Biden's increasing lead in the polls over Trump!

Here are the latest national and swing state results from real clear politics on the TRUMP VS. BIDEN Presidential race. Real Clear politics takes the average of the latest polls nationally, and in each swing state.

BIDEN - 51.2%
TRUMP - 41.4%
Biden leads by 9.8%.

BIDEN - 47.7%
TRUMP - 42.3%
Biden leads by 5.4%

BIDEN - 50.5%
TRUMP - 44.3%
Biden leads by 6.2%

BIDEN - 49.8%
TRUMP - 41.8%
Biden leads by 8%

BIDEN - 49.3%
TRUMP - 43.7%
Biden leads by 5.6%

TRUMP - 45.8%
BIDEN - 45.2%
Trump leads by .6%

BIDEN - 47%
TRUMP - 43%
Biden leads by 4%

BIDEN - 48.3%
TRUMP - 44.3%
Biden leads by 4%

TRUMP - 44.5%
BIDEN - 44.0%
Trump leads by .5%

BIDEN - 48.0%
TRUMP - 43.7%
Biden leads by 4.3%

I think BIDEN could get 365 Electoral votes in November like Obama did in 2008. Trump will most likely get below 200 electoral votes on November 3, 2020. Just about 4 months to go until election day.
Pssst most conservatives don’t participate in opinion polls so your numbers are off by at least 40% lol
Google it I already posted the link.
Thanks for admitting you made that up.
No according to google lol
Learn to speak proper English, comrade, if you don't want folks here to know you're posting from your homeland of Russia.
Here are the latest national and swing state results from real clear politics on the TRUMP VS. BIDEN Presidential race. Real Clear politics takes the average of the latest polls nationally, and in each swing state.

BIDEN - 51.2%
TRUMP - 41.4%
Biden leads by 9.8%.

BIDEN - 47.7%
TRUMP - 42.3%
Biden leads by 5.4%

BIDEN - 50.5%
TRUMP - 44.3%
Biden leads by 6.2%

BIDEN - 49.8%
TRUMP - 41.8%
Biden leads by 8%

BIDEN - 49.3%
TRUMP - 43.7%
Biden leads by 5.6%

TRUMP - 45.8%
BIDEN - 45.2%
Trump leads by .6%

BIDEN - 47%
TRUMP - 43%
Biden leads by 4%

BIDEN - 48.3%
TRUMP - 44.3%
Biden leads by 4%

TRUMP - 44.5%
BIDEN - 44.0%
Trump leads by .5%

BIDEN - 48.0%
TRUMP - 43.7%
Biden leads by 4.3%

I think BIDEN could get 365 Electoral votes in November like Obama did in 2008. Trump will most likely get below 200 electoral votes on November 3, 2020. Just about 4 months to go until election day.
Pssst most conservatives don’t participate in opinion polls so your numbers are off by at least 40% lol
Google it I already posted the link.
Thanks for admitting you made that up.
No according to google lol
Learn to speak proper English, comrade, if you don't want folks here to know you're posting from your homeland of Russia.
What didn’t you understand? Maybe it’s you from russia?
I 'm REALLY looking forward to November.

The jokes I'm seeing here are soon going to come to a screeching halt.


You may be right in November, Biden could win. Will 2020 be like 2016 or not? In 2016 Trump was an unknown, today his shtick is too well known.
Biden is not an unknown either, he's lost a few steps and is unable to generate excitement, but his big advantage is that he's "not Trump".
But, just so you don't get overconfident, please take a few minutes to relive 2016:

You realize the coming election will be nothing like 2016, don't you?

I disagree. 2020 will be a lot like 2016. The blue archipelago of urban plantations will stay blue and the red flyover country will stay red. Trump should get more black votes in November as well as keeping his 2016 voters. Like him or not Trump mostly did what he said he would do. The democrats have no policies worth voting for and a very weak presidential candidate.
View attachment 354264

Donald Trump is trailing Joe Biden by an average of nearly 10 percentage point in national polls. That shows Trump has lost significant ground from 2016 when he trailed Clinton in the election by just 2 percentage points nationally.

