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Big Government, Socialism, and the VA

The reason the VA scandal could never happen in the Private Sector is obvious to anyone with a brain..... .

Is that why stories like this were fiction?

Elderly Abused at 1 in 3 Nursing Homes: Report

Reports of serious, physical, sexual and verbal abuse are "numerous" among the nation's nursing homes, according to a congressional report released today.

The study, prepared by the minority (Democratic and Independent) staff of the Special Investigations Division of the House Government Reform Committee, finds that 30 percent of nursing homes in the United States — 5,283 facilities — were cited for almost 9,000 instances of abuse over a recent two-year period, from January 1999 to January 2001.

Elderly Abused at 1 in 3 Nursing Homes: Report - ABC News

Or the 200 plus people killed in hospitals each year. But they don't want to hear that.

They'd rather believe Larry Kudlow, the same idiot who proclaimed back in 2007 "There will be no recession."

I think Republicans are on to something here. Stop the socialized medicine even in the military we all know it leads to poor care and eventually to communism. I see the Republican plan as paying each military a higher salary to pay for his or her own medical care. Even the pre-induction physical should be paid for by the inductee.
On the battlefield competition by private doctors to treat the wounded would lead to even better medical care, no more waiting in line. The question, however, is what about the disabled, well as most Republicans realize tremendous savings would take place here, with private care there would be less disabled, and no more VA, no more socialized military medicine all private and all great.
The Republican plan will save us tons of money; the military will get better medical care (private), the savings will be enormous and we don't have to worry about communism in the military any more. And a bonus, with all that saved money we can have more wars.
Biggest problem at the VA was when Bush started 2 wars without first finding the $$$ and resources to fight them and take care of the warriors during and after the figtht.
Add in the massive amount of fraud in the disability rating system the VA is backlogged in now. Around 50% of all returning and retiring veterans are filing some form of disability.
WWII and Nam vets are outraged about this as it is now taboo to question any veteran about their applications for disability.
Add in the politics of funding with the current big dollar Senate bill that was correctly defeated by Republicans.
And the massive fraud still in the procurement of weapons systems and difficulty of closing long obsolete military bases. Pentagon does not want any more tanks but Congress funds that. The military is now a jobs program that the Pentagon does not need as Republicans and Democrats vote for them.
And when you look at the multi million dollar jobs retired brass get after they leave the Pentagon in the military industrial complex field there you go.
Eisenhower warned us and advised the entire nation go to national health care.
If we were really interested in HEALTH care instead of the massive disease care industry now set up, but that is a related but totally different story.

Going from 0 combat vets to 300-700 thousand tends to tax the healthcare system. But since it taints Bush, it can't be the reason.

Now for the upcoming deflection...

Try reading before posting, cupcake.

Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans account for 7% of the Men and Women treated but only 4% of the money spent in the VA system.

A Congressional Budget Office report found that they cost $4,800, on average, in 2010 compared with $8,800 for other veterans who used the system.

It also found that while these Iraq and Afghan vets account for 7% of those treated, they were responsible for only 4% of its health costs.

Read More At Investor's Business Daily: VA Health Spending Per Patient Exploded Amid Chronic Treatment Delays - Investors.com
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Meanwhile, the funding for the VA since President of The United States of America, George Walker Bush deployed our Men to SW Asia has nearly tripled.

But with fewer Veterans.


You are one of the few, and I mean VERY few, libtards in here with a measurable IQ.

Try not to disappoint in the future. Thank you
I think Republicans are on to something here. Stop the socialized medicine even in the military we all know it leads to poor care and eventually to communism. I see the Republican plan as paying each military a higher salary to pay for his or her own medical care. Even the pre-induction physical should be paid for by the inductee.
On the battlefield competition by private doctors to treat the wounded would lead to even better medical care, no more waiting in line. The question, however, is what about the disabled, well as most Republicans realize tremendous savings would take place here, with private care there would be less disabled, and no more VA, no more socialized military medicine all private and all great.
The Republican plan will save us tons of money; the military will get better medical care (private), the savings will be enormous and we don't have to worry about communism in the military any more. And a bonus, with all that saved money we can have more wars.

yup....i see no problem with the military just expanding its TRICARE program...this is a program where they are able to choose care from local doctors or wherever....instead of having to go specifically to one of the Veteran Hospitals...
The reason the VA scandal could never happen in the Private Sector is obvious to anyone with a brain..... .

