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Big Business Got Greedy


Big business got greedy and wanted to get bigger and make more money and in the process got corrupt.
First they took full advantage of sending jobs out of the country so they could produce more for less. For the jobs that were left, they got an unlimited supply of cheap labor from Mexico by way of illegal aliens. This took jobs from Americans and lowered their wages so they did not have money to put back into the economy.

Then they gave loans, home and cars, to people who they knew would eventually default and they did not care about anything but the short term dividends where they made lots of money but did not see the eventuality of the end scenario. The money would stop coming in and they would be left with houses that were not longer bringing in money and they could not resale because no one had money to spend because they were not working.

Auto industries got greedy and built bigger and more expensive gas guzzling cars that sold, short term, but eventually people could no longer afford to buy them and they stop selling and auto industries stop making money.

Corporations got too big for their britches and so did Americans. All of America got too big and need to come down a notch and start living within their means. Consumers cannot spend money they do not have and government is spending money they do not have.

Big businesses are not the only ones that got too big. There are all levels of business that have had to downsize after expanding. Here is Reno, Mervyns, K-Mart, Circuit City, Target, to name a few.

Obama has to put Americans back to work rebuilding American for Americans. No cheap foreign laborers need apply that will send earned money out of the country to go into Mexico’s economy instead of back into our economy. Mexicans send 20 billion back to Mexico each year contributed to our economy’s failure.


you should have thought of that before you let you party sell it's soul for the Hispanic vote.. It's too late, you owe them now. Welcome your new neighbors the 30 or 40 million new Americans..
And we are practically in a great depression. How are you going to blame people for failing when it's a great depression? And who do you blame for the great depression? And who's fault is it when Tyson Chicken hires illegals and lays off American workers? Is it that workers fault? Even though it's happening all across America?

I have to say... I'm pretty fucking sick of hearing that I'm a "racist" for not wanting another couple million illegal immigrants in our country. I've been watching this happen in poor communities for the past 20 years, and now it's finally starting to reach the top of the food chain (those of us who make 70K+). We're just now starting to feel what a lot of folks were feeling ten years ago, and it sure as hell doesn't feel good.
I came in to work today with the intention of posting almost exactly what you posted. Thanks for saving me the time. Let me see what else I may add. But great post.

This is to all the people I argue with on these boards. SO WHAT! That's my answer the next time you say, "but that will raise costs" or "corporations will just pass that on to the consumer". SO WHAT! First of all, they'll jack up the price on anything if they can get away with it. Look at gas. No one did anything to cause gas prices to go up. It didn't go up because of demand, China or any of that. It went up as far as they thought they could get away with. Then it trashed the economy because no one was spending money on anything else.

Anyways, we need to bring manufacturing jobs back home and we need to get the illegals out. too late to think about that, welcome you new neighbors they will soon be legal not illegal Before Reagan got into office, we had 2 million illegals here. Today, 12 million. And in 1999 the Big 3 made profits. What's changed? Toyota, Honda and every other foreign car manufacturer that's selling cars in America, when their countries won't sell American made cars?

I don't begrudge Honda and Toyota manufacturing here in America, but NO IMPORTS! If it's made in Mexico, sell it in Mexico!!! too late your party sold it's soul for the Hispanic vote,, you owe them
It's all about lowering our wages. and buying votes Google CORPORATE PROFITS in 2007. You'll see corporations were doing fine. I believe this horrible economy was done on purpose by the super rich. And I know people who made a million dollars a year who thought they were on the right side of the HAVES vs. HAVE NOTS and they are finding out that they weren't.

Call me a conspiracy theorist, but this was done on purpose by the top 1%. And look, they won't even suffer, because they're bailing themselves out. and obamalama made noises today like he wasn't going to raise taxes on these 1%
So I can't be against the Big 3 bailout because millions of Americans are depending on their survival, but ultimately, they're still going to lower our wages. And notice how the Southern Republicans want the Big 3 to fail? That's because Honda and Toyota are in their states. They want to benefit from our failure. Only they don't understand it'll take the entire economy down.

And what if we are attacked again? We are not going to be attacked again, the obamalama will make the whole wide world love us so there will be no reason for us to be attacked.. In WW2, we had the Big 3 build Tanks, Planes, Bombs and Ships. Who'll build them if we don't have a manufacturing base? Will we have China build our war machine after they attack us?

