Biden's New Normal

Education was more successful when it was ran by the states and not the feds.
1979(?) was when the feds created a cabinet position for it and our education has declined ever since.

Only ten percent of our Public Education funding comes from the Federal Government
The rest comes from State and Local funding.
Local School Boards run our schools with State oversight

Federal Government has very little say on curriculum and funding
As usual you accuse others of what you are doing. Trump and his supporters like you are attacking American norms.

The first was the peaceful transition of power. Jan 6 put the end to that.

The second is the assault on our voting rights and a attempt to turn our democracy into a dictatorship in which a minority retain power. The Georgia law is a attempt at voter suppression.

The money that Biden wants to spend is far less than $3.5 trillion. The total includes money for a expanded child care tax credit and a Child and Dependent Tax Credit expansion. There are also tax credits for green energy investments. The spending increases include money to assist in assisting families in paying for childcare and affordable housing among other things.

We have transitory inflation. Crime is rising in red states. I guess Republicans are soft on crime as well. Republicans are the racists.

LOL, high inflation, high crime and high racism is the American norm? Only if you're one of those fricken commie clowns.
Give an example
Everything I see in the bill is infrastructure

Most of it, the bill is HUGE.

This is HILLARIOUS, what a pile of shit.

"(B) SOCIALLY AND ECONOMICALLY DIS16 ADVANTAGED INDIVIDUALS.—The term ‘‘so17 cially and economically disadvantaged individ18 uals’’ has the meaning given the term in section 19 8(d) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 20 637(d)) and relevant subcontracting regulations 21 issued pursuant to that Act, except that women 22 shall be presumed to be socially and economi23 cally disadvantaged individuals for purposes of 24 this subsection."
Investment in infrastructure is badly needed
Even Republicans recognize it

Not it isn't. they don't.

That our federal congress is hot to drive this country another 3.5 million in debt is no surprise.

That a motherfucking loser like you supports it isn't either.
I did, I agree with everything in it

The measure invests $110 billion in funding toward roads, bridges and major projects, $66 billion in passenger and freight rail, $65 billion to rebuild the electric grid, $65 billion to expand broadband Internet access, and $39 billion to modernize and expand transit systems. Among many other priorities, the bill also includes $55 billion for water infrastructure, $15 billion of which will be directed toward replacing lead pipes.

Still looking for anything specific that you disagree with
see I read all your posts up to this point and I thought to myself.....self.....this guy might just be full of shit. Then I read the above and I knew without a single doubt you are COMPLETELY FULL OF SHIT.
Joe Biden’s presidency may be a lot of things, but a restorer of norms and institutions it is not.

Take, for example, Biden’s willingness to embrace the kind of Orwellian language that justifies spending unprecedented amounts of money simply by deeming things to be “infrastructure”—or his misrepresenting the Georgia voter law and referring to it as “Jim Crow.”

The New Normal, high inflation, high crime and high racism. Fine job Bidum.

Biden’s New Normal Is Trashing American Norms -

How can Biden be responsible for those three when he wasn't in power when they began? Ever think about that?
This is the perfect thread as an antidote to that retarded thread by America hater corky of getting back to normal thread.

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