Big Business Turning Back On GOP And Siding With Obama


Gold Member
Nov 16, 2010
Wow. Who's left that still supports the GOP led government shutdown?

Only the Tea Party extremists that gives Boehner his marching orders.

Business leaders are taking sides with Democratic President Barack Obama after failing to persuade their traditional Republican allies in Congress to avert a government shutdown.

......groups like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and Wall Street CEOs to portray House Republicans as out of touch even with their long-established corporate and financial patrons.

Moreover, the Chamber of Commerce has sent a letter to Congress signed by about 250 business groups urging no shutdown and warning that a debt ceiling crisis could lead to an economic disaster.

When Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., was asked if he had heard business groups express fears of a government shutdown's economic impact, he replied: "No. And it wouldn't make any difference if I did."

That advice is being ignored by the GOP-led House.

Some in GOP not heeding old big business allies

The GOP is losing and losing big.

Well, duh. After Obama gave big business a huge break by allowing them to break the law of the land for a year, I am sure they are grateful.

Too bad the little people can't get the same consideration.

Obama and congress like spending money to help their cronies, but then shut down White House tours and the war memorial for the average citizen. They sure go out of their way to make the people feel the pain when they don't get their way. Funny that other spending, like billions in foreign aid to the likes of Muslim Brotherhood or al Qaeda rebels, doesn't get cut.

The medical device tax will hurt the average American, but Dems won't even discuss cutting that. They want to push Obamacare implementation even though they aren't ready and it's a fucking mess. How the hell is that in our best interest? It's not. They want that power over us NOW and they could care less what hardships we endure over it.

How can liberals keep defending the Dems and claim they are for the little guy when we are getting screwed yet again in favor of the wealthiest businesses and even our enemies? Obama and congress refuse to abide by their own law, yet threaten us with punishment if we don't obey. Now big business won't have to bother with it for the time being. How special that the Dems can actually admit that Obamacare will seriously harm big business, but don't give a damn about the small businesses that bit the dust because of it and the millions out of work. I see whose side they are on. They care about themselves and those who make big contributions to their campaigns, but everyone else is chopped liver.
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good god you are an idiot
I dont even think I should have to explain why
Well that is refreshing, considering the Republican party has always been in the pockets of corporations.

But, I can see why, corporations are interested in making money, and right now, all the tax breaks and loopholes the GOP gives them don't mean much if they are losing money, and that is what it has come down to. Corporations are beginning to feel the pinch, investors are seeing stocks going down, and all because Ted Cruz and his handful of Sarah Palin look alikes don't want Obamacare to succeed and make them all look like the fools that they are.
Well that is refreshing, considering the Republican party has always been in the pockets of corporations.

But, I can see why, corporations are interested in making money, and right now, all the tax breaks and loopholes the GOP gives them don't mean much if they are losing money, and that is what it has come down to. Corporations are beginning to feel the pinch, investors are seeing stocks going down, and all because Ted Cruz and his handful of Sarah Palin look alikes don't want Obamacare to succeed and make them all look like the fools that they are.

And the democrats aren't???? You fool! :lol:
Well that is refreshing, considering the Republican party has always been in the pockets of corporations.

But, I can see why, corporations are interested in making money, and right now, all the tax breaks and loopholes the GOP gives them don't mean much if they are losing money, and that is what it has come down to. Corporations are beginning to feel the pinch, investors are seeing stocks going down, and all because Ted Cruz and his handful of Sarah Palin look alikes don't want Obamacare to succeed and make them all look like the fools that they are.

And the democrats aren't???? You fool! :lol:

Republicans are the ones that think Corporations shouldn't have to pay taxes - exhibited by their copious tax breaks, loop holes and shelters they have been protecting. So, it appears you are the fool.
The Teabaggers are so weird.

It's like they're throwing this tantrum right now because it is no longer 1913. They hate that they feel like they've lost control over the will of the clear majority of America, which would prefer to progress and evolve rather than regress and creationate.
The Teabaggers are so weird.

It's like they're throwing this tantrum right now because it is no longer 1913. They hate that they feel like they've lost control over the will of the clear majority of America, which would prefer to progress and evolve rather than regress and creationate.

They are standing their ground for what they believe in. They are well aware that the fight is lost....but they believe in what they believe in.

Only a progressive would criticize such an sentiment.
Well that is refreshing, considering the Republican party has always been in the pockets of corporations.

But, I can see why, corporations are interested in making money, and right now, all the tax breaks and loopholes the GOP gives them don't mean much if they are losing money, and that is what it has come down to. Corporations are beginning to feel the pinch, investors are seeing stocks going down, and all because Ted Cruz and his handful of Sarah Palin look alikes don't want Obamacare to succeed and make them all look like the fools that they are.

And the democrats aren't???? You fool! :lol:

Republicans are the ones that think Corporations shouldn't have to pay taxes - exhibited by their copious tax breaks, loop holes and shelters they have been protecting. So, it appears you are the fool.

Total spin.


You don't understand why certain ideas are expressed and laws enacted.

FYI...The GOP believes the OWNERS, the officers and the employees of the corporations should pay taxes.

They do not believe the corporations themselves should pay taxes....for they are comprised of owners, officers and employees.

the owners, the officers and the employees are paying taxes on every dollar of revenue that ultimately leaves that corporation.
And the democrats aren't???? You fool! :lol:

Republicans are the ones that think Corporations shouldn't have to pay taxes - exhibited by their copious tax breaks, loop holes and shelters they have been protecting. So, it appears you are the fool.

Total spin.


You don't understand why certain ideas are expressed and laws enacted.