We need to kick ever illegal out of this country. too late, you sold your soul for votes If American's won't do it for $5 hr, pay em $10. We work in coal mines for the right money, so I'm sure we'll pick fruit if you pay us right. It'll raise the cost of fruit? SO WHAT!!! Turn the $1 Store into a $2. We can't send jobs overseas. It used to be wrong to work with slave laborors. What happened to those days?

This is the end of Bush Capitalism. Free Trade. Unfair trade practices. Tax breaks to overseas companies.

You wonder why countries go socialist or communist. They're cutting our wages and CEO's are making $20 million a year???

I heard Honda's CEO makes $1 million a year and they profitted last year. Then Ford's guy made $20 million and they lost billions? Unacceptable.

That doesn't mean break the unions and send more jobs overseas!!! For God sakes!!! It means cut Ford's CEO's pay to $1 million dollars a year. When they profit, he can get a million dollar bonus. $2 million is plenty. If there is any more money to go around, it goes to the shareholders and labor!!!

Wake up America!!! It's too late, the votes have been counted, very costly You want cheap products, but soon your job will be affected by this never ending quest for more and more PROFIT!!! Soon your company will ask to cut into your wages so they can make more profit!!!

You told us for years we were bigots and racists for wanting to curb illegals, "they are only here to better their lives" you said,, you said "who will pick your tomatoes?" someitmes you just gotta watch what you wish for as jeramiahbullfrog is so fond of saying "your chickens have come home to roost."
I agree totally, the best way to summarize is that you have no control really over how you're life starts, the end(s) however is up to you.

people talk about the benefits of good schools or working for daddy's company. those benefits are reaped (or not) based your choices. You may have the opportunity to go to Harvard, your grades are up to you.

Yes, but...it's a far bigger climb from the crack den in East Cleveland than from my farmhouse outside of Kansas City. So, it takes a lot longer to catch up, if you ever do.

You know that kids who fall behind in literacy in the elementary years usually DON'T catch up, statistically speaking...So, you tell me. When we have millions of Americans growing up poor, in substandard schools, when do they get the chance to catch up?
You told us for years we were bigots and racists for wanting to curb illegals, "they are only here to better their lives" you said,, you said "who will pick your tomatoes?" someitmes you just gotta watch what you wish for as jeramiahbullfrog is so fond of saying "your chickens have come home to roost."

i don't have a problem at all with imprting migrant workers.....they just need to be LEGALLY brought in....

Same with other businesses that are TRUELY SHORT of workers, they just need to bring them in on visas, LEGALLY....
you should have thought of that before you let you party sell it's soul for the Hispanic vote.. It's too late, you owe them now. Welcome your new neighbors the 30 or 40 million new Americans..

Did you read my Thom Hartmann article last week? The GOP is split on this issue too. It's the racists vs. the ones who want to use illegals for cheap labor.

On the Democratic side, it's the bleeding heart liberals vs. our racists.

And I don't really want to call them racists, because I'm one of them. They are illegal because that's how you get them for really cheap! I don't even want them here legally. We don't need 10 million new poor people flooding are markets. Do we? If fruit farmers want to have a deal with immigrants, so be it, but those illegals are doing jobs Americans will do. Just they're doing them for a lot less $.

When times are good, we always take advantage of immigrants. When times our tough, they gotta go. It's us or them.

And i can't just go to Mexico and work. You should see their immigration policies. They are really strict.

But screw the Mexican Americans who defend illegals. They got to realize that it's hurting them too.

Just like cuban Americans are anti Cuba. Mexicans have to realize Mexico is hurting America.

Maybe Mexico has to figure their own economy out. The way things are now, they're turning us into Mexico. A few have a lot and the masses don't have shit.

Soon we'll be sneaking across the border to do jobs Canadians won't do. LOL.
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The corporations that are sending jobs overseas are GOP.

The people who like illegals coming here and lowering wages are typically GOP Ahhhh but you Democrats get their votes, so you owe them big time. Don't cross them now, now that they have voted for you.
The Defense companies like Haloburton and Blackwater that raped the treasury are gop.

Tom Delay got into politics because of regulations that were imposed on his company.