Donald Trump has average 40% approval in the Gallup poll for 3.5 years now, the WORST average approval rating in Gallup poll history for any President going back to 1945. The 2nd worst is Harry Truman at an average of 45% who declined to run for re-election in 1952.

Trump is going to do worse with every minority group and women voters in 2020. Trump is barley holding on to white(non-hispanic) voters with just 50% supporting Trump now. Only 49% of men support Trump, followed by just 41% of women. Women vote in larger numbers and at a higher rate than Men. That's not good news for Donald Trump.

Finally, there is the economy which is in the tank. An economic recession, and the two worst months of unemployment since the 1930s. Trump's only positive has become one of his worst negatives.

Republicans were warned in 2016 that trump would do a lot of harm if not destroy the Republican Party.

I know I was saying that trump would destroy the republican party for a long time and I don't think I was wrong.

My problem is that I'm an Independent and I don't want a one party ruled government. That's not what the founders established and it's not a democratic republic. We need checks and balances. We don't have that now, it will get worse if we have a one party government.

The Republican Party has been going down the tubes since the 20th century. The republican party has not had a decent person for president in decades.

We have gerrymandered states, states that cheat and deny legal voters the right to vote with their closing polling places etc. That is the only way republicans can win an election these days. We don't have a government by and for the people that we want. Which is one of the things dividing our nation.

We need to start having honest and fair elections with every legal voter who wants to vote is allowed to. That is the only way we can finally start cleaning up the mess we now have.

Well, I disagree that the Republican Party has not had a decent person for President in Decades. In my opinion, Reagan, Bush Sr., Bush Jr, were all good Presidents, John McCain could have been the greatest President the country ever had, and Mitt Romney would have been a good President.

Donald Trump and the Tea Party are the opposite of those Republican Presidents and candidates for President. The Republican Party has morphed into Trump's party. Its double down on old school forms of Republicanism before Reagan that were isolationists and racists.

Trumps Republicans are Know Nothings built around fear and hatred of those who are different
I 'm REALLY looking forward to November.

The jokes I'm seeing here are soon going to come to a screeching halt.


You may be right in November, Biden could win. Will 2020 be like 2016 or not? In 2016 Trump was an unknown, today his shtick is too well known.
Biden is not an unknown either, he's lost a few steps and is unable to generate excitement, but his big advantage is that he's "not Trump".
But, just so you don't get overconfident, please take a few minutes to relive 2016:

You realize the coming election will be nothing like 2016, don't you?

I disagree. 2020 will be a lot like 2016. The blue archipelago of urban plantations will stay blue and the red flyover country will stay red. Trump should get more black votes in November as well as keeping his 2016 voters. Like him or not Trump mostly did what he said he would do. The democrats have no policies worth voting for and a very weak presidential candidate.
View attachment 354264

Donald Trump is trailing Joe Biden by an average of nearly 10 percentage point in national polls. That shows Trump has lost significant ground from 2016 when he trailed Clinton in the election by just 2 percentage points nationally.

Donald Trump has average 40% approval in the Gallup poll for 3.5 years now, the WORST average approval rating in Gallup poll history for any President going back to 1945. The 2nd worst is Harry Truman at an average of 45% who declined to run for re-election in 1952.

Trump is going to do worse with every minority group and women voters in 2020. Trump is barley holding on to white(non-hispanic) voters with just 50% supporting Trump now. Only 49% of men support Trump, followed by just 41% of women. Women vote in larger numbers and at a higher rate than Men. That's not good news for Donald Trump.

Finally, there is the economy which is in the tank. An economic recession, and the two worst months of unemployment since the 1930s. Trump's only positive has become one of his worst negatives.

Republicans were warned in 2016 that trump would do a lot of harm if not destroy the Republican Party.

I know I was saying that trump would destroy the republican party for a long time and I don't think I was wrong.

