Big Bain Backfire

Even Democrats in in the Houses of Congress and Mayor Corey Booker of Newark N.J think Obama is wrong.:lol:
They didnt INVEST $100 million. They issued $125 million in bonds then used that money to "modernize". That $125 million was then placed on GST as DEBT.

You see, it MATTERS where the money came from and how it went on the books.

Once again youre only presenting HALF the story and ignoring FACTS in order to suit your own ignorance based narrative.

You are correct.

They borrowed against the idea of an expansion.

They bought controlling interest for next to nothing in the hopes of turning the place around.

Venture capitalists are very aggressvie with debt. On many of the 78% successes, they used debt quite successfully.

What is the point ?

This was not a raid.

You bastards just won't let go of your left wing propaganda in spite of the facts.

GTS was already 3/4 of the way down the tubes. Nobody around here would touch it because of the environmental liability and pension liabilities alone. Bain didn't take on the pension.

Notice that if a private enterprise has an 80% success rate, then it's vilified as a "corporate vulture" and called a failure. Meanwhile, everything government does fails, but the drones keep heaping praise on government and demanding that we divert ever more money from the former to the later.

This thread has been quite a lesson how people can stand in the sunshine at noon and argue it is night.

Lak (that says it in lacks a brain) and Dick Suck have proven they deserve the highest award liberals can give for arguing in the face of overwhelming facts and looking like total assholes just to hold the party line.
When did Romney get bailed out?

44 million dolars to bailout GST steel pensions...Bain Capital walked away with 12 million in profits.

Santorum Attacks Romney for Olympics bailout

Your link doesn't support your claim.

If the Santorum quote wasnt enough, no problem.

The Salt Lake City Organizing Committee under Romney requested — and got — hundreds of millions of federal dollars for the games before 9/11.

Moreover, an additional $157 million was promised for such things as temporary spectator transportation (such as construction and operation of park-and-ride lots), temporary housing for athletes, construction of access roads to some venues, and $19 million to support “staging-and-operations activities” during the games.

Under Romney’s leadership, the Salt Lake City Olympic Committee hired five lobbying firms, according to Senate lobbying records. Together with its in-house lobbying shop, the Salt Lake committee spent more than $3.5 million and, according to AP, sought federal dollars “to support a tree planting program, anti-doping educational programs, cultural outreach, communications and Weather Service funding, among other areas.”

The GAO did not perform a post-Olympic analysis of the total cost to taxpayers, but Romney once put the sum at $400 million, and once boasted that he “got record funds from the federal government.” : Slaloming Through Olympic Facts
Is there an economic or political term for the process of a corporation or trust. whatever, buying a company that is surviving and making a small profit, but then taking that company and in effect, gutting it for profit and tax writeoffs and then closing the plant?

That business got Romnied.
Is there an economic or political term for the process of a corporation or trust. whatever, buying a company that is surviving and making a small profit, but then taking that company and in effect, gutting it for profit and tax writeoffs and then closing the plant?

That business got Romnied.

What do you say for all the folks who lost their jobs when all those GM & Chrysler dealerships were closed?

Some fat had to be trimmed to save jobs right?
Is there an economic or political term for the process of a corporation or trust. whatever, buying a company that is surviving and making a small profit, but then taking that company and in effect, gutting it for profit and tax writeoffs and then closing the plant?

That business got Romnied.

What do you say for all the folks who lost their jobs when all those GM & Chrysler dealerships were closed?

Some fat had to be trimmed to save jobs right?

they got Bamaed?:lol:
Black Stone Capital Fired Thousands, Gives Obama $1,000,000 | JoeClarke.Net

No sooner had President Obama released a "Bain Capital Video" which highlights the hatcheting job Mitt Romney did to poor performing companies, that he attended a high roller fundraiser at Black Stone Investment which awarded the President with a cool million bucks at the $36,000 a plate dinner. Note: Black Stone Capital has been responsible for firing untold thousands of workers through various "investment" programs. Here is a record of 800+ who were placed on the chopping block via Black Stone:
Black Stone Capital Fired Thousands, Gives Obama $1,000,000 | JoeClarke.Net

No sooner had President Obama released a "Bain Capital Video" which highlights the hatcheting job Mitt Romney did to poor performing companies, that he attended a high roller fundraiser at Black Stone Investment which awarded the President with a cool million bucks at the $36,000 a plate dinner. Note: Black Stone Capital has been responsible for firing untold thousands of workers through various "investment" programs. Here is a record of 800+ who were placed on the chopping block via Black Stone:

Youre trying to draw an unnecessary comparison. Obama got money straight from BAIN! No need to compare, he's in bed with them too.
Black Stone Capital Fired Thousands, Gives Obama $1,000,000 | JoeClarke.Net

No sooner had President Obama released a "Bain Capital Video" which highlights the hatcheting job Mitt Romney did to poor performing companies, that he attended a high roller fundraiser at Black Stone Investment which awarded the President with a cool million bucks at the $36,000 a plate dinner. Note: Black Stone Capital has been responsible for firing untold thousands of workers through various "investment" programs. Here is a record of 800+ who were placed on the chopping block via Black Stone:

Youre trying to draw an unnecessary comparison. Obama got money straight from BAIN! No need to compare, he's in bed with them too.

Black Stone Investment which awarded the President with a cool million bucks

He is trying to say Mitt is a bad guy evil capitalist, yet he has no issue taking a million dollars from a company that does the exact same thing as Bain Capital.

Obama is lacking a moral compass, and it is showing more and more every day.
Black Stone Capital Fired Thousands, Gives Obama $1,000,000 | JoeClarke.Net

No sooner had President Obama released a "Bain Capital Video" which highlights the hatcheting job Mitt Romney did to poor performing companies, that he attended a high roller fundraiser at Black Stone Investment which awarded the President with a cool million bucks at the $36,000 a plate dinner. Note: Black Stone Capital has been responsible for firing untold thousands of workers through various "investment" programs. Here is a record of 800+ who were placed on the chopping block via Black Stone:

Youre trying to draw an unnecessary comparison. Obama got money straight from BAIN! No need to compare, he's in bed with them too.

Black Stone Investment which awarded the President with a cool million bucks

He is trying to say Mitt is a bad guy evil capitalist, yet he has no issue taking a million dollars from a company that does the exact same thing as Bain Capital.

Obama is lacking a moral compass, and it is showing more and more every day.

Sooo, Black Stone tried to buy Obama? Did it work?
Youre trying to draw an unnecessary comparison. Obama got money straight from BAIN! No need to compare, he's in bed with them too.

Black Stone Investment which awarded the President with a cool million bucks

He is trying to say Mitt is a bad guy evil capitalist, yet he has no issue taking a million dollars from a company that does the exact same thing as Bain Capital.

Obama is lacking a moral compass, and it is showing more and more every day.

Sooo, Black Stone tried to buy Obama? Did it work?

He's not for sale.

The unions already own him.
Youre trying to draw an unnecessary comparison. Obama got money straight from BAIN! No need to compare, he's in bed with them too.

Black Stone Investment which awarded the President with a cool million bucks

He is trying to say Mitt is a bad guy evil capitalist, yet he has no issue taking a million dollars from a company that does the exact same thing as Bain Capital.

Obama is lacking a moral compass, and it is showing more and more every day.

Sooo, Black Stone tried to buy Obama? Did it work?

It shows what a hypocrite Obama is

Black Stone Investment which awarded the President with a cool million bucks

He is trying to say Mitt is a bad guy evil capitalist, yet he has no issue taking a million dollars from a company that does the exact same thing as Bain Capital.

Obama is lacking a moral compass, and it is showing more and more every day.

Sooo, Black Stone tried to buy Obama? Did it work?

It shows what a hypocrite Obama is

Actually, all it shows is that Obama will accept campaign contributions from legal sources.
Black Stone Capital Fired Thousands, Gives Obama $1,000,000 | JoeClarke.Net

No sooner had President Obama released a "Bain Capital Video" which highlights the hatcheting job Mitt Romney did to poor performing companies, that he attended a high roller fundraiser at Black Stone Investment which awarded the President with a cool million bucks at the $36,000 a plate dinner. Note: Black Stone Capital has been responsible for firing untold thousands of workers through various "investment" programs. Here is a record of 800+ who were placed on the chopping block via Black Stone:

Youre trying to draw an unnecessary comparison. Obama got money straight from BAIN! No need to compare, he's in bed with them too.

Black Stone Investment which awarded the President with a cool million bucks

He is trying to say Mitt is a bad guy evil capitalist, yet he has no issue taking a million dollars from a company that does the exact same thing as Bain Capital.

Obama is lacking a moral compass, and it is showing more and more every day.

What Im saying is the BAIN money makes Obama a bigger hypocrite.

And you know the argument thats going to come.

"Obama has to fight against the big corporate money Romney is gonna get"

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