He spent three years working for Redwood Chemical. This work was the source for his nickname "the Exterminator". In the 11 years DeLay ran the company, the IRS imposed tax liens on him three times for not paying payroll and income taxes.[2] The United States Environmental Protection Agency's ban on a certain pesticide that was used in extermination work led DeLay to oppose government regulation of businesses, a belief that he has carried with him throughout his political career.[3]

Allowing corporations to pollute so they can save a buck is a GOP thing.

i don't have a problem at all with imprting migrant workers.....they just need to be LEGALLY brought in....

Same with other businesses that are TRUELY SHORT of workers, they just need to bring them in on visas, LEGALLY....

that's all past history,, care, the dems bought the hispanic vote,, there will soon be 30 or 40 million legal hispanics,, then we sit and wait for the next wave of illegals.. those votes are very costly.. are they not?
you should have thought of that before you let you party sell it's soul for the Hispanic vote.. It's too late, you owe them now. Welcome your new neighbors the 30 or 40 million new Americans..

do you think the LEGAL hispanics, that can vote, are the problem, or that they want the illegals to be allowed in quicker than what they had to go through? I know quite a few hispanics who are here LEGALLY and they in no way, want amnesty for these people.

ILLEGALS CAN NOT vote, so who's vote are you talking about?

Besides the fact that hispanics were primarily republican and voted for Bush in previous years, now they went with Obama, but before this, they tended to be more conservative, with conservative values....though i could be skewed because i primarily know legal Cuban americans from the Florida region....who are mostly republicans....
Did you read my Thom Hartmann article last week? The GOP is split on this issue too. It's the racists vs. the ones who want to use illegals for cheap labor.

On the Democratic side, it's the bleeding heart liberals vs. our racists.

And I don't really want to call them racists, because I'm one of them. They are illegal because that's how you get them for really cheap! I don't even want them here legally. We don't need 10 million new poor people flooding are markets. Do we? If fruit farmers want to have a deal with immigrants, so be it, but those illegals are doing jobs Americans will do. Just they're doing them for a lot less $.

When times are good, we always take advantage of immigrants. When times our tough, they gotta go. It's us or them.

And i can't just go to Mexico and work. You should see their immigration policies. They are really strict.

But screw the Mexican Americans who defend illegals. They got to realize that it's hurting them too.

Just like cuban Americans are anti Cuba. Mexicans have to realize Mexico is hurting America.

Maybe Mexico has to figure their own economy out. The way things are now, they're turning us into Mexico. A few have a lot and the masses don't have shit.

Soon we'll be sneaking across the border to do jobs Canadians won't do. LOL.

Look bobo,, we had a US congressman's son from Florida caught sneaking illegals including a 6 year okd, drugs, guns whatever, he went to drug rehab.. you can forget about the illegals they will soon be your fellow citizens..
It's my fault sales are down? I'm in sales. I used to make $85k, now I make $75k. I have friends like you. Right place at the right time. LUCKY. And anyone new into their industry does not make what they make. If you lose your job, know this. Know you will not make as much in your next job. FACT. No matter what you do. So everyone's at fault.

I did sales for years. Commission only. Sales is a numbers game. So see more people, get new accounts make more money. You're in sales so you basically work for yourself and you're blaming other people for your drop in income. Just another excuse.

And I tried starting a new business, then 9-11 happened. And I worked for a lazy owner.

If you worked for the owner, you didn't start a business.

Yes you did strike a nerve, because all the companies that bought last year are not buying this year.

Then find companies that buy from someone else and get their business. Be better than your competition.

The idea that I made a mistake choosing to get into corporate sales? I see the top 3 salespeople making over $200K and the rest of us are all making a little less than we were before. We're not starving, but we aren't making as much.

Because you aren't selling as much and that's not the other salesmen's fault.

And neither are you, because your home value went down, your 401K took a dumb, and the cost of living went up. When you think of all the money you spent on $4 a gallon, how much of GW's tax break do you really think you kept? LOL.

Actually I bought pretty low and have made some huge improvements to my house. New kitchen, bath, heating and central air. besides, I am not looking at selling for at least 15 years so I plan on recouping a nice sum. Hell I might not sell at all because this place could easily generate 5K a month in rent.

