Biden’s trillion-dollar spending spree will lead to financial collapse

So the democrat Congress didn't give him the Bill? I see

Having said that, politicians are all big spenders of others money.
But don't put in just on the president, it goes through Congress first.
Actually, the President prepares his budget first
way more than that actually.

The outlays for the US Govt....

4.1 trillion in FY 2018
4.4 trillion in FY 2019
6.5 trillion in FY 2020
7.3 trillion in FY 2021
How is Trump responsible for the entire federal budget?
So the democrat Congress didn't give him the Bill? I see

Having said that, politicians are all big spenders of others money.
But don't put in just on the president, it goes through Congress first.

You are correct, they are all in it together, it takes both parties to get to 29 trillion dollars in debt. It takes both the Congress and the POTUS to get to 29 trillion dollars in debt.

Yet still the partisans only blame the other side and give theirs a free pass.
It's funny how spending on the U.S, is going to lead to financial collapse but spending trillions on useless wars wasn't going to.

It all should be paid for but just noting the hypocrisy.
Spending on wars is trivial compared to what Dims spend on social programs, moron.
:auiqs.jpg:Yeah, and? Pelosi was going to run with that? And did she? :smoke:

As stated, it is the starting point. So, if you want to spend less, you do not start off by asking more than ever before
Here's the reason that the Dim's planned spending spree is utterly insane:

Biden’s trillion-dollar spending spree will lead to financial collapse

And even all that spending isn’t enough: Social Security’s “unfunded liabilities” — how much money the government would need today to make up the difference between the money that will be paid into Social Security in the future and the benefits that have been promised — is about $40 trillion.
How much is $40 trillion? It is all the money in the world — literally: All the cash in circulation, plus all the deposits in checking accounts and savings accounts, adds up to about $40 trillion. That is a big hole to climb out of.
Just as inflation can cause more inflation, one of the biggest drivers of today’s budget deficits are yesterday’s budget deficits. The federal government is currently spending more than half a trillion dollars a year on interest payments for money borrowed in the past — money that already has been spent.
Our budget game is one part musical chairs, one part Russian roulette, and somebody is going to have to lose when the music stops.
The progressives "think"(i know oxymoronic) that if they bankrupt the system they can then come in and totally change the system they way they want. But the low intelligent ones, dont realize that if the economy tanks, the secret service will not work without pay, neither will the army, the police, marines, you get the drift? So when it is only the progressives out there with out any protection at all, you can bet there will be a very angry 220 million voters ready for some fun.

Liberal Hunting.png
No it won't because he will pay it back out the tax payers pocket.

First he announced very publicly all this money he is going to spend, then not long after he announced not so publicly that he wants banks to report to the IRS when someone has a transfer of over 600 dollars down from the previous 10,000.

They happen, but in general I don't believe in coincidence.
I did some thinking about the 600 dollar transactions where Piglosi had said some people arent paying their fare share. It is the bartenders and waiting staff who makes tips and sometimes doesnt declare the whole amount. I bet she got her information from AOC(ex bartender of NY who cheated on her taxes while bartending)..
Spending on wars is trivial compared to what Dims spend on social programs, moron.

Think about that one for a while Finger Boy

You think wars half way around the world are more important than helping AMERICANS?
each year Trump's starting point was more than the year before. In just 4 years he was asking for more than 1 trillion dollars more than Obama ever spent.
You act like Obama should be used as a reference point. I say BS, he spent between 9-10 trillion dollars.
I would never bring his name up as the bastion of a frugal president.

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