Biden's energy expert says "we absolutely don't need to drill for more oil"

Deny access to plane fuel, apparently, he doesn't need it.
Don't kid yourself, the elites will always have the supplies available they will deny the rest of us. Even the things they claim are "killing the planet".
In the USSR, the Politburo lived very well while the masses waited in line for a govt potato & were paid in vodka
Apparently, the Democrats are eagerly awaiting having their asses drilled by the American voters in the next election!!!
If we are energy independent with current production levels, why should we drill for more? To sell it to other nations?
You may be confused about this.

We were energy independent when Trump was President.

When Potaothead stole the election he implemented Environmental Wacko energy policies to run up the cost of fossil fuels like he said he was going to do. Now we are fucked. Gas is $5/gal and it should be $2/gal.

Meanwhile we have jerkoffs like Kerry saying we don't need to be drilling anymore. How stupid is that?

The Democrats are going to get creamed in the midterms because of their stupid mismanagement of the economy.

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