Big Bain Backfire

My facts regarding Bain are accurate.


Explain your remark that Bain milked the company 'dry' that was losing money and was slated for closure.

Once you explain that one, we will revisit your other nonsensical 'facts' in this thread and have you explain them.

You are fast approaching troll status.

I already asked him to do that. He cant. So he ignored me.
My facts regarding Bain are accurate.


Explain your remark that Bain milked the company 'dry' that was losing money and was slated for closure.

Once you explain that one, we will revisit your other nonsensical 'facts' in this thread and have you explain them.

You are fast approaching troll status.

I already asked him to do that. He cant. So he ignored me.

He ignores people who ask him for proof of his 'facts'. It's what Dickless does best.
If you think what Bain Capital did to that steel company in Kansas City is venture capitalism, you need to go back to school.

you mean their attempt to save a company in a failing industry...and actually keeping it alive for 8 years beyond its projected date of closure?

Funny when you think that Obama pumped a half a billion dollars in a company in an industry that is slated as the "wave of the future" and was unable to keep it alive for more than a year.

So, in essence, what Obama referrs to as a Bain (Romney) failure, lasted 8 more years than his own attempt at "saving a company".

Curious...where is the outrage over Obama costing all of those Solyndra folks their jobs?

Their main product was rebar, moron. We were entering the building boom when they went under.

Did you raise wood when Bain took them over, saddled them with debt, pulled out a huge profit, and let what remained to go belly up, with us taxpayers to cover their pensions?

You truly have no clue. I'm in the building business, we use metals and yes, rebar. China started buying all the steel, prices quadrupled in 6 months, steel plants in the US were shutting down everywhere........does Pennsylvania ring a bell?? China put the steel business out, not Bain Capital.

Weren't the pensions a union deal??
Actuially, when you factor in the cost of money, the profit was not nearly as healthy as you think.

And while they did it, they saved those jobs for 8 years.

Now...lets compare that to Obamas bailout of Solyndra.

They saved those jobs for....wait...they didnt save them at all.

Where is your outrage?

Pulling off a three year 40% ROI isn't too shabby. Using corporate rape to do it happens. Just don't tell me that Mr. Etch-a-Sketch is a job creator.


SO they had a 40% annual return and decided they wanted to shut it down for the value of the assets....and, of course, not get that 40% retuirn year after year.....

Sure...that makes sense.

Do you not see what a fool this administration is making out of you with the cloudy information they release?

lol...I am getting a 40% return on my investment, but I prefer to sell out.

Sure.....makes all the sense iun the world.


business is not Dickless' strong suit. In fact, I don't think he HAS a strong suit. A clown suit, probably, but not a strong suit.
According to democrats, Bain only dealt with one company that failed after 8 years of withstanding the Chinese dumping of steel, and years after Romney left. No WONDER why even semi sentient democrats are recoiling in their own horror. They can tell when an argument is running out of steam.
If you think what Bain Capital did to that steel company in Kansas City is venture capitalism, you need to go back to school.

you mean their attempt to save a company in a failing industry...and actually keeping it alive for 8 years beyond its projected date of closure?

Funny when you think that Obama pumped a half a billion dollars in a company in an industry that is slated as the "wave of the future" and was unable to keep it alive for more than a year.

So, in essence, what Obama referrs to as a Bain (Romney) failure, lasted 8 more years than his own attempt at "saving a company".

Curious...where is the outrage over Obama costing all of those Solyndra folks their jobs?

Their main product was rebar, moron. We were entering the building boom when they went under.

Did you raise wood when Bain took them over, saddled them with debt, pulled out a huge profit, and let what remained to go belly up, with us taxpayers to cover their pensions?

It was cheap Chinese steel that killed GST, not Bain. They were doing well for 8 years after Bain got involved, until the industry started to collapse.
40% in three years is a huge profit, moron.

No it's not. Bain targeted to earn 30%+ per year. They held it for 8 years. It was a failure. A portfolio company that enters bankruptcy is a failure.

Targeting a 30%/year profit isn't huge? Are you really this stupid?

Bain ran the company dry, made a profit, and the American taxpayer was forced to bail out their pension plan. Is that correct, or do you want to try to dispute it?

