Big Bain Backfire

Bain did not make a huge profit. The pension was already finished when they bought it.

40% in three years is a huge profit, moron.

No it's not. Bain targeted to earn 30%+ per year. They held it for 8 years. It was a failure. A portfolio company that enters bankruptcy is a failure.

Targeting a 30%/year profit isn't huge? Are you really this stupid?

Bain ran the company dry, made a profit, and the American taxpayer was forced to bail out their pension plan. Is that correct, or do you want to try to dispute it?
Bain is going to blow up in Robmoneys face

No, it already blew up in Obama's face...

Can you say Corey Booker ?

If you had a brain in your ass (I've given up hope the one in your head functions), you'd know a few things before you posted stuff like this that shows just what an ignorant backwards jackass you are.

The left is full of pissant lemmings like you who run around with signs and slogans and then go home at night to lick the balls of your Obama blow up dolls.
Bain is going to blow up in Robmoneys face

No, it already blew up in Obama's face...

Can you say Corey Booker ?

If you had a brain in your ass (I've given up hope the one in your head functions), you'd know a few things before you posted stuff like this that shows just what an ignorant backwards jackass you are.

The left is full of pissant lemmings like you who run around with signs and slogans and then go home at night to lick the balls of your Obama blow up dolls.

40% in three years is a huge profit, moron.

No it's not. Bain targeted to earn 30%+ per year. They held it for 8 years. It was a failure. A portfolio company that enters bankruptcy is a failure.

Targeting a 30%/year profit isn't huge? Are you really this stupid?

Bain ran the company dry, made a profit, and the American taxpayer was forced to bail out their pension plan. Is that correct, or do you want to try to dispute it?

The company had been around for 105 years... the pension was underfunded. Bain did not take that one on...only agree to continue to contribute which they did.

Bain probably made the final bill smaller by taking a chance on a company that was headed down the crapper to begin with.

Are you going to dispute that ?

Robmoney will be forced to stand there and defend distroying jobs to line his pockets when there were pleanty of ways he could have made money instead.

He CHOSE to be a corporate raider.

Robmoney will be forced to stand there and defend distroying jobs to line his pockets when there were pleanty of ways he could have made money instead.

He CHOSE to be a corporate raider.

Are you laughing or gagging on Obama's dick ?

Hard to type anything smart with that going on ?

Which must be a lot because you NEVER say anything that isn't stupid.

80% success with his companies is not being a corporate raider.

I notice you morons never bring up Steel Dynamics or try to explain that one away.
Bain is going to blow up in Robmoneys face

No, it already blew up in Obama's face...

Can you say Corey Booker ?

If you had a brain in your ass (I've given up hope the one in your head functions), you'd know a few things before you posted stuff like this that shows just what an ignorant backwards jackass you are.

The left is full of pissant lemmings like you who run around with signs and slogans and then go home at night to lick the balls of your Obama blow up dolls.

So the Ryan plan went away the moment Newt criticized it? it didn't. And Newt back peddled on the whole thing.

The difference here was..the DNC didn't put up a website that said "Stand with Newt".
Corey Booker is on Rachel Maddow right now, criticizing the Republican feeding frenzy.

Back-pedaling for all he's worth!

Corey shot himself in his own foot by proving he's just a bitch, after all.

He had it right BEFORE he lost his manhood and his credibility by meekly accepting the DNC chastisement.

Did Newt lose his manhood too?

Booker screwed up royally..and got taken to the wood shed.

As Newt did.


Robmoney will be forced to stand there and defend distroying jobs to line his pockets when there were pleanty of ways he could have made money instead.

He CHOSE to be a corporate raider.

Are you laughing or gagging on Obama's dick ?

Hard to type anything smart with that going on ?

Which must be a lot because you NEVER say anything that isn't stupid.

80% success with his companies is not being a corporate raider.

I notice you morons never bring up Steel Dynamics or try to explain that one away.


Bain Capital invested $600,000 in STAPLES. They now employ 70,000 people.

Then there's...
Domino’s Pizza
Sports Authority

BTW, on a side note... Romney has degrees from Harvard law AND Harvard Business schools.
Bain is going to blow up in Robmoneys face

No, it already blew up in Obama's face...

Can you say Corey Booker ?

If you had a brain in your ass (I've given up hope the one in your head functions), you'd know a few things before you posted stuff like this that shows just what an ignorant backwards jackass you are.

The left is full of pissant lemmings like you who run around with signs and slogans and then go home at night to lick the balls of your Obama blow up dolls.