And again Skull, if you are making over $100k, then you can't really relate to the rest of us, now can you?

Yes I can. I worked 2 jobs and earned a total of 60K for 6 or 7 years before we opened our business. I saved every dime didn't buy shit, didn't go on vacations or buy a new cell phone every 6 months I brow bagged and brought my coffee from home. Bought clothes at the Salvation Army all so I could open my own business.

We put our life's savings and a good chunk of our IRAs on the line. If we failed, we literally were going to be living in our car. BTW we STILL only have one car.

So don't give me that whiny baby shit that, no one who makes more than you can relate. It is utter BULLSHIT.

I can relate to the people making $50k though, because when you start over in a new company, which I did 5 years ago, you start off making $30k salary with zero commission until you start selling. And by the way, before the GOP sent all the jobs overseas and brought in all the illegals, companies were paying $40K plus. That's a $10K cut right there.

So, you make up the difference. Work nights to earn a little more while you build your new customer base, hit the strets man and do what sales dogs do.

And my buddies making over $100k? those are auto supplier jobs. If the Big 3 go under, it'll be their fault that they only find jobs making $50k? Really?

It will be their fault if they don't rise above the setback and blame everyone else for their situation.

You honestly think if you lost your job that you would find one just as good? HA! That's what I mean about you being an arrogant ignorant bastard.

The only way I will lose my job is if my business fails. Quite frankly, my customer base is pretty deep and I'll lay people off and work 100 hours a week to stay open if it comes to that. It seems you are not prepared to do that so you wouldn't understand that mindset would you?

And if you can, you are the exception.

I worry every day/month about losing my job. Sales are getting TIGHT!!! I guess that's my fault too.

So I guess you don't see what's going on because it hasn't happened to you yet.

Sales are tight. tell me how many extra hours a week have you spent finding new people to sell to? Have you looked for a night job to make up the slack from slow sales? Are you prepared to do whatever it takes or are you going to whine?

And I guess if my brother, who makes $400k, I guess if his company (which by the way already went chapter 11), but I guess if they fail again and he loses his VP job, I guess that was his fault too?

If he stays and the company goes under, it was his choice so ultimately it is his fault.

Or if he can only find a job that pays $100K because the market is FLOODED with guys who used to be VP's, then that'll be his fault too?
Yes because he is utterly incapable of doing anything else right?

I hate to wish anything bad on anyone but man are you asking for it.

And again, I'm making about $75K and my condo is almost paid off, so I'm not hurting. At least not as bad as I see others hurting. So please don't suggest that I'm just a whiner.

Too late

All your sad/tired arguments are so old. It's bullshit.

Now you should tell the bankers that it's all their fault and it's all in their head. And the only way to get out of this is for them to go out and SPEND SPEND SPEND!!! Isn't that what the GOP told us in 2007?

This isn't about government. Government not any one party is at fault to the extent that BOTH parties allowed the real estate bubble to grow because of poor policies. It never would have got as bad if the market was truly free.

PS. I just told a guy what we are discussing and in the end he said, "the unions got too corrupt and it's all about profits", and I said, "we're not in a union and still our jobs are going to india and our wages are being lowered"

So I hope you see that they just started with the unions. It was easy because they were corrupt and most of us are not in unions. Now that they have broken the unions, YOU'RE NEXT!!

That's where you're wrong as usual. Unions need to evolve or die and I hope they die. The UAW needs to be broken just like the ATC's were. Government needs a slap in the face and needs to get out of our lives and our wallets.

Not you Skull, because you have some magical specialty that can't be outsourced. And, you work hard even though you suggest Americans don't work hard. I'd be willing to bet a Chinaman, Indian or Mexican would do it for less and work harder than you.

My clients aren't going to fly to India to get their services so you're right, I can't be outsourced. And really some uneducated immigrant can't do what we do so no worries there either.

And I'll bet if push came to shove BooBoo, I would work longer and harder than most. I know what it's like to work like a dog and sleep standing up because there was no time to lay down. Do you? Have you ever put in 100 plus hours a week and gone 30 or more hours at a stretch without sleep to get what you want? Have you ever denied yourself even the smallest of luxuries for years to save for a goal? I have and now I am seeing some reward for my work and sacrifice and dipshits like you have the balls to tell me I don't deserve it and that I should be glad to give my money to people who didn't work as hard or sacrifice as much as I did.