I understand the private equity business. They targeted 30% per year return. They made no where near that amount. You stated they made 40% in 3 years. Do the math. That's not 30% per year. In that world, that is a disappointment. People are compensated on the dollar value they create. Most of the profits are distributed to limited partners, ie not Bain Capital. At most, Bain pulled in a few million in profits to themselves, but when you divide that amongst multiple partners over many years, that's peanuts to these guys. Bain got rich by making returns by 500% or more.

Private equity funds do not buy the equity of companies, hold them for 8 years and pour in $100 million in improvements to deliberately run them into the ground. They simply do not. The firm might go bankrupt, but firms go bankrupt, especially high highly competitive and cyclical industries like steel.

The pension fund was dramatically underfunded before Bain bought it. A pension which is less than 60% funded, there is a greater than 90% chance that the fund will never become fully funded. So to say this was Bain's doing is silly
Their main product was rebar, moron. We were entering the building boom when they went under.

Did you raise wood when Bain took them over, saddled them with debt, pulled out a huge profit, and let what remained to go belly up, with us taxpayers to cover their pensions?

Now, it's out....

You are either a zealot.

Or you are a total moron.

As has already been shown....the Chinese were hitting the U.S. with cheap steel and that is why the market went soft for them. Other steel companies failed at the same time.

Do you ever do any reading before you make claims that clearly show you have your head up your ass ?

So that's why Bain decided to saddle the company with debt, immediately pull out their investment with a huge profit, and leave the pension liability to us Real Americans?

If the problem was dumping, why didn't Bush deal with it? It wasn't about dumping, moron. It was about sucking a company dry, and asking for the taxpayer to clean up their mess.

Huge profit.

Your really are stuck on replay. Go screw yourself.

Dumping ? Now you are making stuff up. GST simply could not compete. A lot of other firms fell by the way side too.

You are so caught up in your need to keep the talking points in play that you are making a complete ass out of yourself.

Suck on that dick.
Now, it's out....

You are either a zealot.

Or you are a total moron.

As has already been shown....the Chinese were hitting the U.S. with cheap steel and that is why the market went soft for them. Other steel companies failed at the same time.

Do you ever do any reading before you make claims that clearly show you have your head up your ass ?

So that's why Bain decided to saddle the company with debt, immediately pull out their investment with a huge profit, and leave the pension liability to us Real Americans?

If the problem was dumping, why didn't Bush deal with it? It wasn't about dumping, moron. It was about sucking a company dry, and asking for the taxpayer to clean up their mess.

Huge profit.

Your really are stuck on replay. Go screw yourself.

Dumping ? Now you are making stuff up. GST simply could not compete. A lot of other firms fell by the way side too.

You are so caught up in your need to keep the talking points in play that you are making a complete ass out of yourself.

Suck on that dick.

Over half a billion in debt is not a huge profit.
you mean their attempt to save a company in a failing industry...and actually keeping it alive for 8 years beyond its projected date of closure?

Funny when you think that Obama pumped a half a billion dollars in a company in an industry that is slated as the "wave of the future" and was unable to keep it alive for more than a year.

So, in essence, what Obama referrs to as a Bain (Romney) failure, lasted 8 more years than his own attempt at "saving a company".

Curious...where is the outrage over Obama costing all of those Solyndra folks their jobs?

Their main product was rebar, moron. We were entering the building boom when they went under.

Did you raise wood when Bain took them over, saddled them with debt, pulled out a huge profit, and let what remained to go belly up, with us taxpayers to cover their pensions?

It was cheap Chinese steel that killed GST, not Bain. They were doing well for 8 years after Bain got involved, until the industry started to collapse.

Falling deeper and deeper into debt is dong well?
Their main product was rebar, moron. We were entering the building boom when they went under.

Did you raise wood when Bain took them over, saddled them with debt, pulled out a huge profit, and let what remained to go belly up, with us taxpayers to cover their pensions?

It was cheap Chinese steel that killed GST, not Bain. They were doing well for 8 years after Bain got involved, until the industry started to collapse.

Falling deeper and deeper into debt is dong well?

Those employees worked 8 years longer than they would have had Bain not taken over. You can't win them all. Bain helped many more companies than those that had no choice but to collapse from the very beginning.
So that's why Bain decided to saddle the company with debt, immediately pull out their investment with a huge profit, and leave the pension liability to us Real Americans?

If the problem was dumping, why didn't Bush deal with it? It wasn't about dumping, moron. It was about sucking a company dry, and asking for the taxpayer to clean up their mess.

