Big Bain Backfire

It shows what a hypocrite Obama is

Actually, all it shows is that Obama will accept campaign contributions from legal sources.

I have no problem with it, but he damn sure should.

He doesn't because he is a hypocrite.

Only an idiot like you does not see it.

I'm sure you wingnuts would love for Obama to cut off sources of big corporate money, and let Romney have it all. Right...? Well, it doesn't work that way and never has.

It shows what a hypocrite Obama is

Actually, all it shows is that Obama will accept campaign contributions from legal sources.

And Romney made his money illegally.

You pricks keep whining about blood money and Obama is happy to take it.

He's a hypocrite....pure and simple.

No. Romney made his money LEGALLY.

Thats not the point though.

Romney made claims that he created over 100,000 jobs. He claims his experience at Bain Capital is what makes him the best choice for President because he understands how to make money.

Well, if he made money by cutting jobs and getting the government to bail out pension funds, thats not really a selling point.

Romney opened the door to the Bain fiasco with his own mouth. What he should have done was just lay out a plan and say THIS is what I want to do. But Romney is a chump.

And before you say OBAMA LOVER! I might still vote for Obama but I would have MUCH rather had been given a REAL choice in this election and seen Jon Huntsman as the Republican nominee. Thats a guy who could get my vote.
It's called 'venture capital.' Few investments are riskier than infusing dead companies with millions upon millions in hopes of turning them around.

When it works, they are richly rewarded.

Now, you Marxists hate sucky ol' profit being made by risk takers.

We get that.


No, decent people hate watching people get fucked over by gambling, irresponsible assholes.

How about horrific punishments for these people when it doesn't work. Like if you run a company into the ground, you go to prison and get sodomized daily.

Works for me.
It's called 'venture capital.' Few investments are riskier than infusing dead companies with millions upon millions in hopes of turning them around.

When it works, they are richly rewarded.

Now, you Marxists hate sucky ol' profit being made by risk takers.

We get that.


No, decent people hate watching people get fucked over by gambling, irresponsible assholes.

Well, instead of being kept alive by an infusion of capital investment, the failing factories could have all been just closed down and the people could have just joined you immediately on welfare.

Yet in 78% of the cases, Bain was successful.

Somewhere, somebody told you life was fair. It is not.
I would have MUCH rather had been given a REAL choice in this election and seen Jon Huntsman as the Republican nominee. Thats a guy who could get my vote.

I know what you mean. The rethugs actually had a candidate that would have been worth listening to. Notice he didn't really stick around to long. Smart enough to realize that the current crop of rethugs are bat shit crazy.
Bush for all his flaws, had some humanity to him.

What part of humane was Bush's actions to send troops out in soft sided HumVees to act like targets for roadside bombs.

What part of humane was Bush's actions to ignore Osama Bin Laden?

What part of humane was destableizing Iraq so that thousands of innocent Iraqi's could be killed?

I could go on and on. However I am sure you unnerstan that there is nothing good I could say about Bush. Other than being glad he is no longer President.

But Joe B, for you to think Bush had the intelluct to be President surprises me. Yea, he might have been ok to shoot the shit about baseball and drink beer. But President? What a disaster. The worst in history IMO.

Now, this is the kind of Bush Derangement Syndrome on the left that is almost as bad as the Obama Derangement syndrome on the right.

Bush didn't design the HUMVEE vehicle. The Army did in the 1980's, because the solution Jimmy Carter had was to just guy some vintage 1970's pickups and paint them green. The HUMVEE was good at what it was designed to do- which was be a cargo hauler. Drove a HUMVEE for about four years when I was in the Army. Nice vehicle, but I never had any illusion it was an APC.

Bush hardly "ignored" bin Laden. What he did just didn't work. I give Obama credit for finding something that did, but that was as much luck as skill.

As for "destablaizing Iraq", that argument is that Saddam was a "stabalizing" force. Yeah. He also killed a lot more people than we ever did. And the solution Bill Clinton had of denying them food and medicine was killing a lot of people, too.

The worst in history IMO

So you learned your history in Public School, then?
Yea like loading up a company that didn't have much debt with a mountain of debt, that sure is a good way to keep the company up and running. Isn't it snipper.

And you claim to be a business person. LMAO.
Yea like loading up a company that didn't have much debt with a mountain of debt.

A company slated to be closed?

You are clueless, aren't you?

Except it wasn't slated to be closed...

I mean, nice try, but Vampre Capitalism isn't a winning issue for you guys.

Because as Mike Huckabee said, "Mitt Romney looks like the guy who lays you off."
Bush didn't design the HUMVEE vehicle.

You will need to show me where I said he did. But in case you missed it, Bush was CIC. Responsible for the decisions effecting the troops. And sending troops out in soft sided humvees got a lot of men killed and maimed for no good reason. You don't have a problem with that? OK.

