Biden’s political decisions crushing the market, now Dow is under 30k…a year ago, high stock market was attributed to Biden

Their portfolios are right where they were when Biden took over. If they have smart money managers they can use the turbulence to double what they have
true. thanks to the dems tanking the economy…some of us with money can get richer.

I feel bad for the millions of americans that aren’t fortunate enough to have money and are poor and simply more poor now
Not a single reputable economist blames the Biden Administration for the present stock market fall. Not the WSJ, not Bloomberg, not Forbes, not the Central Banks here or in Europe or Asia. The stock market in fact has been propped up by loose regulatory, tax and Central Bank policies since well before 2008 and is due for a serious decline that will wipe out a great deal of the money sloshing around speculatively and unproductively in the system.

Now that serious external shocks have triggered inflation and rising rates to deal with it have triggered a market decline there may be opportunities to enter our “casino” stock market. Forget crypto! If the financial side of this crisis worsens, we may end up seeing a financial credit crisis as in 2007-2009, not to mention a big European (or U.S.) political crisis. If the war in Ukraine spreads or continues unabaited, the energy pressures on Europe will inevitably spill over into financial and political crisis.

Of course our Trump trolls couldn’t care less about studying the real causes for inflation or the decline in asset values of stocks — which I consider a good thing.

(I personally hope it continues. When — and if — the market falls 35-40% from its top I plan to start buying stocks again.)

Why did you clarify with reputable?

You are full of shit if you claim Biden’s policies did not lead to this crash.

Are you lying or stupid?
true. thanks to the dems tanking the economy…some of us with money can get richer.

I feel bad for the millions of americans that aren’t fortunate enough to have money and are poor and simply more poor now
Ugh no, they would be the same poor. Market is right where it was at when Joe took over. Hold for another few months and it will be back up a few 1000. Don’t be so dramatic
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Their portfolios are right where they were when Biden took over. If they have smart money managers they can use the turbulence to double what they have
Smart money managers can’t time the market any more than we regular folk can. Any money manager moving his client into stocks now is taking a big risk - with their money of course.

We have a lot more pain to go. Did you hear how Biden is still denying his reckless spending? He‘s pushing to get MORE dollars into people’s hands, and that includes forgiving student loans.

This guy has been the biggest disaster and most incompetent president of my lifetime, and that includes Carter.
What in the hell are you talking about? It's the trillions in stimulus that were poured into the economy during those two administrations that are such an important part of what is happening.

Jesus. Play with somebody else.
The stimulus that was passed by Congress in response to shutting down our entire economy over Covid, Mac? Bad policy to do the shut downs but once you had no choice but to spend trillions to keep people above water.

I'm talking about the number of rate hikes Trump's economy had to absorb BEFORE Covid! That would be seven rate increases in a row.
Yup, I was just going to say that policies have consequences.

So disingenuous of that poster.

Housing crash coming soon, and look for companies like Blackrock to continue to buy homes and create a huge renting class.
Ugh no, they would be the same poor. Market is right where it was at when Joe took over. Hold for another few months and it will be back up a few 1000. Don’t be so dramatic
Dramatic? The majority of Americans are saying that inflation is causing a MAJOR financial problem for them. What happened to liberals’ compassion for other people?
Sounds like a perfect time to buy… load up. This is when the money is made
The markets will never recover and neither will your 401K Dupe.
As long as Globalists are in power, The United States is in Peril.
WTH do you think "The Great Reset" is all about dummy?
They have to transition the economies of the World into The Great Reset by impoverishing the average man and Grotesquely enriching The Ruling Elite so they will sell out their Nations to The New World Order and coming Global Financial System.
You have to abolish Economic Freedom and restrict upward mobility for a New World Order.

It is all about control, and fascism.

Forcing you to get a jab, locking you in your home and making you socially distance and wear a mask was just a test and you failed, so they are going forward with it all now.
Sounds like a perfect time to buy… load up. This is when the money is made
A few decades ago there was talk of a Plunge Protection Team that would put money into certain stocks to keep an avalanche from occurring. Also there are stops or time outs when the market drops a certain percentage. There is a lot of extra money printed and it has to go somewhere. Stocks and Housing are two of them.
So disingenuous of that poster.

Housing crash coming soon, and look for companies like Blackrock to continue to buy homes and create a huge renting class.
We are going to find ourselves in the same position as 2008, when people were upside down in their mortgages. Anyone who bought in the last couple of years is going to be in a world of hurt.
Smart money managers can’t time the market any more than we regular folk can. Any money manager moving his client into stocks now is taking a big risk - with their money of course.