Huge profit.

Your really are stuck on replay. Go screw yourself.

Dumping ? Now you are making stuff up. GST simply could not compete. A lot of other firms fell by the way side too.

You are so caught up in your need to keep the talking points in play that you are making a complete ass out of yourself.

Suck on that dick.

Over half a billion in debt is not a huge profit.

Did you ever confirm that number ?

I just don't see how that flies.
It was cheap Chinese steel that killed GST, not Bain. They were doing well for 8 years after Bain got involved, until the industry started to collapse.

Falling deeper and deeper into debt is dong well?

Those employees worked 8 years longer than they would have had Bain not taken over. You can't win them all. Bain helped many more companies than those that had no choice but to collapse from the very beginning.

DDI, Dade, AmPad.

Yup, Bain helped them right into bankruptcy.

Is that what Romney is going to tell us in 2016 when he's run us into bankruptcy? You win some you lose some?

Are you as forgiving of the Solyndra "investment"?
Falling deeper and deeper into debt is dong well?

Those employees worked 8 years longer than they would have had Bain not taken over. You can't win them all. Bain helped many more companies than those that had no choice but to collapse from the very beginning.

DDI, Dade, AmPad.

Yup, Bain helped them right into bankruptcy.

Is that what Romney is going to tell us in 2016 when he's run us into bankruptcy? You win some you lose some?

Are you as forgiving of the Solyndra "investment"?
know what you are talking about before you ask questions of analogy...

AMPad was struggling when its industry started to die (due to technology).

Solyndra was in an up and coming industry.

You are aware, of course, that if Bain did not purchase those companies, they were on the verge of going out of business? You know...alll jobs lost as well as any debt lost as well.....You are aware of

Well...that being said, it seemed that Bain gave them a second life.

And you want to criticizae it?

Do so if you wish...but it is making you look silly.
Their main product was rebar, moron. We were entering the building boom when they went under.

Did you raise wood when Bain took them over, saddled them with debt, pulled out a huge profit, and let what remained to go belly up, with us taxpayers to cover their pensions?

It was cheap Chinese steel that killed GST, not Bain. They were doing well for 8 years after Bain got involved, until the industry started to collapse.

Falling deeper and deeper into debt is dong well?

So you believe that Bain should have just shut their doors earlier?

But...but....what about all of those poor employees?

Fucking dont even know what you are debating about.

Now, Politifact is putting out some information....

Here is the first thing that caught my eye:

Bain and its partners decided to buy the mill for $75 million, with Bain itself putting up about $8 million to gain majority control of the company, renamed GS Technologies Inc.

Bain put up 1/9th of the money to buy the mill ? Now the debt claim makes more sense. This was what was paid for the Kansas City facility.

Now, Politifact is putting out some information....

Here is the first thing that caught my eye:

Bain and its partners decided to buy the mill for $75 million, with Bain itself putting up about $8 million to gain majority control of the company, renamed GS Technologies Inc.

Bain put up 1/9th of the money to buy the mill ? Now the debt claim makes more sense. This was what was paid for the Kansas City facility.

I posted that upstream when moron vidi was claiming they only paid $8mm for the entire ball of wax.

The vc partner got paid back with the $64 mm dividend from the bond issue, and Bain took $36 mm as well - $16.5 which they pumped back into the money spent to modernize the plant.

Now, Politifact is putting out some information....

Here is the first thing that caught my eye:

Bain and its partners decided to buy the mill for $75 million, with Bain itself putting up about $8 million to gain majority control of the company, renamed GS Technologies Inc.

Bain put up 1/9th of the money to buy the mill ? Now the debt claim makes more sense. This was what was paid for the Kansas City facility.

I posted that upstream when moron vidi was claiming they only paid $8mm for the entire ball of wax.

The vc partner got paid back with the $64 mm dividend from the bond issue, and Bain took $36 mm as well - $16.5 which they pumped back into the money spent to modernize the plant.

My bad.

I have tried to find more detailed informatoin on this.

I find it hard to believe that they could sell bonds and bankrupt the company (which is going to screw the bondholders who tend to like to sue)...and still rip off the pension program.
Meanwhile, Obamination is secretly taking money from hedgefund people while bad-mouthing Bain Capital....

The question is who are these dumbfucks that keep giving him money when he trashes their careers? Do they really believe in social issues above their own lives?

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