Biden's New Normal

Electric buses are not infrastructure
Electric power stations are not infrastructure
Clean energy funding is not infrastructure
Climate change is not infrastructure

Run back to your socialists and commie friends
Only if you still live in the Stone Age
President Trump couldn't make a move or utter a word without criticism. Today a silent doddering president is the new normal. It shows the power of the media when it becomes the propaganda arm of a political party.
Try the free market, if people want it they will pay for it.
Not....the people don't want it, the government makes them pay for it.

Free market sucks.

That is why We the People rely on our Government for Infrastructure, Education, Environmental Protection, Public Safety….
Free market sucks.

That is why We the People rely on our Government for Infrastructure, Education, Environmental Protection, Public Safety….
Education, huh? Is that why we are one of the least educated countries in the top tier.
I have no problem with infrastructure, as long as IT IS infrastructure.
Environmental Protection? That is open for interpretation and can easily be manipulated.
I'm cautious but pro environmental protection.
The same for Public Safety, interpretation can easily be manipulated.

Free Market works much better than the government, hands down.
Education, huh? Is that why we are one of the least educated countries in the top tier.
I have no problem with infrastructure, as long as IT IS infrastructure.
Environmental Protection? That is open for interpretation and can easily be manipulated.
I'm cautious but pro environmental protection.
The same for Public Safety, interpretation can easily be manipulated.

Free Market works much better than the government, hands down.
We the People created a more perfect union.
That was a union of the people, by the people and FOR the people.
A free public school for everyone is what made this nation great. A Free Market would have sold it to the highest bidder

A Free Market would have never tolerated Environmental Protection. That is why we need the Government
We the People created a more perfect union.
That was a union of the people, by the people and FOR the people.
A free public school for everyone is what made this nation great. A Free Market would have sold it to the highest bidder

A Free Market would have never tolerated Environmental Protection. That is why we need the Government
I'm not anti government, they do have their place.
But, I'm not blinded to where I think the government doesn't have corruption
and trying to strengthen their power over the people.
They do not work for us any longer, we in fact, do work for them.
We the People created a more perfect union.
That was a union of the people, by the people and FOR the people.
A free public school for everyone is what made this nation great. A Free Market would have sold it to the highest bidder

A Free Market would have never tolerated Environmental Protection. That is why we need the Government
Education was more successful when it was ran by the states and not the feds.
1979(?) was when the feds created a cabinet position for it and our education has declined ever since.
I'm not anti government, they do have their place.
But, I'm not blinded to where I think the government doesn't have corruption
and trying to strengthen their power over the people.
They do not work for us any longer, we in fact, do work for them.

We the People make our voices heard
When we saw President Trumps inept handling of a national crisis, we came out in record numbers to vote him out of office

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