Biden's three-pronged approach to lowering gas prices

But we are still using more than we are producing. It honestly doesn’t make much se se that any oil or gas leaves the country as we have to import oil and gas to replace it and then some.

That's the way the market works and has always worked. Fuel is not a domestic product, it's worldwide. Even under Trump when were were energy independent, it didn't mean we only used US oil. Energy independence means we were exporting the same amount as we imported.
The idiocy is really difficult to believe. Here is his plan:
1.) Release more from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.
Yes, while the reserve is at the lowest level in decades, and we continue to poke Putin in his eyes and China is getting more aggressive - release our strategic reserves as a political gesture.
2.) In order to address oil companies' concerns about investing in additional production with uncertain demand in the future (like when the government has declared war on your industry), Biden promises to refill the reserve when prices are down to $70/barrel. You'll have to be patient here in the video, as he goes into Bidem mushmouth, but that's the gist. This is another brilliant strategy. Keep the reserves low until some imaginary point in the future. Don't worry about it now, while tensions everywhere are as high as they have ever been in peacetime. He knows we will have to refill the reserve sooner than that and it will be expensive, but that's down the road and he could not care less.
3.) He's "calling on oil companies to pass the savings on to consumers" What savings, you might ask. No clue. Pretty sure he means profits, because he adds, "oil companies are using record profits to buy back shares and pay dividends, passing that money on to their shareholders not to consumers.... You should be using your profits to increase production and refining".

Here is the best part. Seconds after chastising oil companies to lower prices and invest in production, he says this "Our country needs to pass permanent reform to accelerate the development of clean energy.. wind, solar, hydrogen.."

So, along with a stunning ignorance of market economics, he fails the irony test by following up all that crap with a call for permanent reform to benefit alternatives to oil.

In Biden's defense, it isn't just a senile old man wearing depends saying this stuff. It's what the left truly believe.
No, it's us, gator. If we had an abundance of gas and oil we would not be using our reserve. Stopping the Keystone crippled us. A 7 year wait for permits is killing us. Ask the "indigenous". They are begging for their oil and gas leases to come back. Or ask me. My lease is down to nothing thanks to Obiden. America wouldn't go begging if we had our own.
Stop listening to their bullshit that this is anybody else's fault. Get someone in office that will make us not only energy independent again, but will keep the rest of the world from freezing to death.
Use your head, not your bleeding heart, for the solution...

The war on oil and gas is a war against the American people.
What's so hard to comprehend??
The Keystone never had a drop of oil in it because it wasn`t built. Are you lying or just plain ignorant? People who hold leases are begging to make more money. Shocking!
No, you dumb ass, the Indians, on whose land the pipeline was being built, are missing their lease checks. Apparently, YOU didn't know that those large bonus checks and monthly lease payment start the day you sign the contract. Long before a drop of oil comes out. Long before a pipe is laid. There is right of ways and eminate domaining and court and recording. When the oil starts flowing the checks get great big. My lease is from the Utica Shale boom. (You asshole.)
We are swimming in oil and Biden started shutting it all down on day 1. The Republicans will finish that pipeline and it will provide us with gas and oil and the surplus we will sell. Europe can then tell Putin to kiss their ass...

As for ignorant. you opened your mouth and removed all doubt...
That's the way the market works and has always worked. Fuel is not a domestic product, it's worldwide. Even under Trump when were were energy independent, it didn't mean we only used US oil. Energy independence means we were exporting the same amount as we imported.
I get that but the question is why. Which the article I posted explained. The reason is our politicians are fucking stupid.
The war on oil and gas is a war against the American people.
What's so hard to comprehend??
What about what I said makes you think I don't understand that? Because I absolutely comprehend that. And it is our government that is crippling us. They are our biggest enemy.
I want energy independence again. I want cheap gas at the pumps. I want monthly checks from the gas company. I want energy superiority worldwide.. And it is all right under our feet.
I never want to see an American president begging again. I want Trump back. I want his 1% inflation back. I want our economy back.

Biden's three-pronged approach to lowering gas prices​

The idiocy is really difficult to believe. Here is his plan:
1.) Release more from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.
Yes, while the reserve is at the lowest level in decades, and we continue to poke Putin in his eyes and China is getting more aggressive - release our strategic reserves as a political gesture.
2.) In order to address oil companies' concerns about investing in additional production with uncertain demand in the future (like when the government has declared war on your industry), Biden promises to refill the reserve when prices are down to $70/barrel. You'll have to be patient here in the video, as he goes into Bidem mushmouth, but that's the gist. This is another brilliant strategy. Keep the reserves low until some imaginary point in the future. Don't worry about it now, while tensions everywhere are as high as they have ever been in peacetime. He knows we will have to refill the reserve sooner than that and it will be expensive, but that's down the road and he could not care less.
3.) He's "calling on oil companies to pass the savings on to consumers" What savings, you might ask. No clue. Pretty sure he means profits, because he adds, "oil companies are using record profits to buy back shares and pay dividends, passing that money on to their shareholders not to consumers.... You should be using your profits to increase production and refining".
Here is the best part. Seconds after chastising oil companies to lower prices and invest in production, he says this "Our country needs to pass permanent reform to accelerate the development of clean energy.. wind, solar, hydrogen.."

