Biden’s decline is the Hunter Biden laptop Part Deux


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Biden’s decline is the Hunter Biden laptop Part Deux

17 Jun 2024 ~~ By DrJohn

Don’t believe your lyin’ eyes.
On October 14, 2020, the NY Post broke the story about the Hunter Biden laptop. It became a book entitle “Laptop from Hell” written by Miranda Devine. The Post was savagely attacked. Its account on Twitter was suspended. Anyone (including moi) even mentioning it on Facebook was sanctioned. 52 former intelligence officials lied to America about it. It was repeatedly called “Russian disinformation.”
The laptop is 100% authentic. Its authenticity was confirmed by an FBI agent during the Hunter Biden trial. Below you can watch 20 minutes of democrats denying it.

Margot Cleveland asked a great question:

As each day passes, we see Joe Biden slip deeper into his Octagerian dementia.
All the recent videos show him moving very slowly. His arms and hands move VERY slowly. I just looked up "dementia slow motions" and Medical News Today has an interesting article: What is dementia posturing?
I'd never heard of "Lewy body dementia," but it sure fits him. It is...a type of dementia in which abnormal protein deposits reside in the brain, resulting in changes in thinking, movement, behavior, and mood. It can affect the posture by:
  • stiffening and slowing the movement of limbs and causing trembling weakening the posture, resulting in a stooping back
  • causing shuffling when walking
  • causing difficulty in maintaining balance
Everyone should remember that, the same Biased MSM that continues telling you how “fit for duty,” Biden is, was the same media telling you about:
  • J6 and how that was an insurrection.
  • The 2020 elections and how those were legit.
  • Hunters Laptop: nothing to see here.
  • Covid initially 20% mortality rates, no vaccine side effects, 100% vaccine effectiveness, Wuhan “conspiracy theory,” and how we haven’t done any gain of function work and of course how masks are important.
  • This same MSM is selling you a war in Ukraine where they can’t explain realistically to an average American how this will make them more wealthy, free or safe.
  • Telling you how inflation was only 9%, how the economy is doing so well...
  • And of course how Trump is standing trial for all these real and important factual violations of the law./sarc

All of it is really simply to understand if you simply do a few things:
Accept that the Quisling Media flat out LIES, suppresses information contrary to the agenda, and their agenda being a far left, homo, globalist and pro Democrat Neo-Marxist one.
Their bias is almost always (on the various issues) and near uniformly (even to include mass censorship) one way: pro Democrat, pro-homo, pro-globalist, pro-feminist, pro-socialist.
Every issue is an opportunity. Every crisis is something taken advantage of to push an agenda and political interests.
Also remember that 51 former intel agency appointees verified that Hunter's "Laptop From Hell" was a Russian plant and disinformation.
Now we find that nearly 7 years later that the "Laptop from Hell" in genuine and vetted by the FBI as real and Hunter's. and used as evidence in his Federal ATF Gun violation.


Biden’s decline is the Hunter Biden laptop Part Deux

17 Jun 2024 ~~ By DrJohn

Don’t believe your lyin’ eyes.
On October 14, 2020, the NY Post broke the story about the Hunter Biden laptop. It became a book entitle “Laptop from Hell” written by Miranda Devine. The Post was savagely attacked. Its account on Twitter was suspended. Anyone (including moi) even mentioning it on Facebook was sanctioned. 52 former intelligence officials lied to America about it. It was repeatedly called “Russian disinformation.”
The laptop is 100% authentic. Its authenticity was confirmed by an FBI agent during the Hunter Biden trial. Below you can watch 20 minutes of democrats denying it.

Margot Cleveland asked a great question:

As each day passes, we see Joe Biden slip deeper into his Octagerian dementia.
All the recent videos show him moving very slowly. His arms and hands move VERY slowly. I just looked up "dementia slow motions" and Medical News Today has an interesting article: What is dementia posturing?
I'd never heard of "Lewy body dementia," but it sure fits him. It is...a type of dementia in which abnormal protein deposits reside in the brain, resulting in changes in thinking, movement, behavior, and mood. It can affect the posture by:
  • stiffening and slowing the movement of limbs and causing trembling weakening the posture, resulting in a stooping back
  • causing shuffling when walking
  • causing difficulty in maintaining balance
Everyone should remember that, the same Biased MSM that continues telling you how “fit for duty,” Biden is, was the same media telling you about:
  • J6 and how that was an insurrection.
  • The 2020 elections and how those were legit.
  • Hunters Laptop: nothing to see here.
  • Covid initially 20% mortality rates, no vaccine side effects, 100% vaccine effectiveness, Wuhan “conspiracy theory,” and how we haven’t done any gain of function work and of course how masks are important.
  • This same MSM is selling you a war in Ukraine where they can’t explain realistically to an average American how this will make them more wealthy, free or safe.
  • Telling you how inflation was only 9%, how the economy is doing so well...
  • And of course how Trump is standing trial for all these real and important factual violations of the law./sarc

All of it is really simply to understand if you simply do a few things:
Accept that the Quisling Media flat out LIES, suppresses information contrary to the agenda, and their agenda being a far left, homo, globalist and pro Democrat Neo-Marxist one.
Their bias is almost always (on the various issues) and near uniformly (even to include mass censorship) one way: pro Democrat, pro-homo, pro-globalist, pro-feminist, pro-socialist.
Every issue is an opportunity. Every crisis is something taken advantage of to push an agenda and political interests.
Also remember that 51 former intel agency appointees verified that Hunter's "Laptop From Hell" was a Russian plant and disinformation.
Now we find that nearly 7 years later that the "Laptop from Hell" in genuine and vetted by the FBI as real and Hunter's. and used as evidence in his Federal ATF Gun violation.


That old cocksucker's about due for another aneurysm.

Any day now.
Except this time it's all happening much sooner.

The Biden laptop coverup shenanigans occurred only about two weeks before the rigged election.

Many people had already voted, and the tight time interval allowed the Dems to fool many others.

This time they don't get the benefit of time.

Which is ironic, considering their candidate is Father Time.
Another big fake? I think everyone agrees.

But then, Republicans can't run on issues, so they have to deflect somehow.

So, what else does Beijing want you to say? Don't stop now. Repeat all of the propaganda.

Joe Biden's only living son is about to go to prison for that "Russian disinformation" on his laptop.

#LOL #TooFunny #OhTheIrony
And this megaperv is still fantasizing about that really bad fake. He no doubt strokes himself as he reads the faked page.

Not all Trump cultists are that gullible and depraved, but most are.
Who told you it was fake? 51 Intel guys?

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