Biden's Attorney General Threatens People With Prison

The nationwide election was rife with fraud and all the cheaters need to be in jail.

There was no fraud. Trump's AG said so. Even Trump judges said so. Republican election officials said so. Texas legislators said they saw no fraud.
This nation is becoming more and more like the old long gone USSR every day. Nest Biden will be shopping people who oppose his administration to remote areas of Alaska (our equivalent of Siberia).

You really are a stupid individual.
they've shown plenty and no one is breaking election laws with the possible exception of the leftists who were in charge of the counting.

They have shown nothing except ineptitude. Maricopa is a Republican county.
They have shown nothing except ineptitude. Maricopa is a Republican county.
Whatever Karen. No matter how much proof there is, you'll never believe it. So no one cares about your opinion.

The question becomes a matter of how to prevent it from happening again in the future.
You really are a stupid individual.
Thanks for the insult. Try to be more original the next time. I like unique insults.

I notice you lack the ability to debate my allegation that the USA is becoming more and more like the USSR every day. I suspect you have an inflated viewpoint of yourself and your intelligence. That’s a character fault of many liberals.



The article didn't point out any problem with new audits, as long as they don't put idiots in charge. Ours here in Arizona began with all recount tables being equipped with pens capable of changing ballots.

How do you defend not wanting ballots retained/preserved and being in favor of permitting these ballots to be willfully stolen, destroyed, concealed, mutilated, or altered?

Section 301 itself makes it a federal crime for “[a]ny officer of election” or “custodian” of election records to willfully fail to comply with
the retention and preservation requirements. 52 U.S.C. § 20701. Second, Section 302 provides that any “person, whether or not an officer
of election or custodian, who willfully steals, destroys, conceals, mutilates, or alters any record or paper” covered by Section 301’s retention
and preservation requirement is subject to federal criminal penalties. Id. § 20702.

Violators of either section can face fines of up to $1000 and imprisonment of up to one year for each violation.
It seems to me you might have fallen for a click-bait headline.
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I think you guys might not understand what an attorney general does.

Putting people in prison is literally their job.

Actually no, the main role of the Attorney General is to advise the president on legal matters.
There are not even supposed to be many federal laws.
For example, federal drugs laws, federal firearm laws, etc. are entirely illegal.
That just elicits a mocking laugh. Why would anyone engage you in debate over something so stupid?
You must be like an ostrich with your head buried in the sand if you can’t see how this nation is becoming more and more like the old USSR daily.

If nothing else the FBI investigation of Trump and his associates was reminiscent of Lavrentiy Beria, Stalin”s head of his secret police.

He continued, "What they're trying to do is what the KGB under Lavrentiy Beria said to Stalin the dictator -- I'm not comparing our country to the Soviet Union, I just want to make sure it never becomes anything like that."

"Beria said to Stalin: 'Show me the man and I'll find you the crime,'" said Dershowitz. "And that's what some of the Democrats are doing. They have Trump in their sights. They want to figure out a way of impeaching him, and they're searching for a crime."

You must be like an ostrich with your head buried in the sand if you can’t see how this nation is becoming more and more like the old USSR daily.
Sorry, but that's insane. And the country basically swatting off the attempt to subvert democracy and increase authoritarianism (by the orange pile of crap) like an annoying fly gives me even more confidence it's insane. Our first non-peaceful transfer of power, and we came out of it fine. We as a country are content to let the orange pile of crap grift his retirement from his minions and go get fatter on a golf course at Mar A Lago for the rest of his life. Money well spent, if you ask me. But if he prairie dogs his little turd head out of his hole for the 2024 election, it is not going to be pretty.
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No. It’s what the law says. Do you have a passing familiarity with our constitution?
Yes and the constitution says Joe must respect our laws and defend the constitution and the bill of rights...and he is doing neither....he is breaking our laws instead of convincing the people his way is best....and that's because he knows his way is not best for the American people....
A crime is what federal law defines.
Then let the dems pass a law that being against them is illegal...because there isn't a law against being a Trump supporter...yet...and God help us if DC gets that kind of power via you libtard imbeciles....
Sorry, but that's insane. And the country basically swatting off the attempt to subvert democracy and increase authoritarianism (by the orange pile of crap) like an annoying fly gives me even more confidence it's insane. Our first non-peaceful transfer of power, and we came out of it fine. We as a country are content to let the orange pile of crap grift his retirement from his minions and go get fatter on a golf course at Mar A Lago for the rest of his life. Money well spent, if you ask me. But if he prairie dogs his little turd head out of his hole for the 2024 election, it is not going to be pretty
So if I get your drift, if the republicans pick Trump to run as their candidate there will be hell to pay. Of course that means all your attempts to prosecute and convict him of some undiscovered crime will have failed.

As I said before everyday the US becomes more and more like the old USSR. First you target an individual and try to find a crime he committed. If that doesn’t work you say the Democratic Party has to approve of the Republican Party candidate for President and it can’t choose Trump. So if you get your way we will live in a one party nation just like the old USSR.

A one party state has been the goal of the Democratic Party for years and definitely is today. That is one of the reasons Pelosi is trying her best to make a rowdy crowd look like a real insurrection.

Of course if you succeed this nation will spit apart in perhaps just a decade. Hopefully it will be a peaceful split.
You must be like an ostrich with your head buried in the sand if you can’t see how this nation is becoming more and more like the old USSR daily.

If nothing else the FBI investigation of Trump and his associates was reminiscent of Lavrentiy Beria, Stalin”s head of his secret police.

He continued, "What they're trying to do is what the KGB under Lavrentiy Beria said to Stalin the dictator -- I'm not comparing our country to the Soviet Union, I just want to make sure it never becomes anything like that."

"Beria said to Stalin: 'Show me the man and I'll find you the crime,'" said Dershowitz. "And that's what some of the Democrats are doing. They have Trump in their sights. They want to figure out a way of impeaching him, and they're searching for a crime."

He got impeached twice. That is how badly your guy got along with the House.
The laws in question are, of course, in place to protect the integrity of elections and ballots. When frauditors like the Cyber Ninjas cultists break these laws, they should be prosecuted.
Since when do Biden voters care about the integrity of elections and ballots?

You guys are fucking hilarious.
He got impeached twice. That is how badly your guy got along with the House.
Both of those impeachments went nowhere. A total waste of time.

Of course Pelosi’s House hated Trump. Trump wanted to drain the Swamp. Pelosi is a Swamp Critter. She loves the Swamp, helped create it and currently is attempting to expand it.

I’ll even include an article that attacks both Trump and Pelosi to be fair.

So if I get your drift, if the republicans pick Trump to run as their candidate there will be hell to pay.
For Trump. Yep. The country and the criminal justice system have given the mentally ill criminal a pass, due to presidential privilege. He likely will not be prosecuted, as long as he stays at Mar A Lago on his fat ass.

But if he throw his hat in the ring, all the chickens will come home to roost. the free pass gets revoked.

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