My problem is that I'm an Independent and I don't want a one party ruled government. That's not what the founders established and it's not a democratic republic. We need checks and balances. We don't have that now, it will get worse if we have a one party government.

The Republican Party has been going down the tubes since the 20th century. The republican party has not had a decent person for president in decades.

We have gerrymandered states, states that cheat and deny legal voters the right to vote with their closing polling places etc. That is the only way republicans can win an election these days. We don't have a government by and for the people that we want. Which is one of the things dividing our nation.

We need to start having honest and fair elections with every legal voter who wants to vote is allowed to. That is the only way we can finally start cleaning up the mess we now have.

Well, I disagree that the Republican Party has not had a decent person for President in Decades. In my opinion, Reagan, Bush Sr., Bush Jr, were all good Presidents, John McCain could have been the greatest President the country ever had, and Mitt Romney would have been a good President.

Donald Trump and the Tea Party are the opposite of those Republican Presidents and candidates for President. The Republican Party has morphed into Trump's party. Its double down on old school forms of Republicanism before Reagan that were isolationists and racists.

Trumps Republicans are Know Nothings built around fear and hatred of those who are different

Kinda like blacks are getting attacked by cops is a problem? Lol
Six States that Trump won in 2016

Trump trails Biden in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Florida, North Carolina and Arizona, poll finds

No fear Republicans, polls were wrong in 2016, that means you can count on them to always be wrong.
Six States that Trump won in 2016

Trump trails Biden in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Florida, North Carolina and Arizona, poll finds

No fear Republicans, polls were wrong in 2016, that means you can count on them to always be wrong.
Lol polls haha
Well, I disagree that the Republican Party has not had a decent person for President in Decades. In my opinion, Reagan, Bush Sr., Bush Jr, were all good Presidents, John McCain could have been the greatest President the country ever had, and Mitt Romney would have been a good President.

Donald Trump and the Tea Party are the opposite of those Republican Presidents and candidates for President. The Republican Party has morphed into Trump's party. Its double down on old school forms of Republicanism before Reagan that were isolationists and racists.
Donald Trump is the Republican Party's wet dream. He's not a fluke or accident, but the purest form of what they are and stand for. This is why he enjoys upwards of 90% of their approval.

America hasn't had a decent Republican President since Lincoln.

Well, I'm a Republican myself and totally disagree with that. A lot of Republicans have moved away from the party registered as independents or Democrats over the past ten years. So the pool of people left in the Republican party is smaller, and more blindly loyal for a variety of reasons. Plus a lot of them just vote based on party identification without realizing that they disagree with Donald Trump on a lot of things. George Bush and Ronald Reagan have far more in common with Barack Obama and Bill Clinton than they do with Donald Trump.

Here are the latest national and swing state results from real clear politics on the TRUMP VS. BIDEN Presidential race. Real Clear politics takes the average of the latest polls nationally, and in each swing state.

BIDEN - 50.6
TRUMP - 40.6
Biden leads by 10.0%.

BIDEN - 48.8
TRUMP - 40.8
Biden leads by 8.0%

BIDEN - 49.8%
TRUMP - 43.6%
Biden leads by 6.2%

BIDEN - 49.2%
TRUMP - 40.6%
Biden leads by 8.6%

BIDEN - 49.3%
TRUMP - 43.0%
Biden leads by 6.3%

BIDEN - 46.2%
TRUMP - 44.8%
Biden leads by 1.4%

BIDEN - 46.3%
TRUMP - 42.3%
Biden leads by 4.0%

BIDEN - 48.3%
TRUMP - 44.3%
Biden leads by 4.0%

BIDEN - 44.7%
TRUMP - 44.7%

BIDEN - 48.0%
TRUMP - 43.7%
Biden leads by 4.3%

Donald Trump is getting CRUSHED in Wisconsin now.
Here are the latest national and swing state results from real clear politics on the TRUMP VS. BIDEN Presidential race. Real Clear politics takes the average of the latest polls nationally, and in each swing state.