IMO your attitude that people should be punished for work and sacrifice is the problem with this country. NOT people who succeed
do you think the LEGAL hispanics, that can vote, are the problem, or that they want the illegals to be allowed in quicker than what they had to go through? I know quite a few hispanics who are here LEGALLY and they in no way, want amnesty for these people.

ILLEGALS CAN NOT vote, so who's vote are you talking about?

Besides the fact that hispanics were primarily republican and voted for Bush in previous years, now they went with Obama, but before this, they tended to be more conservative, with conservative values....though i could be skewed because i primarily know legal Cuban americans from the Florida region....who are mostly republicans....

did you notice the abject silence during the election about illegals???? Did you notice the ACORNS regesitering millions of voters who were not legally voters? including the dead??? how can you be sure illegals did not vote??? I'm not sure at all, all I'm saying is this down and dirty election is over, the dems paid a high price for the hispanic vote and you will soon have 30 or 40 million new citizens,, that's the price of those votes,,
You told us for years we were bigots and racists for wanting to curb illegals, "they are only here to better their lives" you said,, you said "who will pick your tomatoes?" someitmes you just gotta watch what you wish for as jeramiahbullfrog is so fond of saying "your chickens have come home to roost."

I never defended illegals. It's one of those issues I agree with conservatives on. Remember how many Americans called Congress before the 06 election to demand they do something about this?

So Bush and the GOP controlled Congress passed immigration reform, and guess what? It was not the solution to the problem. But they milked a few more billion dollars from the treasury. They may have hired a few more border patrol agents. They may have some high tech cameras on the border now, but it's not going to stop illegals.

Before you go blaming bleeding heart liberals, I want to remind you that I already forecasted that you would try to blame bleeding heart liberals for this, when you know the real culprits are illegal employers. We could fix this problem tomorrow if we would just pass a law saying any owner caught with an illegal will spend one year MANDATORY in prison. I'm talking about ass rape prison!!! Then you'll see them lined up at the borders.

Because now, it's just a small fine. It's actually worth the risk of getting caught.

These people have the power, not the bleeding hearts. The bleeding hearts are paying these people, conservative illegal employers are. And you know it.

And it was you pricks that said, "who would pick our fruit" and it is your side that came up with, "jobs Americans won't do".

We can give a special visa to migrant fruit pickers. If that's all it was, this would be no big deal. But these people are doing jobs American's used to do.

ThomHartmann.com - Illegal Workers: the Con's Secret Weapon
did you notice the abject silence during the election about illegals???? Did you notice the ACORNS regesitering millions of voters who were not legally voters? including the dead??? how can you be sure illegals did not vote??? I'm not sure at all, all I'm saying is this down and dirty election is over, the dems paid a high price for the hispanic vote and you will soon have 30 or 40 million new citizens,, that's the price of those votes,,

all of the acorn registrations that they could not verify, they grouped together and gave this info to the elcections boards, whose job it is to filter out those not legally here or legally able to vote....or bogus registrants....WHICH THEY DID.....this is their job.

so, no, i do not think any of the acorn employee shennanigans made it to the voting booth....i think the election boards did their jobs and what they always do and verified each new voter registrant, as they LEGALLY are required to do.... if any illegals made it thru, it was rare....

though in California, just via their registration process being weak imo, i suppose there could be alot of them, but again, this is just suspicion of such....
I did sales for years. Commission only. Sales is a numbers game. So see more people, get new accounts make more money. You're in sales so you basically work for yourself and you're blaming other people for your drop in income. Just another excuse.

What does your business sell?

How many people are starting new business' during Bushanomics. Hell, you can't even get a loan.

The company I work for increased our quotas and our customers aren't buying like they used to. And my industry is supposedly immune from the recession we are in. LOL.

Like I said, "i'm not complaining for myself". I don't have kids. If I make $85 or $75, it's no sweat off my balls. I'm just pointing out the obvious.

This is happening to millions of people all across the country.

Even Honda and Toyota are now strugging. Even plants in China are closing.

If your business is doing well, then you are the exception. And I bet you don't pay your employees dick. How much do they make?