Bush did ignore Bin Laden. He even said he wasn't worried about him. Watch it if interested. I am sure you can google.

And we did destablize Iraq. A country that didn't attack us. A former "friend". And you nor I actually have any idea of the number of people killed in Iraq. But if you think life for a "normal" Iraqi is better today than it was under Saddam, I think you are wrong. And the only way life will improve for Iraqis is when a Saddam type leader emerges. For some reason, Iraqis like having electricity 24 hours a day, and they like not dodging roadside bombs, and they liked living in mixed neighborhoods and they like not haveing to negoiate dozens of roadside checks and they liked having a decent standart of living.

You really think Iraqis have it better today?

So you learned your history in Public School, then?

Was that supposed to be some kind of insult asshole? I guess your supposed superior intelluct came from "private schools"? Well kiss my ass.
Bush didn't design the HUMVEE vehicle.

You will need to show me where I said he did. But in case you missed it, Bush was CIC. Responsible for the decisions effecting the troops. And sending troops out in soft sided humvees got a lot of men killed and maimed for no good reason. You don't have a problem with that? OK.

Again, since you've never served in the military, you have no idea what a Humvee is for....

Hey, you know, when all those Democrats sent guys out in Jeeps and Duece and a Halfs and other vehicles.... ummmmm... you know what, they were all "soft-sided", too. You know, Vietnam, Korea, WWII, WWI..

And casualties in those wars were a lot higher than Iraq.

Bush did ignore Bin Laden. He even said he wasn't worried about him. Watch it if interested. I am sure you can google.

Bin Laden was cowereing in a house since 2005, not even having a phone or computer because he was afraid Bush would find him. That's hardly being "ignored."

And we did destablize Iraq. A country that didn't attack us. A former "friend". And you nor I actually have any idea of the number of people killed in Iraq. But if you think life for a "normal" Iraqi is better today than it was under Saddam, I think you are wrong. And the only way life will improve for Iraqis is when a Saddam type leader emerges. For some reason, Iraqis like having electricity 24 hours a day, and they like not dodging roadside bombs, and they liked living in mixed neighborhoods and they like not haveing to negoiate dozens of roadside checks and they liked having a decent standart of living.

You really think Iraqis have it better today?

So you are endorsing fascist dictatorship...

Saddam murdered close to a million people. If the country was destabalized, it was because it was pretty much like brutalizing animals in cages for years, and then letting them out of the cage. That doesn't mean the cage was a good idea to start with.

So you learned your history in Public School, then?

Was that supposed to be some kind of insult asshole? I guess your supposed superior intelluct came from "private schools"? Well kiss my ass.

Just pointing out that anyone who makes a claim that Bush was the "worst president in history" is kind of oblivous to history. Look up James Buchanan or Andrew Johnson or Franklin Peirce or Rutherford B. Hayes.... those were awful presidents. Or if you want to go more recent, Calvin Coolidge or Jimmy Carter.
Except it wasn't slated to be closed...

You say a lot of stupid shit. As usual, you are unarmed.

Notice that Joe is still here, but Joe refuses to back up his claim (read LIE) that GST was NOT slated for closure.

Yet he is still posting on the thread.

How is living that Liberal Lie working out for you, Joey?

I usually ignore what you have to say because you are kind of trite.

You are making a claim that it was slated to close... It's really incumbant on you to back it up.
You say a lot of stupid shit. As usual, you are unarmed.

Notice that Joe is still here, but Joe refuses to back up his claim (read LIE) that GST was NOT slated for closure.

Yet he is still posting on the thread.

How is living that Liberal Lie working out for you, Joey?

I usually ignore what you have to say because you are kind of trite.

You are making a claim that it was slated to close... It's really incumbant on you to back it up.

Oh, I am always ready to back up my claims.

But the curious thing here is you said it wasn't slated to be closed.

Why did you say that?

Was it just instinct for you to lie about something to protect the Liberal Lie?
Because it wasn't... and trying to pretend that the systematic looting of GST was a "mercy killing" is dishonest.

Fact is, people lost their jobs, debtors lost their money, the Government had to bail out the pension fund.

Bain made an obscene profit.

On the fact that Bain wouldn't have bought it if it wasn't...

You don't loot a company that doesn't have anything worth looting...


Let's destroy your take and extend your pain one point at a time.

First, how much money was 'looted' from GTS by Bain?
Joe? You there, Joe?


'The Kansas City plant was itself dying. At its 1970 height it employed 4,500; by the late 1980s it was down to 1,000. A year before acquisition, Armco had laid off another 75. Its equipment was old; it faced fierce competition at home and abroad.

B.C. Huselton, a vice president of the business at the time, tells me that in 1990 the Armco CEO held a meeting. "He told us, 'Look, we either try to sell it, or we've got to shut it down.'" Armco had shut down another Kansas City facility, Union Wire Rope, only a few years before.'

Child's play.

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