BIDEN - 51.2%
TRUMP - 41.4%
Biden leads by 9.8%.

BIDEN - 47.7%
TRUMP - 42.3%
Biden leads by 5.4%

BIDEN - 50.5%
TRUMP - 44.3%
Biden leads by 6.2%

BIDEN - 49.8%
TRUMP - 41.8%
Biden leads by 8%

BIDEN - 49.3%
TRUMP - 43.7%
Biden leads by 5.6%

TRUMP - 45.8%
BIDEN - 45.2%
Trump leads by .6%

BIDEN - 47%
TRUMP - 43%
Biden leads by 4%

BIDEN - 48.3%
TRUMP - 44.3%
Biden leads by 4%

TRUMP - 44.5%
BIDEN - 44.0%
Trump leads by .5%

BIDEN - 48.0%
TRUMP - 43.7%
Biden leads by 4.3%

I think BIDEN could get 365 Electoral votes in November like Obama did in 2008. Trump will most likely get below 200 electoral votes on November 3, 2020. Just about 4 months to go until election day.

Polls this far out from the election are utterly meaningless.

That might have been a good debating point a year or two ago, but with 4 months to go, its not.
Of course it is, don't be ridiculous. Hillary was up by double digits at this point 4 years ago. She ended up winning by just 2 percentage points.

Polls are but a snapshot in time and much will occur between now and November that will narrow that gap.

Narrow the gap? What will move anyone back towards Trump? Are you expecting an economic miracle in four months? A miracle with coronavirus in 4 months?

The circumstances in which the country is in will make it highly unlikely that anything will change in the next four months. The country is stuck in a recession and stuck in a pandemic that is getting worse.

What about the economy and the pandemic is going to change in four months?

Trump has been in office for nearly four years now. Who exactly is going to have a more positive opinion of Trump in four months than they do now and why?
I 'm REALLY looking forward to November.

The jokes I'm seeing here are soon going to come to a screeching halt.


You may be right in November, Biden could win. Will 2020 be like 2016 or not? In 2016 Trump was an unknown, today his shtick is too well known.
Biden is not an unknown either, he's lost a few steps and is unable to generate excitement, but his big advantage is that he's "not Trump".
But, just so you don't get overconfident, please take a few minutes to relive 2016:

You realize the coming election will be nothing like 2016, don't you?

I disagree. 2020 will be a lot like 2016. The blue archipelago of urban plantations will stay blue and the red flyover country will stay red. Trump should get more black votes in November as well as keeping his 2016 voters. Like him or not Trump mostly did what he said he would do. The democrats have no policies worth voting for and a very weak presidential candidate.
View attachment 354264

Donald Trump is trailing Joe Biden by an average of nearly 10 percentage point in national polls. That shows Trump has lost significant ground from 2016 when he trailed Clinton in the election by just 2 percentage points nationally.

Donald Trump has average 40% approval in the Gallup poll for 3.5 years now, the WORST average approval rating in Gallup poll history for any President going back to 1945. The 2nd worst is Harry Truman at an average of 45% who declined to run for re-election in 1952.

Trump is going to do worse with every minority group and women voters in 2020. Trump is barley holding on to white(non-hispanic) voters with just 50% supporting Trump now. Only 49% of men support Trump, followed by just 41% of women. Women vote in larger numbers and at a higher rate than Men. That's not good news for Donald Trump.

Finally, there is the economy which is in the tank. An economic recession, and the two worst months of unemployment since the 1930s. Trump's only positive has become one of his worst negatives.

Republicans were warned in 2016 that trump would do a lot of harm if not destroy the Republican Party.

I know I was saying that trump would destroy the republican party for a long time and I don't think I was wrong.

My problem is that I'm an Independent and I don't want a one party ruled government. That's not what the founders established and it's not a democratic republic. We need checks and balances. We don't have that now, it will get worse if we have a one party government.

The Republican Party has been going down the tubes since the 20th century. The republican party has not had a decent person for president in decades.