Anyways, you are clearly an owner and we are clearly the labor. Of course you are never going to agree with us. It was your kind that crashed this economy and you still won't admit it. No one's buying anything.

Except your products of course. I can't wait to hear what this miracle product is.
did you notice the abject silence during the election about illegals???? Did you notice the ACORNS regesitering millions of voters who were not legally voters? including the dead??? how can you be sure illegals did not vote??? I'm not sure at all, all I'm saying is this down and dirty election is over, the dems paid a high price for the hispanic vote and you will soon have 30 or 40 million new citizens,, that's the price of those votes,,

Did you hear that what you are saying turns out to be all lies and bullshit?

They didn't register millions of voters who were not legal. They did register millions of new voters, and maybe thousands of them were bad. Those registrations were not processed. Mickey Mouse was never registered to vote.

Why don't you go learn the process before you spew your bullshit?
all of the acorn registrations that they could not verify, they grouped together and gave this info to the elcections boards, whose job it is to filter out those not legally here or legally able to vote....or bogus registrants....WHICH THEY DID.....this is their job.

so, no, i do not think any of the acorn employee shennanigans made it to the voting booth....i think the election boards did their jobs and what they always do and verified each new voter registrant, as they LEGALLY are required to do.... if any illegals made it thru, it was rare....

though in California, just via their registration process being weak imo, i suppose there could be alot of them, but again, this is just suspicion of such....

Exactly. Willow is a spewer of propoganda. Nothing more or less. It's like listening to Rush Limbaugh's stupid parrot.
I never defended illegals. It's one of those issues I agree with conservatives on. Remember how many Americans called Congress before the 06 election to demand they do something about this? Yes! I was one of them.. and you do remember us being tol we were racists?? you know who I remember saying that on tv?? McCain/Graham /B]

So Bush and the GOP controlled Congress passed immigration reform, and guess what? It was not the solution to the problem. But they milked a few more billion dollars from the treasury. They may have hired a few more border patrol agents. They may have some high tech cameras on the border now, but it's not going to stop illegals. Nope, it's not, that's why I had hope that McCain finally got the point that we Americans wanted the border shut down.
Before you go blaming bleeding heart liberals, I want to remind you that I already forecasted that you would try to blame bleeding heart liberals for this, when you know the real culprits are illegal employers. We could fix this problem tomorrow if we would just pass a law saying any owner caught with an illegal will spend one year MANDATORY in prison. I'm talking about ass rape prison!!! Then you'll see them lined up at the borders. I'm not just blaming liberls, I blame both parties. But you remember the obamalama went down to the border towns and said "McCain is against immigration." you do remember that doncha? Yep, your party bought the Hispanic vote and now you owe them.. it's inescapable.. you know doncha that the Hispanic bar has already sent a letter to the obamalama telling him to put a hispanic on the Supreme court doncha?
Because now, it's just a small fine. It's actually worth the risk of getting caught.

These people have the power, not the bleeding hearts. The bleeding hearts are paying these people, conservative illegal employers are. And you know it. Yep, the companies get cheap labor, Democrats get votes, and you know that..

And it was you pricks that said, "who would pick our fruit" and it is your side that came up with, "jobs Americans won't do". nope, not me,, but democrats told me that, and told me not to be racist about it..
We can give a special visa to migrant fruit pickers. If that's all it was, this would be no big deal. But these people are doing jobs American's used to do.

they are doning the jobs "Americans won't do" Remember??? both parties are guilty of telling you that..

ThomHartmann.com - Illegal Workers: the Con's Secret Weapon

all the crying against illegals is over, it's a done deal.. just sit back and watch..
Before you go blaming bleeding heart liberals, I want to remind you that I already forecasted that you would try to blame bleeding heart liberals for this, when you know the real culprits are illegal employers. We could fix this problem tomorrow if we would just pass a law saying any owner caught with an illegal will spend one year MANDATORY in prison. I'm talking about ass rape prison!!! Then you'll see them lined up at the borders.

We would also need a standardized federal system of identification as right now, the onus of verifying a worker's immigration status is on the employer, and if she/he asks too many questions (or the wrong sort), the prospective employer can sue him/her for discrimination. The deck is stacked even against employers who WANT to police their hirings.

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