Easy syllables, so I have no problem saying it. Can you say what he said?

On his support for President Obama on the issues: Anybody in the GOP who wants to stand with me, please stand with me. Stand with me for marriage equality, as Barack Obama stands up for. Stand with me for not turning the clock back on women in terms of medical issues, like Barack Obama is stanidng again. Stand with me on making healthcare more accessible to all. Stand with me for making college more affordable as President Obama is doing."

On his history with Obama: "I've been standing for Barack Obama before most peope were standing for Barack Obama, as one of his earliest supporters in New Jersey, his first major political endorsement."
If you think what Bain Capital did to that steel company in Kansas City is venture capitalism, you need to go back to school.

you mean their attempt to save a company in a failing industry...and actually keeping it alive for 8 years beyond its projected date of closure?

Funny when you think that Obama pumped a half a billion dollars in a company in an industry that is slated as the "wave of the future" and was unable to keep it alive for more than a year.

So, in essence, what Obama referrs to as a Bain (Romney) failure, lasted 8 more years than his own attempt at "saving a company".

Curious...where is the outrage over Obama costing all of those Solyndra folks their jobs?
Corey Booker is on Rachel Maddow right now, criticizing the Republican feeding frenzy.

Back-pedaling for all he's worth!

Corey shot himself in his own foot by proving he's just a bitch, after all.

He had it right BEFORE he lost his manhood and his credibility by meekly accepting the DNC chastisement.

Did Newt lose his manhood too?

Booker screwed up royally..and got taken to the wood shed.

As Newt did.


Newt's political future is entirely behind him, though.

Corey's might be, now, too.

Corey was initially right. The attack on Romney based on Bain is fucking stupid and dishonest. And because Corey spoke the truth about that, he DID get taken to the woodshed.

Then Corey made the real mistake. Corey caved in like a punk ass bitch to the douche-bag DNC pussies instead of rebuffing their attempt at giving him a spanking.

Good. The implosion of the left-wing driven DNC cannot be complete enough for my tastes!

Back that up, asswipe.


He can't. Obama's dick is too far up his ass :rofl:

Dickless has made about 5 baseless assertions on this thread alone, and when challenged to back them up, he just moves on to the next lie.


What is worse is that Lakhota (means furball in another language) just keeps spouting the same trash over and over again.....when presented with the kind of information that would help him not look like a total turd.

Robmoney will be forced to stand there and defend distroying jobs to line his pockets when there were pleanty of ways he could have made money instead.

He CHOSE to be a corporate raider.

Are you laughing or gagging on Obama's dick ?

Hard to type anything smart with that going on ?

Which must be a lot because you NEVER say anything that isn't stupid.

80% success with his companies is not being a corporate raider.

I notice you morons never bring up Steel Dynamics or try to explain that one away.


Bain Capital invested $600,000 in STAPLES. They now employ 70,000 people.

Then there's...
Domino’s Pizza
Sports Authority

BTW, on a side note... Romney has degrees from Harvard law AND Harvard Business schools.

[ame=]Romney: Obama Spent Too Long at Harvard (But Less Than I Did!) - YouTube[/ame]


Robmoney will be forced to stand there and defend distroying jobs to line his pockets when there were pleanty of ways he could have made money instead.

He CHOSE to be a corporate raider.


Companies are not sold for less than the value of their assets.

To the contrary, they are sold for a multiple (usually 4-7 times) of their net margin...a number that is infinitely higher than the value of their assets.

You are naive...and the Obama team knows folks like you are they have you believing things that are not only NOT TRUE, but makes absolutely no sense....


You regurgitate it as fact anyway.

Thus why you are an idiot.
If you think what Bain Capital did to that steel company in Kansas City is venture capitalism, you need to go back to school.

you mean their attempt to save a company in a failing industry...and actually keeping it alive for 8 years beyond its projected date of closure?

Funny when you think that Obama pumped a half a billion dollars in a company in an industry that is slated as the "wave of the future" and was unable to keep it alive for more than a year.

So, in essence, what Obama referrs to as a Bain (Romney) failure, lasted 8 more years than his own attempt at "saving a company".

Curious...where is the outrage over Obama costing all of those Solyndra folks their jobs?

Their main product was rebar, moron. We were entering the building boom when they went under.

Did you raise wood when Bain took them over, saddled them with debt, pulled out a huge profit, and let what remained to go belly up, with us taxpayers to cover their pensions?

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