Biden's Attorney General Threatens People With Prison

For Trump. Yep. The country and the criminal justice system have given the mentally ill criminal a pass, due to presidential privilege. He likely will not be prosecuted, as long as he stays at Mar A Lago on his fat ass.

But if he throw his hat in the ring, all the chickens will come home to roost. the free pass gets revoked.
The democrats in Congress, the Trump hating republicans, the FBI and the Deep State did their honest best to remove Trump from office for his entire term in office. They failed.

Trump has been thoroughly investigated by everybody including the liberal media. He is likely the most investigated individual in our nation. He is likely squeaky clean or he would be facing a prosecution today.
Not innocent people...its not a crime to be a Trump supporter...not in my nation its not....

He's not locking people up for being Trump supporters. He's locking people up for destroying the ballots, and conspiracy to defraud gullible Trump supporters, with their fundraising grift.

They're not really doing an audit, so raising money to pay for whatever it is they were doing, and claiming it as an audit, is fraud.
Whatever Karen. No matter how much proof there is, you'll never believe it. So no one cares about your opinion.

The question becomes a matter of how to prevent it from happening again in the future.

Most Americans agree with me. You are a fringe kook.
Thanks for the insult. Try to be more original the next time. I like unique insults.

I notice you lack the ability to debate my allegation that the USA is becoming more and more like the USSR every day. I suspect you have an inflated viewpoint of yourself and your intelligence. That’s a character fault of many liberals.

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The United States is nowhere near the USSR. The Republicans are turning us into a totalitarians state because they cannot win free election.
Actually no, the main role of the Attorney General is to advise the president on legal matters.
There are not even supposed to be many federal laws.
For example, federal drugs laws, federal firearm laws, etc. are entirely illegal.

Says who? You? Who made you king. A opinion is not a fact.
Yes and the constitution says Joe must respect our laws and defend the constitution and the bill of rights...and he is doing neither....he is breaking our laws instead of convincing the people his way is best....and that's because he knows his way is not best for the American people....

Republicans are the ones who refuse to respect our laws and Constitution. Biden is breaking no laws. We see how Trump tried to stage a coup to keep himself in power.
The democrats in Congress, the Trump hating republicans, the FBI and the Deep State did their honest best to remove Trump from office for his entire term in office. They failed.
Trump did his best to remove himself from office. He basically admitted on national television about himself what Nixon did on the smoking gun tape. He extorted a foreign leader for personal gain. He did not divest and took taxpayer money at his resorts. These are things that would have ended any other presidency in history. Your reality is inside out. Cult-twisted.
You must be like an ostrich with your head buried in the sand if you can’t see how this nation is becoming more and more like the old USSR daily.

If nothing else the FBI investigation of Trump and his associates was reminiscent of Lavrentiy Beria, Stalin”s head of his secret police.

He continued, "What they're trying to do is what the KGB under Lavrentiy Beria said to Stalin the dictator -- I'm not comparing our country to the Soviet Union, I just want to make sure it never becomes anything like that."

"Beria said to Stalin: 'Show me the man and I'll find you the crime,'" said Dershowitz. "And that's what some of the Democrats are doing. They have Trump in their sights. They want to figure out a way of impeaching him, and they're searching for a crime."

The FBI had a reason to investigate Trump. The campaign turned over campaign data to a Russian spy.
The democrats in Congress, the Trump hating republicans, the FBI and the Deep State did their honest best to remove Trump from office for his entire term in office. They failed.

Trump has been thoroughly investigated by everybody including the liberal media. He is likely the most investigated individual in our nation. He is likely squeaky clean or he would be facing a prosecution today.

You are a real cuckoo. Everybody is conspiring against Trump. He is likely the most investigated because he is the most corrupt.


The Democrats are deranged fascists and 21st century Nazis? :eek:

Well, only since psychopath Hillary lost - I keep thinking they may come to their sense.

Maybe after they ACTUALLY burn the country to the ground? :)
You are a real cuckoo. Everybody is conspiring against Trump. He is likely the most investigated because he is the most corrupt.
He's the most investigated because he's a threat to all the aspiring totalitarian douchebags in the government.
You are the ones who don't care about election integrity. If you don't like the results then you want to change them by declaring phony voter fraud.
We don' tlike the results when they are obviously fraudulent.
Republicans are the ones who refuse to respect our laws and Constitution. Biden is breaking no laws. We see how Trump tried to stage a coup to keep himself in power.
Joe admitted he was breaking constitutional law just three days granting authority to the CDC that is not constitutional....they have no right to tell landlords they must provide rent free housing...even a moron like you should be able to see that....
He's not locking people up for being Trump supporters. He's locking people up for destroying the ballots, and conspiracy to defraud gullible Trump supporters, with their fundraising grift.

They're not really doing an audit, so raising money to pay for whatever it is they were doing, and claiming it as an audit, is fraud.
The feds are not treating Americans equally...and what are you talking about..."destroying Ballots"????...what CNN show from hell did you hear that on?....
Content be damned you just want to see yourself type. Why is Biden afraid of recounts? Hell, why are YOU afraid of recounts.
This is not a recount... It is a farce....

They are just looking at one county and they have votes since 22nd of April... Now all votes have to be counted to the same standard(which is set by the state and not this audit) in the state and these guys are coming on 4 months...
These people aren't professionals... This is a hacket job and everybody knows it... The main money coming from this is from a man who had very heavy Russian links..
Joe admitted he was breaking constitutional law just three days granting authority to the CDC that is not constitutional....they have no right to tell landlords they must provide rent free housing...even a moron like you should be able to see that....

Let's see how Biden approaches it... We are now living under rules set up by a guy who baselessly accused the Clintons of trying to finish his career..
You are a real cuckoo. Everybody is conspiring against Trump. He is likely the most investigated because he is the most corrupt.
So then if Trump is so corrupt we must have totally incompetent people investigating him because they can’t find a damn thing to charge him with. They can’t even manufacture a case against him using illegal tactics.

Now for real corruption just look at the current senile politician setting in the Oval Office today. Biden is a real Swamp critter and loves selling his influence to the highest bidder using his son, Hunter, as his bag man.


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