC says the vaccines don't prevent infection or transmission, and vaccinated people still have to wear masks.


BREAKING NEWS: Biden will force ALL federal workers to be vaccinated with NO testing options and tell Americans it's the 'only way' to get back to normal in COVID speech today, report claims​

  • President Joe Biden will require all federal workers to be vaccinated, a part of a series of new mandates he'll push in a major speech on the COVID pandemic
  • Workers will not be given the option of testing out, CNN reported
  • 'What we've seen work over the past couple months are mandates, requirements,' Jen Psaki told MSNBC's Morning Joe
  • 'We've seen it work and we've seen it become more popular,' she noted
  • Biden's remarks come as COVID cases continue to rise due to Delta variant
  • He will address six areas where his administration can push for more Americans to get vaccinated
  • Speech is scheduled for 5 p.m. ET

Biden Admin wants to move on from the Afghanistan disaster. Just like he wanted to shift focus from the border crisis to the Afghan withdrawal, he wants to shift focus now to COVID which was originally his most favorable polling. But it's just one leadership failure after another.

I hope the SCOTUS shoves his unscientific unAmerican authoritarian mandate down his throat.
Good! No one is forcing them to stay employed.....just like expectations you are vaccinated with all the usuals like Small Pox, Whooping Cough, etc.
I'm not sure how they can show a peak on ICU beds as of today and then project a downward trend. That's not what we're hearing from the virologists and immunologists, many of whom anticipate that we ain't to the peak quite yet. And as it gets colder, people go inside which exacerbates the problem.
They use models that include things like the the vaccinated rate, the strains that are circulating, and how much of the population already had COVID.

You can even see the numbers for every state. Florida has peaked, My state, Virginia, will peak in mi-October.

The link I posted matches the official US government numbers. I have watched it for months, probably well over a year. It seems quite accurate.

Bookmark it if you are interested in such details.
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There really wasn't a Pandemic. More like a flu season and those people get paid for what they chose to do. They are no heroes anymore than I am a hero for fixing someone's printer at work.

They deserve to work at their profession without being bullied and ostracized because of hysteria and DemNazi Fascism.
I meant that they (health care workers) were portrayed as heroes by the media. I do have quite a bit of personal respect for what they do when they are not dancing on Tik Tok though.

You are right that they chose the career.

CC: Snouter
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It's no longer "my body, my choice." The freedom to make your own medical decisions is gone. We are being ruled by tyrants.

If you had COVID, like an estimated >100 million other Americans, you have T- and B-cell antibodies which provide better protection to the virus than the vaccines. The vaccines attempt to mimic natural immunity but they only create antibodies against the bio-engineered spike protein. Delta and Mu mutated the spike protein, and that it why the vaccines are losing effectiveness, completely expected for respiratory viruses. The CDC says the vaccines don't prevent infection or transmission, and vaccinated people still have to wear masks.


BREAKING NEWS: Biden will force ALL federal workers to be vaccinated with NO testing options and tell Americans it's the 'only way' to get back to normal in COVID speech today, report claims​

  • President Joe Biden will require all federal workers to be vaccinated, a part of a series of new mandates he'll push in a major speech on the COVID pandemic
  • Workers will not be given the option of testing out, CNN reported
  • 'What we've seen work over the past couple months are mandates, requirements,' Jen Psaki told MSNBC's Morning Joe
  • 'We've seen it work and we've seen it become more popular,' she noted
  • Biden's remarks come as COVID cases continue to rise due to Delta variant
  • He will address six areas where his administration can push for more Americans to get vaccinated
  • Speech is scheduled for 5 p.m. ET

Biden Admin wants to move on from the Afghanistan disaster. Just like he wanted to shift focus from the border crisis to the Afghan withdrawal, he wants to shift focus now to COVID which was originally his most favorable polling. But it's just one leadership failure after another.

I hope the SCOTUS shoves his unscientific unAmerican authoritarian mandate down his throat.


This is so long overdue. It is past time to wage war against those unvaccinated who put the rest of the nation at risk for Covid. Children are being devastated, schools are danger fields and the rest of us are at risk because of some lame Trumpian ideals of "freedom."

Well, we are in the middle of a life threatening pandemic and the right to "freedom" for certain people ends where the right to life exists for the rest of us. And, the beauty of insisting that government workers and contractors be vaccinated is that there is no Constitutional provision that allows otherwise. They do have the freedom to resign and seek employment elsewhere; so be it.
Geezus H Christ. You’re the poster child for late term abortion. How ever old you are should be the limit on that.
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