Big Brother? *SPOILER ALERT!*


Umm ... so, without counting votes, I'll just say, no, it's not cut and dried. Dan has a good chance still.
As I said, I wouldn't last long in the Big Brother House. I am driven by emotion and I can't get past it, even when I try. I was so preoccupied with wishing to see Willie physically attack Frank I was blind to anything else. And that's pretty much how it went from there onward.

At this point the only one of those players I have any positive feelings toward is Britney. The game ended for me when she was evicted and now it's a matter of which of the remaining three I dislike most -- and that's Dan.
Okay ... here's the deal ...

Ian threw the first comp to Dan because he promised he would if Dan pulled off what seemed impossible -- getting Ian to the Final Three.

Danielle threw the first comp because she's silly.

Danielle apparently did very well on the 2nd comp, maybe better than those who tested the comp out first did in practice. And then Ian came along did even better. And Dani is super frustrated. For obvious reasons. The loss. Letting Dan get rid of Shane. Etc.

Dan had arranged with Dani ahead of time to get fake mad at Ian if he won. And Dan went up and congratulated Ian enthusiastically to help set off the mad.

And Dani went full throttle into the act. To the point that it doesn't seem like an act anymore and it seems like she totally believes all the awful things she's saying about Ian, and seems to maybe be in danger of a nervous breakdown.
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So Ian and Dan will go head-2-head in a quiz by Julie.

Ian wins, regardless of who he brings with

Dan thinks he can beat Ian in the quiz. If it's questions about what the jurors think, then he appears to have an advantage because he has spent so much time getting to know all the houseguests.

Dan actually thinks he has a chance to beat Ian in the final vote. But he seems to believe that he loses against Danielle.

Soooo ... what it sounds like now is that he is considering throwing the final competition to Ian, so that Ian can cut Dani. Because if Dan wins Dan'll take Dani. Right now Dan is in the kitchen preparing food and was quoted as saying "Welcome to DanLoveCooking...where throwing the final HOH wins you a half a million dollars....or winning the comp means winning $50K".

Of course he could think better of throwing the final comp ... or it could all be an act for production so they won't know what his real plans are so they can't interfere with his plans by talking to Ian or Dani in the Diary Room.
Okay ... here's the deal ...

Ian threw the first comp to Dan because he promised he would if Dan pulled off what seemed impossible -- getting Ian to the Final Three.

Danielle threw the first comp because she's silly.

Danielle apparently did very well on the 2nd comp, maybe better than those who tested the comp out first did in practice. And then Ian came along did even better. And Dani is super frustrated. For obvious reasons. The loss. Letting Dan get rid of Shane. Etc.

Dan had arranged with Dani ahead of time to get fake mad at Ian if he won. And Dan went up and congratulated Ian enthusiastically to help set off the mad.

And Dani went full throttle into the act. To the point that it doesn't seem like an act anymore and it seems like she totally believes all the awful things she's saying about Ian, and seems to maybe be in danger of a nervous breakdown.

You think Ian threw that comp? I don't know if you remember Boogie jumping off that endurance comp in allstars but he was on there for about 30 seconds and said, you two can have at it, I'll see you in the second round.

He's such a brat. Will was even brattier.
Dan thinks he can beat Ian in the quiz. If it's questions about what the jurors think, then he appears to have an advantage because he has spent so much time getting to know all the houseguests.

Dan actually thinks he has a chance to beat Ian in the final vote. But he seems to believe that he loses against Danielle.

Soooo ... what it sounds like now is that he is considering throwing the final competition to Ian, so that Ian can cut Dani. Because if Dan wins Dan'll take Dani. Right now Dan is in the kitchen preparing food and was quoted as saying "Welcome to DanLoveCooking...where throwing the final HOH wins you a half a million dollars....or winning the comp means winning $50K".

Of course he could think better of throwing the final comp ... or it could all be an act for production so they won't know what his real plans are so they can't interfere with his plans by talking to Ian or Dani in the Diary Room.

I don't see them voting for Dan, he just thinks he is going to win that money. Ian will probably win the comp and then the jury votes.. He has Britney, Shane, Frank, Ashley will vote with Frank, Joe hates Dan. Jen and Danielle will probably vote for Dan.

But, I've been wrong before.. :)
Dan thinks he can beat Ian in the quiz. If it's questions about what the jurors think, then he appears to have an advantage because he has spent so much time getting to know all the houseguests.

Dan actually thinks he has a chance to beat Ian in the final vote. But he seems to believe that he loses against Danielle.

Soooo ... what it sounds like now is that he is considering throwing the final competition to Ian, so that Ian can cut Dani. Because if Dan wins Dan'll take Dani. Right now Dan is in the kitchen preparing food and was quoted as saying "Welcome to DanLoveCooking...where throwing the final HOH wins you a half a million dollars....or winning the comp means winning $50K".

Of course he could think better of throwing the final comp ... or it could all be an act for production so they won't know what his real plans are so they can't interfere with his plans by talking to Ian or Dani in the Diary Room.

I don't see them voting for Dan, he just thinks he is going to win that money. Ian will probably win the comp and then the jury votes.. He has Britney, Shane, Frank, Ashley will vote with Frank, Joe hates Dan. Jen and Danielle will probably vote for Dan.

But, I've been wrong before.. :)
If Danielle is sticking with Dan she truly is a disgusting individual and I have genuine pity for the poor S.O.B. who ends up married to her (what a dreadful prospect). But if she is sincere about her expressed vendetta against dan, then I can forgive what can only be her child-like naivete. But, as I've said earlier, how could she be that stupid and find her way home day after day?
You think Ian threw that comp? I don't know if you remember Boogie jumping off that endurance comp in allstars but he was on there for about 30 seconds and said, you two can have at it, I'll see you in the second round.

