Biden's Attorney General Threatens People With Prison

So, how's the Arizona audits going? It was supposed to end in May. I am sure they got all the audits done and ready to report, right?

I mean, der Fuhrer was supposed to get back in power in August. Any day now, right?
Concerned enough to drum him out of office by 7 million votes. But hey, who needs facts?
The audits may prove a rigged election. Trump was a hell of a lot more popular than Biden. Biden didn’t even try to pack a stadium because he realized he couldn’t so he used the pandemic as excuse and basically hid in his basement.

Far more citizens were upset with Nixon and his shenanigans than citizens upset with Trump. Nixon also resigned before the House vote on his impeachment

In 1974, when the House voted to give the inquiry subpoena power, only 38 % of Americans favored impeachment. Republicans still backed him until the tape of him and Halderman talking about the slush fund came out. It took only two week from the time the first republican came out in support of Impeachment that he was forced to resign by the Party. Nixon didn't have a Faux News Channel willing to spread GOP propaganda for them either.
The audits may prove a rigged election. Trump was a hell of a lot more popular than Biden. Biden didn’t even try to pack a stadium because he realized he couldn’t so he used the pandemic as excuse and basically hid in his basement.

There is only one so called audit in AZ and it has legitimacy issues, and will likely be facing an audit of it's own as soon as it submits it's report and returns all the ballots.
In 1974, when the House voted to give the inquiry subpoena power, only 38 % of Americans favored impeachment. Republicans still backed him until the tape of him and Halderman talking about the slush fund came out. It took only two week from the time the first republican came out in support of Impeachment that he was forced to resign by the Party. Nixon didn't have a Faux News Channel willing to spread GOP propaganda for them either.
Also it is fair to point out that in those days elected republicans and democrats often worked together Instead of fighting like unsupervised school children.
Also it is fair to point out that in those days elected republicans and democrats often worked together Instead of fighting like unsupervised school children.

That's because compromise between the parties was used. Since 2009 compromise has been a strict no-no for the party shaped by Limbaugh.
That's because compromise between the parties was used. Since 2009 compromise has been a strict no-no for the party shaped by Limbaugh.
Both parties play the same game. Today there simply is no working together to solve problems by our elected Democrats and Republicans. Perhaps things will improve when finally Pelosi the dictator leaves office. She has the “It’s my way or the highway” philosophy of leadership.
There is only one so called audit in AZ and it has legitimacy issues, and will likely be facing an audit of it's own as soon as it submits it's report and returns all the ballots.
Other states are considering audits. The DOJ which obviously supports Biden wants to curb these audits.

The Democrats are deranged fascists and 21st century Nazis? :eek:

Well, only since psychopath Hillary lost - I keep thinking they may come to their sense.

Maybe after they ACTUALLY burn the country to the ground? :)

You keep talking about Trump supporters not Democrats.
Joe admitted he was breaking constitutional law just three days granting authority to the CDC that is not constitutional....they have no right to tell landlords they must provide rent free housing...even a moron like you should be able to see that....

You are the moron. Joe speculated on what the Supreme Court might do. Joe Biden could declare a national emergency and move money into housing vouchers. You may not care about families being thrown on the street but I do. Democrats should nake this a big issue in 2022.
So then if Trump is so corrupt we must have totally incompetent people investigating him because they can’t find a damn thing to charge him with. They can’t even manufacture a case against him using illegal tactics.

Now for real corruption just look at the current senile politician setting in the Oval Office today. Biden is a real Swamp critter and loves selling his influence to the highest bidder using his son, Hunter, as his bag man.

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The DOJ says you cannot indict a sitting President. That is what saved Trump. There is no evidence of any corruption by Biden. Shove that up your ass.
The Democrats are deranged fascists and 21st century Nazis? :eek:

Well, only since psychopath Hillary lost - I keep thinking they may come to their sense.

Maybe after they ACTUALLY burn the country to the ground? :)

Trump supporters are deranged fascist and Nazis. They want to recreate Nazi Germany.

Trump is the psychopath and his supporters refuse to accept reality.

You are the ones determined to burn this country down. Witness Jan 6.
The feds are not treating Americans equally...and what are you talking about..."destroying Ballots"????...what CNN show from hell did you hear that on?....

The ballots from Arizona were abused in every which way you can. If they survived it was a miracle.
So why wasn’t Trump successfully impeached and removed from office? I doubt Pelosi’s democrat cabal is totally incompetent so there must not have been enough evidence that would stand up to scrutiny in the Senate to be used for his conviction and removal from office.

Pelosi might say, “We came, we saw and we failed miserably.”

Because Republicans are crooked.

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