Biden’s Border Disaster Isn’t Incompetence. It’s Intentional.

There’s a correlation between skin color / culture and behaviorial traits or “attitude” as you call it. You know this but per the PC programming you and Unkotare are forbidden from saying or thinking it.

If you say so.. Vermonters are more intellectual than Texans.. They talk instead of macho posturing and collecting guns. The problem is Americans, not guns.

This administration is still operating under the guise there is no problem!

If the Washington post is complaining you know its bad
What would you do if you hated a nation and its history?

1) Destroy its economy. ✅
2) Send invaders. ✅
3) Criticize its history. ✅
4) Dumb down its children. ✅
5) Drug up its citizens (free crack pipes). ✅

Yup. It appears that Pedo Joe is right on track.
What would you do if you hated a nation and its history?

1) Destroy its economy. ✅
2) Send invaders. ✅
3) Criticize its history. ✅
4) Dumb down its children. ✅
5) Drug up its citizens (free crack pipes). ✅

Yup. It appears that Pedo Joe is right on track.

Lol 🤣🤣🤣 is that what you think? You can't even control your own attitude.
It's not what I "think." It's what IS. Anyone who loves America shares my attitude.

Lol. That's what you think. You haven't got the sense God gave a goose.

You probably are in the majority .. ignorant, posturing, gun happy mental midgets.

We don't have a gun problem. We have an asshole problem.
Lol. That's what you think. You haven't got the sense God gave a goose.

You probably are in the majority .. ignorant, posturing, gun happy mental midgets.

We don't have a gun problem. We have an asshole problem.
Criminals do not get gun permits, or buy legal guns, they steal them, and could care less about your laws it' why they are called criminals
Go hijack someone else's thread, this is about the criminality of Biden's ineptness on the border
As you know, Texas is nowhere near the bottom of the rankings of mental health services. They could probably spend more for that, and many other programs, if they didn't have to spend BILLIONS doing President Biden't job.

Texas is dead last in mental health services.. Texans are not that bright... Between religious extremes, guns and that idiot Abbott they are scaping the bottom of the barrel.
Lol. That's what you think. You haven't got the sense God gave a goose.

You probably are in the majority .. ignorant, posturing, gun happy mental midgets.

We don't have a gun problem. We have an asshole problem.
A goose has the good sense to fly south for the winter. You haven't the sense to know that winter is setting in until you have frostbite.

You're correct about the gun issue. I suppose that's why you used the word "we" to include yourself. Asshole.
Lol 🤣🤣🤣 is that what you think? You can't even control your own attitude.
Bottom line, as always, you have NOTHING!

It seems to me that when you realize you have no response, maybe that's exactly what you should do. Just sayin'.

There’s a correlation between skin color / culture and behaviorial traits or “attitude” as you call it. ...
but this coward cries like a little bitch every time it is pointed out to him that he is a racist douche bag.

But of course, Bernie's (Biden) handlers have stated
None of those are from Abbott... now run along and bring back some relevant links.
If you say so.. Vermonters are more intellectual than Texans.. They talk instead of macho posturing and collecting guns. The problem is Americans, not guns.
NOPE…the problem is dark Democrats and the foreign filth you and Unkotare insist on importing. Face it, it’s crystal clear, you pet human importers can’t really give two fucks about public safety.

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