Biden’s climate law has led to 86,000 new jobs and $132 billion in investment, new report says

Spend a $trillion here and a $trillion there of fake money and you're gonna get some dweeb like this idiot to tell you what a great job you're doing for the economy.

Good grief yes.

I mean look how fat the vax companies got.

That has to do something for the money velocity in our economy.

If you believe that garbage about velocity.....:hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper:
Good grief yes.

I mean look how fat the vax companies got.

That has to do something for the money velocity in our economy.

If you believe that garbage about velocity.....:hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper:
Velocity is legit....But where is the velocity?
And in the meantime Americans fill up their vehicles at the gas pump or their grocery carts at the supermarket and they literally WINCE at the total they're being asked to pay. You can try to spin this all you like but people KNOW how much money they have in the bank! That amount is going down because of Joe Biden's economic policies.

I think he is on your side.
ZOMG! $132B AND 86,000 jobs....and it only cost

$750,000,000,000 What a deal!
That's really good, Frank...

Let's do some more...

W - a 15 TRILLION dollar fiscal swing to the bad. The only jobs added in 8 years were gubmint, private payrolls shrank...

So that's 15 trillion divided by about negative 1 million jobs..

Grifty added more debt per year than any POTUS before him. He too generated negative private industry payroll "growth".

Obama raised federal spending at the LOWEST rate since Eisenhower....12 million private sector jobs in 8 years.

MAGAts be, like, 'We will explain macro to you."
That's really good, Frank...

Let's do some more...

W - a 15 TRILLION dollar fiscal swing to the bad. The only jobs added in 8 years were gubmint, private payrolls shrank...

So that's 15 trillion divided by about negative 1 million jobs..

Grifty added more debt per year than any POTUS before him. He too generated negative private industry payroll "growth".

Obama raised federal spending at the LOWEST rate since Eisenhower....12 million private sector jobs in 8 years.

MAGAts be, like, 'We will explain macro to you."

And that is supposed to mean what ?

That you can't argue with the math he did on your POS OP.
I disagree 100%.

I believe things are going to hell in a handbasket...but I'm spending like crazy...because when things go to shit...those things may no longer be available.

Housing is out of sight.

Interest rates aren't worse than they've been in my lifetime...but they're getting there. I think right at the beginning of the Reagan Administration interest rates hit 18%...I was four years old.

But folks didn't carry tens of thousands in credit card debt and hundreds of thousands in auto and mortgage debt.

You think the subprime loan debacle was bad? Wait until the credit card loan crash comes down the pike.

The labor force participation rate is abysmal.

Labor Force Participation Rate

A smart fella isn't equating consumer spending to economic prosperity...a smart fella is equating it to bears stocking up calories for a looong cold winter.
The labor force participation rate is abysmal.

A sure tell that someone hasn't the vaguest idea what they're talking about.
The labor force participation rate is abysmal.

Labor Force Participation Rate

A smart fella isn't equating consumer spending to economic prosperity...a smart fella is equating it to bears stocking up calories for a looong cold winter.
It simply doesn't make sense to lose money by going to work. Common sense.

And food shortages already creeping into the pipeline. Good going: go ahead and shut down more farms because of "CO2" emissions. Those globalist control freaks apparently want to see riots in the street.

Guns and ammo, boys. Guns and ammo. And a good stockpile of dry goods.
It simply doesn't make sense to lose money by going to work. Common sense.

And food shortages already creeping into the pipeline. Good going: go ahead and shut down more farms because of "CO2" emissions. Those globalist control freaks apparently want to see riots in the street.

Guns and ammo, boys. Guns and ammo. And a good stockpile of dry goods.
Buy coins...
This, after their insurance premiums rose by 15,000 per month, and their deductibles went up to 2.5 billion.
Did you just try and make light that the average American is suffering under Joe Biden, 5th? See how that works out for you. People are getting sick of being shit on by you on the left. They don't feel safe when they leave their homes. They worry that their kids are being taught crap in school. They look at their shrinking savings accounts and growing credit card bills and wonder how much longer they can go on like this. They look at big cities run by liberals that have turned into open cesspools. They look at institutions like the FBI being weaponized against them because they speak out about their kid's curriculums. They look at things like the Paris Accord that doesn't do a thing to lessen global warming but does put American business at a disadvantage with the Chinese. They look at a green energy agenda that forces Americans to buy electric cars but at the same time shuts down the mining of materials that will be needed to make the batteries to run those cars. They look at our borders and wonder why we let millions of illegals enter the country and ask why THEY should be responsible for taking care of those illegals. They bury their children and wonder why we allow drugs to flow unabetted across those same borders.

There is a day of reckoning coming. People are tired of being fed bullshit. You on the left are incapable of running a lemonade stand let alone a country. It's time for change.
The labor force participation rate is abysmal.

A sure tell that someone hasn't the vaguest idea what they're talking about.

Fake news.

The labor participation rate today is FAR CLOSER to the rate at the high point of the 1950s than it is to the high point of the 2000s.




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Did you just try and make light that the average American is suffering under Joe Biden, 5th? See how that works out for you. People are getting sick of being shit on by you on the left. They don't feel safe when they leave their homes. They worry that their kids are being taught crap in school. They look at their shrinking savings accounts and growing credit card bills and wonder how much longer they can go on like this. They look at big cities run by liberals that have turned into open cesspools. They look at institutions like the FBI being weaponized against them because they speak out about their kid's curriculums. They look at things like the Paris Accord that doesn't do a thing to lessen global warming but does put American business at a disadvantage with the Chinese. They look at a green energy agenda that forces Americans to buy electric cars but at the same time shuts down the mining of materials that will be needed to make the batteries to run those cars. They look at our borders and wonder why we let millions of illegals enter the country and ask why THEY should be responsible for taking care of those illegals. They bury their children and wonder why we allow drugs to flow unabetted across those same borders.

There is a day of reckoning coming. People are tired of being fed bullshit. You on the left are incapable of running a lemonade stand let alone a country. It's time for change.
You sound maga scared?

Did someone grab your bagina?
That's really good, Frank...

Let's do some more...

W - a 15 TRILLION dollar fiscal swing to the bad. The only jobs added in 8 years were gubmint, private payrolls shrank...

So that's 15 trillion divided by about negative 1 million jobs..

Grifty added more debt per year than any POTUS before him. He too generated negative private industry payroll "growth".

Obama raised federal spending at the LOWEST rate since Eisenhower....12 million private sector jobs in 8 years.

MAGAts be, like, 'We will explain macro to you."
Wait, did you only just now realize that the $132B of investment is far less than the $750B cost?
Dark Brandon did that!
The inflation rate skyrocketed you low IQ easily brainwashed moron.

You are one stupid motherfucker.

Quit boot licking and sucking on Brandon's anus you disgustingly pathetic subservient weakling.

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