Is that why stories like this were fiction?

Elderly Abused at 1 in 3 Nursing Homes: Report

Reports of serious, physical, sexual and verbal abuse are "numerous" among the nation's nursing homes, according to a congressional report released today.

The study, prepared by the minority (Democratic and Independent) staff of the Special Investigations Division of the House Government Reform Committee, finds that 30 percent of nursing homes in the United States — 5,283 facilities — were cited for almost 9,000 instances of abuse over a recent two-year period, from January 1999 to January 2001.

Elderly Abused at 1 in 3 Nursing Homes: Report - ABC News

Or the 200 plus people killed in hospitals each year. But they don't want to hear that.

They'd rather believe Larry Kudlow, the same idiot who proclaimed back in 2007 "There will be no recession."


But you know what happens, dickbreath?

Those Hospitals get sued. Successfully. And so do the Doctors. Successfully.

You don't watch much TV, do you? Got your head buried in somebody's lap, I guess huh?

There's hardly a five minute break between ads by Ambulance-Chasing lawyers that usually go something like this, "If yo mama was mis-treated in a nursing home, call 1-800-WEE-SUCK so we can sue the fuck out of them."

Know what's gonna happen at the VA? Nothing.

Know what would happen in the Private Sector? People would go to Prison.

You are a child.

No wonder you want someone to bounce you on their knee
Biggest problem at the VA was when Bush started 2 wars without first finding the $$$ and resources to fight them and take care of the warriors during and after the figtht.
Add in the massive amount of fraud in the disability rating system the VA is backlogged in now. Around 50% of all returning and retiring veterans are filing some form of disability.
WWII and Nam vets are outraged about this as it is now taboo to question any veteran about their applications for disability.
Add in the politics of funding with the current big dollar Senate bill that was correctly defeated by Republicans.
And the massive fraud still in the procurement of weapons systems and difficulty of closing long obsolete military bases. Pentagon does not want any more tanks but Congress funds that. The military is now a jobs program that the Pentagon does not need as Republicans and Democrats vote for them.
And when you look at the multi million dollar jobs retired brass get after they leave the Pentagon in the military industrial complex field there you go.
Eisenhower warned us and advised the entire nation go to national health care.
If we were really interested in HEALTH care instead of the massive disease care industry now set up, but that is a related but totally different story.

So the figures provided by the OP - number of vets down, costs soar - are meaningless?
Throwing cash isn't always the solution ... sometimes it's the prob and sometimes it just ideology or reading comprehension. :D
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Biggest problem at the VA was when Bush started 2 wars without first finding the $$$ and resources to fight them and take care of the warriors during and after the figtht.
Oh stop it. The wars were voted on and funded by Congress.

I worked in a VA hospital in the late 70s to early 80s. It was screwed up then and likely before. I also grew up as a military dependent and didn't have exactly the best of care. What I remember most is waiting...and waiting...and waiting. Human nature being what it is folks don't give a rip when you can't fire them.

Voted on yes.
Funded no.
And please tell us which war, or any war for that matter, that there is a pre known exact cost that Congress can vote on.
Where is that war.
We wait now and have the best coverage out there.
Biggest problem at the VA was when Bush started 2 wars without first finding the $$$ and resources to fight them and take care of the warriors during and after the figtht.
Add in the massive amount of fraud in the disability rating system the VA is backlogged in now. Around 50% of all returning and retiring veterans are filing some form of disability.
WWII and Nam vets are outraged about this as it is now taboo to question any veteran about their applications for disability.
Add in the politics of funding with the current big dollar Senate bill that was correctly defeated by Republicans.
And the massive fraud still in the procurement of weapons systems and difficulty of closing long obsolete military bases. Pentagon does not want any more tanks but Congress funds that. The military is now a jobs program that the Pentagon does not need as Republicans and Democrats vote for them.
And when you look at the multi million dollar jobs retired brass get after they leave the Pentagon in the military industrial complex field there you go.
Eisenhower warned us and advised the entire nation go to national health care.
If we were really interested in HEALTH care instead of the massive disease care industry now set up, but that is a related but totally different story.