We have gerrymandered states, states that cheat and deny legal voters the right to vote with their closing polling places etc. That is the only way republicans can win an election these days. We don't have a government by and for the people that we want. Which is one of the things dividing our nation.

We need to start having honest and fair elections with every legal voter who wants to vote is allowed to. That is the only way we can finally start cleaning up the mess we now have.

Well, I disagree that the Republican Party has not had a decent person for President in Decades. In my opinion, Reagan, Bush Sr., Bush Jr, were all good Presidents, John McCain could have been the greatest President the country ever had, and Mitt Romney would have been a good President.

Donald Trump and the Tea Party are the opposite of those Republican Presidents and candidates for President. The Republican Party has morphed into Trump's party. Its double down on old school forms of Republicanism before Reagan that were isolationists and racists.

Trumps Republicans are Know Nothings built around fear and hatred of those who are different

I actually think most people that are voting for Trump do so out of party loyalty than sincere love and support for Trump and his policies, ideas. These voters don't spend a large amount of time on politics, reading and thinking, and when they go to the voting booth, they vote more based on tradition rather than current policy of the leader/President. They may not even realize that their views diverge with Trump's in many areas.
I 'm REALLY looking forward to November.

The jokes I'm seeing here are soon going to come to a screeching halt.


You may be right in November, Biden could win. Will 2020 be like 2016 or not? In 2016 Trump was an unknown, today his shtick is too well known.
Biden is not an unknown either, he's lost a few steps and is unable to generate excitement, but his big advantage is that he's "not Trump".
But, just so you don't get overconfident, please take a few minutes to relive 2016:

You realize the coming election will be nothing like 2016, don't you?

I disagree. 2020 will be a lot like 2016. The blue archipelago of urban plantations will stay blue and the red flyover country will stay red. Trump should get more black votes in November as well as keeping his 2016 voters. Like him or not Trump mostly did what he said he would do. The democrats have no policies worth voting for and a very weak presidential candidate.
View attachment 354264

Donald Trump is trailing Joe Biden by an average of nearly 10 percentage point in national polls. That shows Trump has lost significant ground from 2016 when he trailed Clinton in the election by just 2 percentage points nationally.

Donald Trump has average 40% approval in the Gallup poll for 3.5 years now, the WORST average approval rating in Gallup poll history for any President going back to 1945. The 2nd worst is Harry Truman at an average of 45% who declined to run for re-election in 1952.

Trump is going to do worse with every minority group and women voters in 2020. Trump is barley holding on to white(non-hispanic) voters with just 50% supporting Trump now. Only 49% of men support Trump, followed by just 41% of women. Women vote in larger numbers and at a higher rate than Men. That's not good news for Donald Trump.

Finally, there is the economy which is in the tank. An economic recession, and the two worst months of unemployment since the 1930s. Trump's only positive has become one of his worst negatives.

Republicans were warned in 2016 that trump would do a lot of harm if not destroy the Republican Party.

I know I was saying that trump would destroy the republican party for a long time and I don't think I was wrong.

My problem is that I'm an Independent and I don't want a one party ruled government. That's not what the founders established and it's not a democratic republic. We need checks and balances. We don't have that now, it will get worse if we have a one party government.

The Republican Party has been going down the tubes since the 20th century. The republican party has not had a decent person for president in decades.

We have gerrymandered states, states that cheat and deny legal voters the right to vote with their closing polling places etc. That is the only way republicans can win an election these days. We don't have a government by and for the people that we want. Which is one of the things dividing our nation.

We need to start having honest and fair elections with every legal voter who wants to vote is allowed to. That is the only way we can finally start cleaning up the mess we now have.

Well, I disagree that the Republican Party has not had a decent person for President in Decades. In my opinion, Reagan, Bush Sr., Bush Jr, were all good Presidents, John McCain could have been the greatest President the country ever had, and Mitt Romney would have been a good President.