In other words, Biden HAS no plan for lowering gas prices!
The idiocy is really difficult to believe. Here is his plan:
1.) Release more from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.
Yes, while the reserve is at the lowest level in decades, and we continue to poke Putin in his eyes and China is getting more aggressive - release our strategic reserves as a political gesture.
2.) In order to address oil companies' concerns about investing in additional production with uncertain demand in the future (like when the government has declared war on your industry), Biden promises to refill the reserve when prices are down to $70/barrel. You'll have to be patient here in the video, as he goes into Bidem mushmouth, but that's the gist. This is another brilliant strategy. Keep the reserves low until some imaginary point in the future. Don't worry about it now, while tensions everywhere are as high as they have ever been in peacetime. He knows we will have to refill the reserve sooner than that and it will be expensive, but that's down the road and he could not care less.
3.) He's "calling on oil companies to pass the savings on to consumers" What savings, you might ask. No clue. Pretty sure he means profits, because he adds, "oil companies are using record profits to buy back shares and pay dividends, passing that money on to their shareholders not to consumers.... You should be using your profits to increase production and refining".

Here is the best part. Seconds after chastising oil companies to lower prices and invest in production, he says this "Our country needs to pass permanent reform to accelerate the development of clean energy.. wind, solar, hydrogen.."

So, along with a stunning ignorance of market economics, he fails the irony test by following up all that crap with a call for permanent reform to benefit alternatives to oil.

How about. Threaten, Threaten, Threaten..... Then lament that you want total control.
How can people get to be adults and not know that oil and NG are global commodities, they are sold on a global market place. We have an abundance of NG and oil, which is why we are exporting record amounts of both. How could we be doing that if we had a shortage?

The Keystone had jack shit to do with "us". It was going to move Canadian oil from there to the golf for exporting.

I go by data and facts, not emotions like you choose to live by.

The world as a whole cut production by 7.4% in 2020, and so far only North America is back close to where it was in 2019. By next year, no matter waht happens next week, America will be above the 2019 numbers before the 2020 crash of oil production.

So that is why it was also going to oil refineries in Pakota IL?
They are lying to you. Biden is begging any country he can for fuel. What they are feeding you is bullshit.

No, they (whoever they are) are not lying. The oil companies are not lying to me, the agencies that are giving data are doing it just like they always have.

Biden is not asking countries to send the US oil, he is asking them to produce more oil, period. I am assuming you are out of the 6th grade, and if so, how can you not know that oil and NG are global commodities, their price is based upon the global supply and demand, not just the US.
No, they (whoever they are) are not lying. The oil companies are not lying to me, the agencies that are giving data are doing it just like they always have.

Biden is not asking countries to send the US oil, he is asking them to produce more oil, period. I am assuming you are out of the 6th grade, and if so, how can you not know that oil and NG are global commodities, their price is based upon the global supply and demand, not just the US.
Actually he was asking them to produce more oil for the US as the oil we produce we don’t have the refineries for.
No, they (whoever they are) are not lying. The oil companies are not lying to me, the agencies that are giving data are doing it just like they always have.

Biden is not asking countries to send the US oil, he is asking them to produce more oil, period. I am assuming you are out of the 6th grade, and if so, how can you not know that oil and NG are global commodities, their price is based upon the global supply and demand, not just the US.
Yeah, dummy, they are lying, and you're buying. :eusa_doh:
Production is the difference between the Trump economy @ $1.63. a gal at the pumps, vs $5.00 Biden's (I did that) gas. Supply and demand, dummy. One encouraged production. One stopped it. You just can't figure that out...
Production is the difference between the Trump economy @ $1.63. a gal at the pumps, vs $5.00 Biden's (I did that) gas. Supply and demand, dummy.

Yes, global production, not just US production.

One encouraged production. One stopped it. You just can't figure that out...

True. When gas was 1.63 Trump stopped production. He threatened OPEC and Russia into cutting production as well as encouraging the US companies to do the same. Thus he left office with lower production than the previous year.
Bullshit. And now because of Biden we are refining Russian oil and gas in New Jersey. Biden's plan is to tax our oil and gas to death even more...
It is all about supply and demand. We have no supply.
Actually he was asking them to produce more oil for the US as the oil we produce we don’t have the refineries for.

We have refineries for every grade of oil. The reason these countries know they have us over a barrel (no pun intended) is because they know under Dementia, we won't produce more to fill in the gap. They wouldn't pull a stunt like this under Trump because he would just increase US production. What Dementia did was place so many costly regulations on public land drilling that it costs much more money than before.

Oil mines don't last forever. When they run out, we have to get oil from a different one. With drilling and exploration regs and costs what they are thanks to this buffoon in office, that will be much more difficult to do in the future, and investors are quite aware of this.

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