FYI...The GOP believes the OWNERS, the officers and the employees of the corporations should pay taxes.

They do not believe the corporations themselves should pay taxes....for they are comprised of owners, officers and employees.

the owners, the officers and the employees are paying taxes on every dollar of revenue that ultimately leaves that corporation.

Judging from the last nominee, I have to conclude the gop figures neither the corp nor the shareholders should pay taxes.
Republicans are the ones that think Corporations shouldn't have to pay taxes - exhibited by their copious tax breaks, loop holes and shelters they have been protecting. So, it appears you are the fool.

Total spin.


You don't understand why certain ideas are expressed and laws enacted.

FYI...The GOP believes the OWNERS, the officers and the employees of the corporations should pay taxes.

They do not believe the corporations themselves should pay taxes....for they are comprised of owners, officers and employees.

the owners, the officers and the employees are paying taxes on every dollar of revenue that ultimately leaves that corporation.

Judging from the last nominee, I have to conclude the gop figures neither the corp nor the shareholders should pay taxes.

That's just fiction derived from overzealous reporters with nothing to do but create a stir.
Republicans are the ones that think Corporations shouldn't have to pay taxes - exhibited by their copious tax breaks, loop holes and shelters they have been protecting. So, it appears you are the fool.

Total spin.


You don't understand why certain ideas are expressed and laws enacted.

FYI...The GOP believes the OWNERS, the officers and the employees of the corporations should pay taxes.

They do not believe the corporations themselves should pay taxes....for they are comprised of owners, officers and employees.

the owners, the officers and the employees are paying taxes on every dollar of revenue that ultimately leaves that corporation.

Judging from the last nominee, I have to conclude the gop figures neither the corp nor the shareholders should pay taxes.

news for ya, dog breath. corporations never pay taxes, consumers pay corporate taxes in the price of everything we buy. Taxes are a cost of doing business and are included in the price of the product. YOU are paying Walmart's corporate taxes every time you buy a pair of knock off chinese levis at walmart.

you libtards have to be the dumbest creatures on earth.
Well, duh. After Obama gave big business a huge break by allowing them to break the law of the land for a year, I am sure they are grateful.

Too bad the little people can't get the same consideration.

Obama and congress like spending money to help their cronies, but then shut down White House tours and the war memorial for the average citizen. They sure go out of their way to make the people feel the pain when they don't get their way. Funny that other spending, like billions in foreign aid to the likes of Muslim Brotherhood or al Qaeda rebels, doesn't get cut.

The medical device tax will hurt the average American, but Dems won't even discuss cutting that. They want to push Obamacare implementation even though they aren't ready and it's a fucking mess. How the hell is that in our best interest? It's not. They want that power over us NOW and they could care less what hardships we endure over it.

How can liberals keep defending the Dems and claim they are for the little guy when we are getting screwed yet again in favor of the wealthiest businesses and even our enemies? Obama and congress refuse to abide by their own law, yet threaten us with punishment if we don't obey. Now big business won't have to bother with it for the time being. How special that the Dems can actually admit that Obamacare will seriously harm big business, but don't give a damn about the small businesses that bit the dust because of it and the millions out of work. I see whose side they are on. They care about themselves and those who make big contributions to their campaigns, but everyone else is chopped liver.

Businesses are not big people. Are they?

Only 1% of US businesses with greater than 50 employees does not already offer health insurance to their employees. The delay in the employer mandate is a minor adjustment that has little effect. The mandate itself is not that big of a deal given the small number of companies who are effected.

I expect the employer mandate to be dropped totally with upcoming negotiations.
The Teabaggers are so weird.

It's like they're throwing this tantrum right now because it is no longer 1913. They hate that they feel like they've lost control over the will of the clear majority of America, which would prefer to progress and evolve rather than regress and creationate.

They are standing their ground for what they believe in. They are well aware that the fight is lost....but they believe in what they believe in.

Only a progressive would criticize such an sentiment.
God Damn right I would criticize such a sentament. What kind of honor or respect do they deserve if the will stand by a principle they know is wrong while crashing the economy and putting hundreds of thousands out of work. SHAME! SHAME ON THEM FOR BEING INSENSITIVE AND WILLING TO RUIN OTHER PEOPLES LIVES WHILE THEY STAND UP FOR A LOST CAUSE. This isn't a game here!!! People are being hurt because of their stupidness.
Total spin.


You don't understand why certain ideas are expressed and laws enacted.

FYI...The GOP believes the OWNERS, the officers and the employees of the corporations should pay taxes.

They do not believe the corporations themselves should pay taxes....for they are comprised of owners, officers and employees.

the owners, the officers and the employees are paying taxes on every dollar of revenue that ultimately leaves that corporation.

Judging from the last nominee, I have to conclude the gop figures neither the corp nor the shareholders should pay taxes.

news for ya, dog breath. corporations never pay taxes, consumers pay corporate taxes in the price of everything we buy. Taxes are a cost of doing business and are included in the price of the product. YOU are paying Walmart's corporate taxes every time you buy a pair of knock off chinese levis at walmart.

you libtards have to be the dumbest creatures on earth.

Hey, you nominated him. Take some fucking persoanal responsibility. As for Mitt and Corps' evading taxes ... no argument from me. And you people wonder how Barack Hussein Obama got like 330 eV's. Facepalm.
Boehner is not interested in the welfare of the country. He is only concerned about the extra nickle he gets as Speaker. He is bowing to the Bagger because Jim Demint is holding the Heritage Big Bag of Money.\

But soon the pressure will be too much and he will allow a vote. The moderates are taking the Baggers down. It is only a matter of time.

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