Donald Trump and the Tea Party are the opposite of those Republican Presidents and candidates for President. The Republican Party has morphed into Trump's party. Its double down on old school forms of Republicanism before Reagan that were isolationists and racists.

Trumps Republicans are Know Nothings built around fear and hatred of those who are different

I actually think most people that are voting for Trump do so out of party loyalty than sincere love and support for Trump and his policies, ideas. These voters don't spend a large amount of time on politics, reading and thinking, and when they go to the voting booth, they vote more based on tradition rather than current policy of the leader/President. They may not even realize that their views diverge with Trump's in many areas.

You paint brushing is hilarious. You have zero data to back up your ignorant hypothesis.

It would be like me saying I think everyone who votes Democrat is either blindly loyal to the party or cannot tell if they are a man or a woman and wants unisex bathrooms.
Six States that Trump won in 2016

Trump trails Biden in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Florida, North Carolina and Arizona, poll finds

No fear Republicans, polls were wrong in 2016, that means you can count on them to always be wrong.
Biden has yet to pick a VP or debate Trump h2h. Clinton was ahead too and then the debates happened.
Six States that Trump won in 2016

Trump trails Biden in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Florida, North Carolina and Arizona, poll finds

No fear Republicans, polls were wrong in 2016, that means you can count on them to always be wrong.
Biden has yet to pick a VP or debate Trump h2h. Clinton was ahead too and then the debates happened.
The polls reflect dissatisfaction with Trumps handling of the COVID crisis and disrespectful and dismissive behavior during the BLM protests. Trump has not helped himself.

I think the BLM protests will be mostly forgotten by November. COVID and the economy will still be major concerns.

Trump had better pick up his game
Six States that Trump won in 2016

Trump trails Biden in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Florida, North Carolina and Arizona, poll finds

No fear Republicans, polls were wrong in 2016, that means you can count on them to always be wrong.
Biden has yet to pick a VP or debate Trump h2h. Clinton was ahead too and then the debates happened.
The polls reflect dissatisfaction with Trumps handling of the COVID crisis and disrespectful and dismissive behavior during the BLM protests. Trump has not helped himself.

I think the BLM protests will be mostly forgotten by November. COVID and the economy will still be major concerns.

Trump had better pick up his game
Possibly but the media is driving that narrative. Debates are watched by both parties and independents and will make a tremendous difference IMO. Many for example don't know Floyd's prior criminal past. A lot of voters don't get fully engaged until the debates start.
I actually think most people that are voting for Trump do so out of party loyalty than sincere love and support for Trump and his policies, ideas. These voters don't spend a large amount of time on politics, reading and thinking, and when they go to the voting booth, they vote more based on tradition rather than current policy of the leader/President. They may not even realize that their views diverge with Trump's in many areas.
I wholeheartedly agree!
Six States that Trump won in 2016

Trump trails Biden in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Florida, North Carolina and Arizona, poll finds

No fear Republicans, polls were wrong in 2016, that means you can count on them to always be wrong.
Biden has yet to pick a VP or debate Trump h2h. Clinton was ahead too and then the debates happened.
The polls reflect dissatisfaction with Trumps handling of the COVID crisis and disrespectful and dismissive behavior during the BLM protests. Trump has not helped himself.

I think the BLM protests will be mostly forgotten by November. COVID and the economy will still be major concerns.

Trump had better pick up his game
The real issue is that many people have dissatisfaction with their lives through their own choices. The ones who have dissatisfaction because others messed with them have a beef. But it wasn't Trump who messed with them.
America will correct this COLOSSAL mistake they made in 2016, and it will leave Trump's ass skipping and skidding in the streets due to the swift kick in his fat rump that the American people will give him.

What a glorious day that will be.
America will correct this COLOSSAL mistake they made in 2016, and it will leave Trump's ass skipping and skidding in the streets due to the swift kick in his fat rump that the American people will give him.

What a glorious day that will be.
In you humble opinion. Because racism died between 08-15 and came back in 2016....the number of stupid people on this board is mind boggling.

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