Biden's America: Burger King to close up to 400 Restaurants

No , he spooked the petroleum industry on his first day usurping the oval office by signing an executive order killing the keystone pipeline sending the industry into a tailspin.

The Keystone XL crude oil pipeline wasn’t yet operational when it was canceled in 2021, and wasn’t expected to be running until 2023. Rather, experts say gas prices are high due to other factors such as the global spike in the cost of crude oil and increased demand after pandemic lockdowns ended.
democrats are not known for anticipating the results of their demands. #notsarcastic
We were told that raising minimum wage was going to lead to massive job losses and unemployment.

We keep adding tons of jobs and the unemployment rate is 3.4%.
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It has a lot more to do with Ukraine but hey who cares about facts

The price was increasing before Ukraine. You don't understand the market. When you remove a pro-energy President and replace him with an anti-energy President, what did you think would happen?
I got yet another taste of Bidenomics a few hours ago.

I went to Home Depot and tried to buy one of the cheaper Weed Eaters. I bought a Dewalt for $169.00 (190.00 with tax) and took it home. For that price, I expected it to be gold-plated. Anyway, I unboxed it, and it didn't have a batter or battery charger. So I had to drive back to Home Depot to buy the battery and charger. The package was $269.00 before tax. I said: “NO WAY.” I had to make a third trip to return the trimmer. I bought a scythe and some hedge trimmers instead, which still cost $60.00.

Biden is destroying America, and his army of adoring Orcs seem to be oblivious to the fact. not bothering to actually LOOK at what you get when you purchase a product is President Biden's fault? :heehee:
The ones closing in my city are due to the homeless people camping out around them. They come up to people's windows begging for money while they are trying to order. That didn't start happening until President Potato took office a couple years ago.
So, why do you have a lot of homeless people in your city?
Explain how it's Biden's fault that people aren't stuffing their face with Whopper's like they used to?
Don't EVER get between a MAGAt and their junk'll get run over or shot.

So it's Biden's fault that you figured you could buy a rechargable Dewalt weedeater for $169.00 & when you got home & took your head out of your ass you saw that the battery wasen't included?

Ever think of looking at the box where it says in block letters "BATTERY SOLD SEPERATELY", instead of blaming Biden?
For MAGAts, it's always the "libs' fault"....:heehee:
We were told that raising minimum wage was going to lead to massive job losses and unemployment.

We keep adding tons of jobs and the unemployment rate is 3.4%.
We haven't been raising the MW. You see, the only way MW increases actually work is when they are small enough and infrequent enough so as to not keep up with inflation. Go above inflation and it becomes a driver. If we kicked it to $15/hr, for example, over half the workforce would demand a raise or quit because instead of earning well above minimum in a demanding career like pharmacy technician, all of a sudden they're making MW or just a little above it.
We haven't been raising the MW. You see, the only way MW increases actually work is when they are small enough and infrequent enough so as to not keep up with inflation. Go above inflation and it becomes a driver. If we kicked it to $15/hr, for example, over half the workforce would demand a raise or quit because instead of earning well above minimum in a demanding career like pharmacy technician, all of a sudden they're making MW or just a little above it.
Tons of places have raised minimum wage over the last decade with no adverse effects despite the dire predictions of the right.

But you believe that this isn’t relevant, then why didn’t you point that out to the other poster who blames minimum wage changes?

Seems like you want to have it both ways.
Tons of places have raised minimum wage over the last decade with no adverse effects despite the dire predictions of the right.

But you believe that this isn’t relevant, then why didn’t you point that out to the other poster who blames minimum wage changes?

Seems like you want to have it both ways.
Very nice, you went where you were supposed to go, which is for states and localities to set their own minimum wage instead of Washington shoehorning everyone into the one-size-doesn't-fit-anyone box. The MW in NYC, for example, would logically be much higher than in the wilds of rural Mississippi. Very good. There really is very little need for a national MW. In fact, companies will sometimes set their own MW higher than their states or cities will, based on market conditions, and they need the flexibility to lower that wage when conditions change again. That's why people could work at McDonalds for $19/hr in the upper Midwest during the fracking boom.
Don't go there much because the closest one is in a funky location that makes it a time suck. However, I don't know if Pizza Hut's are franchises or not, but the ones in my city are falling apart so I expect to see them go next. I am actually surprised the city lets one of them stay open as sorry a condition as its roof looks to be in.
Very nice, you went where you were supposed to go, which is for states and localities to set their own minimum wage instead of Washington shoehorning everyone into the one-size-doesn't-fit-anyone box. The MW in NYC, for example, would logically be much higher than in the wilds of rural Mississippi. Very good. There really is very little need for a national MW. In fact, companies will sometimes set their own MW higher than their states or cities will, based on market conditions, and they need the flexibility to lower that wage when conditions change again. That's why people could work at McDonalds for $19/hr in the upper Midwest during the fracking boom.
It’s a good point. Likewise the government should also set state by state levels for which people qualify for federal funds to deal with poverty.

