Biden's Attorney General Threatens People With Prison

Trump did his best to remove himself from office. He basically admitted on national television about himself what Nixon did on the smoking gun tape. He extorted a foreign leader for personal gain. He did not divest and took taxpayer money at his resorts. These are things that would have ended any other presidency in history. Your reality is inside out. Cult-twisted.
So why wasn’t Trump successfully impeached and removed from office? I doubt Pelosi’s democrat cabal is totally incompetent so there must not have been enough evidence that would stand up to scrutiny in the Senate to be used for his conviction and removal from office.

Pelosi might say, “We came, we saw and we failed miserably.”
So they investigated the issue but never charged Trump with anything. Big whoop.

Campaign members were found guilty of many different crimes...

There was evidence to implicate Trump in those crimes... But lets be clear Trump hire/befriended a bunch of criminal who were performing criminal acts before/during/after his campaign...

The only thing is while Trump was meant to be in charge he made sure the buck didn't stop at him...

It is very clear that the Trump Campaign was colluding with Russia, they did pass them information and received assistance in return...
The United States is nowhere near the USSR. The Republicans are turning us into a totalitarians state because they cannot win free election.
I will agree we currently are nowhere near the USSR today but we are getting closer every day. The republicans are not pushing Marist socialism — it’s the liberal democrats. The wimpy republicans lack the cojones to fight and preserve the principles this nation was founded on.

Trump has the right ideas. Screw globalism. We should put our nation and its form of government first and work to make this nation great again. Stop apologizing to everybody fir our past faults. We are nit perfect but we can improve and currently we are the leading nation in this world.

Campaign members were found guilty of many different crimes...

There was evidence to implicate Trump in those crimes... But lets be clear Trump hire/befriended a bunch of criminal who were performing criminal acts before/during/after his campaign...

The only thing is while Trump was meant to be in charge he made sure the buck didn't stop at him...

It is very clear that the Trump Campaign was colluding with Russia, they did pass them information and received assistance in return...
Try as you may so far democrats have failed at convicting Trump of anything.

For one thing there collusion is not a crime according to many legal experts.

However it is fair to point out that Ted Kennedy colluded with Russia. Of course nothing happened to Ted. He was pure American royalty and totally above any rule of law.

Both of those impeachments went nowhere. A total waste of time.

Of course Pelosi’s House hated Trump. Trump wanted to drain the Swamp. Pelosi is a Swamp Critter. She loves the Swamp, helped create it and currently is attempting to expand it.

I’ll even include an article that attacks both Trump and Pelosi to be fair.

The multimillion dollar credit for Samoa somewhat makes up for the lack of minimum wage hike. The minimum wage hike should have happened regardless if it happened in the US. Comparing that as a form of corruption to Trump is quite a stretch.

Of course, right-wingers prefer bigotry and lies.
Which innocent person is he trying to throw in prison? Can you give a name and a specific example?
There are people sitting in jail still today that went no further than the steps at the capitol....why are they still locked up?...people that were in the vicinity are being harassed by the Gestapo (FBI) is not illegal to protest at the capitol.....
There are people sitting in jail still today that went no further than the steps at the capitol....why are they still locked up?...people that were in the vicinity are being harassed by the Gestapo (FBI) is not illegal to protest at the capitol.....
All I asked for is a name and a specific case. Can you provide that?
So why wasn’t Trump successfully impeached and removed from office?
Well, in the first impeachment, the GOP basically said he was guilty of the charges, but it was not worth removing him from office. In the second impeachment, thr GOP really had no argument for his innocence, other than " nuh uh!"

The party of no just did what they do best.
Hahahahaha. Which state election law recognizes a Forensic Audit and has laws defining the process of forensically auditing an election and bringing those results to court in the due course of the election?

There is none in AZ.

The fraudit is a fascist lie designed to create division in America and so the seed of minority rule through subversion of the Constitution.
Well, in the first impeachment, the GOP basically said he was guilty of the charges, but it was not worth removing him from office. In the second impeachment, thr GOP really had no argument for his innocence, other than " nuh uh!"

The party of no just did what they do best.
You perhaps noticed the nation wasn’t all that concerned that Trump was still in office. If the voters would have been furious at Trump for his malfeasance he would have been kicked out.

Of course the democrats and the MSM were upset but that was not surprising. They obviously suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Most people viewed the effort as just Pelosi acting like a wet hen as usual and largely a waste of time and money.

The multimillion dollar credit for Samoa somewhat makes up for the lack of minimum wage hike. The minimum wage hike should have happened regardless if it happened in the US. Comparing that as a form of corruption to Trump is quite a stretch.

Of course, right-wingers prefer bigotry and lies.
The true racists in this nation are in the Democratic Party which runs some of the worst school systems in the world through the teachers unions. Our youth are being poorly educated so they remain the underclass while the children of the wealthy and politicians go to expensive private schools.

As far as preferring lies the democrats bought lie after lie after lie about Trump. Everyday there was a new “bombshell” that went nowhere and were totally false.
Only because right-wingers in the Senate have no problem with corruption or illegality unless they can blame the less fortunate.
Nope. The voters were not up in arms about Trump.There was no significant uproar about removing Trump from office. No big demonstrations and no riots insisting he be removed.

Only the Deep State, the democrats and the liberal media were pushing for Trump’s removal.

If the republicans in the Senate had feared the voters reaction Trump would have been kicked out of office.
The voters were not up in arms about Trump.
Republican voters were not up in arm about Nixon either.
No big demonstrations and no riots insisting he be removed.
There were no Watergate riots either
If the republicans in the Senate had feared the voters reaction Trump would have been kicked out of office.

Republican law makers were more concerned about the future of the country rather than their own political futures. But then again Nixon cared about the nation too. Trump and the Neo-GOP care nothing about over half the country, they are anti-Democracy and are actively suppressing Democracy in the USA.
Republican voters were not up in arm about Nixon either.

There were no Watergate riots either

Republican law makers were more concerned about the future of the country rather than their own political futures. But then again Nixon cared about the nation too. Trump and the Neo-GOP care nothing about over half the country, they are anti-Democracy and are actively suppressing Democracy in the USA.
I remember the Nixon days. Far more citizens were upset with Nixon and his shenanigans than citizens upset with Trump. Nixon also resigned before the House vote on his impeachment but the House did vote to impeach him twelve days later.

You may well have seen demonstrations against Nixon had he been on trial in the Senate,


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