He's such a brat. Will was even brattier.

I don't get the feeds. Only read reported conversations. But yeah, pretty sure Ian threw it. Tried to make it look convincing so Dani wouldn't realize that he threw it, and after it was over asked Dan if he looked convincing enough. Or so I read. It was supposedly the deal he made with Dan if Dan could pull off what Ian felt impossible and get him into the final three when Dan and Ian were up on the block together.
I'm glad Danielle was evicted and I'm glad Ian won, but I have a question.

I understand the million dollar prize is divided between the last two players in the game, who are Ian and Dan. So what is the benefit to Ian to have won?

If Dan gets half the money, what did Ian win?
The first place prize was half a million.

2nd place was $50,000.

Not the biggest prize money show in TV. The competition sets probably eat up a lot of budget.
Danielle, as hot as she is being from 'Bama and all, is the world's stupidest twatwaffle EVAH!!!!

Dingbat STILL votes for Dan
Danielle, as hot as she is being from 'Bama and all, is the world's stupidest twatwaffle EVAH!!!!

Dingbat STILL votes for Dan
Danielle is far from stupid. So the only explanation for her persistent submission to Dan I can think of is she is affected by the same sado/masochistic psychology that accounts for women who remain immovably attached to men who beat them and prostitutes who remain subservient to pimps who exploit them.

As stated earlier, I feel sorry for any man who marries Danielle intending to be good to her, because that is not what she responds to. She will make such a man's life utterly miserable. She is attracted to men whom she knows neither want or need her and who will not love her but will use and mistreat her.

It could not be more obvious that Danielle likes to suffer.
I remember when my son was born, and he was a wee little thing, I watched the first season or so. Back then they had this "journalist" lend it some credibility to make it seem real. lol

After a while, it just made me depressed. They always got the same types of people for the show. Narcissistic people, people that were middle class, selfish, attention seeking whores that were only interested in themselves. But then, I suppose this is the only type of person that would ever apply to be on the show.

It made me be introspective about myself. What type of person I am, and what type of person watches the show. I thought it would be much more interesting if people were paid to be on the show, regardless of whether they won or not, then you would have a much broader cross section of society, a much wider range of personality types with wider ranges of ethical values on the show. As it is, most of the people have shallow, situational ethics, and never really reflect on how their choices will affect their image of themselves, to their own identity, or to their loved ones once they get off the show or in their future. The ability to see past the present is the hallmark of a mature mind and an evolved spirit. They all act like children for the most part. Doesn't it bore you after a while?

The reality is: Reality TV ruins lives «
Well, in their case, there’s a big downside: They all come across as spoiled, vacuous idiots whose behavior is appalling. They’re not stars or celebrities; they’re freaks in a sideshow — which is exactly what the producers and Bravo want them to be. For these kids, the only thing that can come of this is extreme embarrassment. They should have said no.

Few participants in the nine-year history of reality television — all of it — have ever come across favorably. The thing that happens is this: Producers prey on the one weakness they can always count on, which is ignorance.

Most people are too clueless about the true nature of television to have the good sense to just say no when television comes a-calling.
Does Reality TV Ruin Lives? - Kim Kardashian - Zimbio
Which leads to one final question: Does reality TV ruin lives or does it merely attract the kind of people who are prone to eventually ruin their own lives? More specifically, were Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt just two normal kids who would have lived perfectly ordinary lives if it weren't for the harsh glare of the cameras? Or deep down were they always destined to become manic megalomaniacs, intent on turning their bodies (and souls) into grotesque caricatures? Is reality television to blame for ruining lives or is it just giving audiences exactly what they want to see?
15 Lives Ruined by Reality Television
15 Lives Ruined by Reality Television | CelebrityHotNews.Net

Tearful Jo: BB ruined my life
Tearful Jo: BB ruined my life |

Nick: 'Big Brother ruined my life'
Nick: 'Big Brother ruined my life' | Mail Online

Or. . . . . It could all just be an alien plot to take over the world. :tongue:
Doctor Who 2005 - Bad Wolf - Episode 12 - Film Dailymotion
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After a while, it just made me depressed. They always got the same types of people for the show. Narcissistic people, people that were middle class, selfish, attention seeking whores that were only interested in themselves. But then, I suppose this is the only type of person that would ever apply to be on the show.

I wouldn't wish to be in the Big Brother House because I know I wouldn't last more than two or three weeks no matter how hard I might try. That's because I am unable to conceal my feelings about people, especially about people I dislike -- and I especially dislike deceitful people.

Some fans of the Big Brother "Game" refer to the ability to effectively and consistently deceive others, including those who are inclined to trust you, as a skill. But I don't think of it that way. Some people are very good at it because deceit is an essential part of their character. I suspect deceitful scheming is a faculty they begin developing, for one reason or other, at a very early age and which eventually becomes second nature to them. That fellow, Dan, strikes me as one such individual.

Unless one does it by simply winning competitions and retaining a popular persona, being good at the Big Brother Game in the way Dan is good at it is not something to be proud of.
Danielle, as hot as she is being from 'Bama and all, is the world's stupidest twatwaffle EVAH!!!!

Dingbat STILL votes for Dan

I was very surprised that she stayed loyal to the bitter end. She found out in the backyard interview that Dan told Shane as he was walking out the door that Danielle has been playing him all along.

Shane is now mentioning his parent's bancruptcy in every interview. He wants people to send him money, I guess.

Danielle now hates Dan (half heartedly).

Ian is loving all the attention and giving such good interviews. Everyone loves the kid.

Good season. Fans are predicting AllStars 2 next year.
I called Survivor "stale" in another thread.

Big Brother is molding.............................
New season starting. Who's watching? Player interviews on

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