Low wages are subsidized by federal government benefits and so if a state decides to keep low wages, they shouldn’t get the added subsidy from the rest of us taxpayers.

Still, your initial comment is confusing since you are now saying that minimum wage has nothing to do with the story yet you took this opportunity to attack Democrats for it.
This is an economic indicator that Biden's policies are destructive to businesses. Things are only going to get worse until we put Trump back in office.

This is because of Biden's policies? I thought it was because the free market spoke. Burger King used to be good chow at one time (used to eat there a couple of times a month until their burgers turned to crap), but they are being edged out of the market by other places who have better food.

From your link......................

For decades, the home of the Whopper has had to live in the shadow of the Golden Arches of McDonald's as America's second-biggest burger chain. In 2020, it lost its second-place spot to Wendy's.

Last month, an analyst told that the chain was at risk of entering into a 'death spiral' if it failed to play catch-up with its rivals.

It even says that Burger King has been steadily losing market share to Wendy's and McD's for many years.

As far as which food chain I prefer to go to nowadays? I kinda like Hardee's. Not only are their burgers fairly decent (my favorite is the Mushroom Swiss), but if you're just looking for something quick and cheap for lunch, their 5.99 meal deal is a good one, a double cheeseburger, small fries and a drink.

Then, there's also the little taco truck that I've eaten at every weekend for the past year (REALLY good tacos, if you're in Newberry, SC during the weekend, I highly recommend stopping into the Tractor Supply parking lot to check them out). And, they haven't raised their prices in over a year that I've been going there. Street tacos are only 2.50 each, and 2 of them is a decent lunch. And, you've got your choice of steak, lingua, pork or chorizo for the meat.

Nope, sorry, it's not Biden's fault BK is having problems, it is their own mismanagement and the fact that they have lost their way. Used to be the menu was limited, but the burgers were good. Now? They've got all sorts of crap on the menu, and the burger quality has seriously suffered.
It’s a good point. Likewise the government should also set state by state levels for which people qualify for federal funds to deal with poverty.

Low wages are subsidized by federal government benefits and so if a state decides to keep low wages, they shouldn’t get the added subsidy from the rest of us taxpayers.

Still, your initial comment is confusing since you are now saying that minimum wage has nothing to do with the story yet you took this opportunity to attack Democrats for it.
Even better, the feds stay out of it and let the states keep and disperse welfare money as it works best for them. And my comment stands, because it is ludicrous to pay teenagers $15/hr to flip burgers, especially when a machine can do it better and cheaper. In addition to driving inflation, jacking the MW too far too fast will increase automation, eliminating the very jobs the MW was supposed to get people paid more to do.
This is because of Biden's policies? I thought it was because the free market spoke. Burger King used to be good chow at one time (used to eat there a couple of times a month until their burgers turned to crap), but they are being edged out of the market by other places who have better food.

From your link......................

For decades, the home of the Whopper has had to live in the shadow of the Golden Arches of McDonald's as America's second-biggest burger chain. In 2020, it lost its second-place spot to Wendy's.

Last month, an analyst told that the chain was at risk of entering into a 'death spiral' if it failed to play catch-up with its rivals.

It even says that Burger King has been steadily losing market share to Wendy's and McD's for many years.

As far as which food chain I prefer to go to nowadays? I kinda like Hardee's. Not only are their burgers fairly decent (my favorite is the Mushroom Swiss), but if you're just looking for something quick and cheap for lunch, their 5.99 meal deal is a good one, a double cheeseburger, small fries and a drink.

Then, there's also the little taco truck that I've eaten at every weekend for the past year (REALLY good tacos, if you're in Newberry, SC during the weekend, I highly recommend stopping into the Tractor Supply parking lot to check them out). And, they haven't raised their prices in over a year that I've been going there. Street tacos are only 2.50 each, and 2 of them is a decent lunch. And, you've got your choice of steak, lingua, pork or chorizo for the meat.

Nope, sorry, it's not Biden's fault BK is having problems, it is their own mismanagement and the fact that they have lost their way. Used to be the menu was limited, but the burgers were good. Now? They've got all sorts of crap on the menu, and the burger quality has seriously suffered.
I think the burgers are still good but the menu has become bloated

To some extent thats what the public demanded but its not always the best for business if you can't do it efficiently

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