We have a lot more pain to go. Did you hear how Biden is still denying his reckless spending? He‘s pushing to get MORE dollars into people’s hands, and that includes forgiving student loans.

This guy has been the biggest disaster and most incompetent president of my lifetime, and that includes Carter.
Haha, did you expect Biden to publicly admit the government recklessly spends?!

That’s like expecting trump to admit he is a pathological liar.

Let’s get real here
Dramatic? The majority of Americans are saying that inflation is causing a MAJOR financial problem for them. What happened to liberals’ compassion for other people?
I don’t speak for others. If you’re asking me I’d say that I am very compassionate for others and inflation, especially gas prices, is a huge problem
The markets will never recover and neither will your 401K Dupe.
As long as Globalists are in power, The United States is in Peril.
WTH do you think "The Great Reset" is all about dummy?
They have to transition the economies of the World into The Great Reset by impoverishing the average man and Grotesquely enriching The Ruling Elite so they will sell out their Nations to The New World Order and coming Global Financial System.
You have to abolish Economic Freedom and restrict upward mobility for a New World Order.

It is all about control, and fascism.

Forcing you to get a jab, locking you in your home and making you socially distance and wear a mask was just a test and you failed, so they are going forward with it all now.
Another retarded statement by Old Tree that I can throw back in his face a few months from now. What an idiot
A few decades ago there was talk of a Plunge Protection Team that would put money into certain stocks to keep an avalanche from occurring. Also there are stops or time outs when the market drops a certain percentage. There is a lot of extra money printed and it has to go somewhere. Stocks and Housing are two of them.
Agreed… that’s where the stimulus is all funneling into
Housing inventory jumped nearly 500,000 from May to June….biggest jump since 2008.


Another retarded statement by Old Tree that I can throw back in his face a few months from now. What an idiot
When they tell you they are going to end petroleum. When they tell you they are going to crash the economy to push us in to The New World Order.

That is the only time I believe you LYING SON OF A BITCHES.

Build Back Better? Same Shit as Obama Said "Fundamentally Transform America"

It means Wreck Shit so they can install their Bullshit Marxist Globalist Government and Economy.

Hillary same shit with her Amero bullshit.

All that shit came from Satan-Obama.

Biden wants to revive "Pan America" and get rid of our borders entirely.
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Not a single reputable economist blames the Biden Administration for the present world stock market fall. Not the WSJ, not Bloomberg, not Forbes, not the world’s Central Banks here or in Europe or Asia. The stock markets in the U.S. particularly have been propped up by loose regulatory, tax and Central Bank policies since well before 2008. It is overdue for a serious decline that will wipe out a great deal of the money sloshing around speculatively and unproductively in the system.

Now that serious external shocks have triggered inflation, and rising rates to deal with it have triggered a market decline, there may be opportunities to enter our “casino” stock market. Forget crypto!

If the financial side of this crisis worsens, we may end up seeing a financial credit crisis and bankruptcies as in 2007-2009. All this may accelerate a big European (or even U.S.) political crisis. Again, if the war in Ukraine spreads or continues unabaited, the energy pressures on Europe will spill over into political crisis, and financial crisis there will be contagious internationally.

Of course our Trump trolls couldn’t care less about studying the real causes for world inflation. Ditto with the present decline in world asset values of stocks — which I consider a good thing.

(I personally hope the stock market decline continues. When — and if — the market falls 35-40% from its top I plan to start buying stocks again.)

You're quite the little tap dancer, ain'tcha'?
Down 800 points last time I looked. Now some media sources are advising Americans to stock up on essential items in case of some economic disaster. A bedbug infestation from illegal aliens distributed around the U.S. and mothers still can't get baby formula. We turned into a 3rd world country in 18 months
There’s a bedbug infestation now too? Ugh.

I went to the movies the other day, and it did indeed feel like a theater you’d find in downtown San Salvador. Seats were broken and ripped, with stuffing coming out, carpet filthy and torn, the plastic of the cup holders chipped with sharp edges, and even the screen was deteriorated so that the coating was peeling off and you saw all sorts of holes.

I have never been in such a rundown theater in America, and even a few years ago a theater owner would have been ashamed to sell tickets, but as Biden said, we Americans have to lower our expectations. This is the new, lesser America, thanks to Dems.

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