So the figures provided by the OP - number of vets down, costs soar - are meaningless?
Throwing cash isn't always the solution and sometimes it's the prob. Sometimes it just ideology or reading comprehension. :D

Totally agree, good point.
Read my point on the VA disability back log. Wonder how many of them are fraud yet no one steps in and questions it.
Never said money was the solution but if you do not prepare for the UNKNOWN then you get fucked.
And funding is unknown in war.
Is that why stories like this were fiction?

Elderly Abused at 1 in 3 Nursing Homes: Report

Reports of serious, physical, sexual and verbal abuse are "numerous" among the nation's nursing homes, according to a congressional report released today.

The study, prepared by the minority (Democratic and Independent) staff of the Special Investigations Division of the House Government Reform Committee, finds that 30 percent of nursing homes in the United States — 5,283 facilities — were cited for almost 9,000 instances of abuse over a recent two-year period, from January 1999 to January 2001.

Elderly Abused at 1 in 3 Nursing Homes: Report - ABC News

Or the 200 plus people killed in hospitals each year. But they don't want to hear that.

They'd rather believe Larry Kudlow, the same idiot who proclaimed back in 2007 "There will be no recession."


But you know what happens, dickbreath?

Those Hospitals get sued. Successfully. And so do the Doctors. Successfully.

You don't watch much TV, do you? Got your head buried in somebody's lap, I guess huh?

There's hardly a five minute break between ads by Ambulance-Chasing lawyers that usually go something like this, "If yo mama was mis-treated in a nursing home, call 1-800-WEE-SUCK so we can sue the fuck out of them."

Know what's gonna happen at the VA? Nothing.

Know what would happen in the Private Sector? People would go to Prison.

You are a child.

No wonder you want someone to bounce you on their knee

It takes a jury to award cash awards in all medical cases.
Almost impossible to get a verdict against a doctor.
Real world. The ambulance chaser TV lawyers work the nickel dime stuff, fender bender cases mostly.
Biggest problem at the VA was when Bush started 2 wars without first finding the $$$ and resources to fight them and take care of the warriors during and after the figtht.
Oh stop it. The wars were voted on and funded by Congress.

I worked in a VA hospital in the late 70s to early 80s. It was screwed up then and likely before. I also grew up as a military dependent and didn't have exactly the best of care. What I remember most is waiting...and waiting...and waiting. Human nature being what it is folks don't give a rip when you can't fire them.

Voted on yes.
Funded no.
And please tell us which war, or any war for that matter, that there is a pre known exact cost that Congress can vote on.
Where is that war.
We wait now and have the best coverage out there.

2008 Iraq War supplemental funding bill - SourceWatch

Final passage by Senate in June 2008

On June 26, the Senate voted 92-6 in support of the $257.5 billion legislation, which included funding for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, extended unemployment insurance, and the new veterans education benefit. The House had already approved the same bill on June 20, 416 to 12.[7]

VA Health Spending Per Patient Exploded Amid Chronic Treatment Delays - Investors.com

Your chart suggests that the best route would be to expand Medicare to include veterans of any age.

Take a good look at that chart on the left. Doesn't it make the number of veterans look far less than the actual decline of less than 5 mil?

That's a tactic both Investors Daily and FOX often use to to skewer perception.

The fact is as Iraq and Afghanistan var vets age, the number of veterans will again rise precipitously. Not to mention Vietnam vets row reaching retirement age.
There is an easy solution to problems at VA, but it will take the rearrangement of some funding and an automatic system of revenue to cover unexpected expenses. VA problem at present is they are overburdened with patients needing specific types of care and do not have the staff to handle the overflow. A system is needed that can transfer patients to the private sector, even if only temporary until such overflow is no longer a problem. This would probably have to be done by mostly direct funding to those assigned to private sector resources and care. How many vet's are being treated for geriatric illness's in the VA that could probably be treated in the private sector?
This is not a proposal for transferring veterans health care to the private sector as a permanent solution, only a temporary fix when needed. It is a proposal that would resolve overflow when it catches the VA without resources to treat veterans due to unforeseen circumstances such as war and non predictable injuries such as traumatic brain injuries, agent orange poisoning or even PTSD. All of those caught the VA off guard and their will no doubt be illness's and injuries in the future that will do the same.
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Biggest problem at the VA was when Bush started 2 wars without first finding the $$$ and resources to fight them and take care of the warriors during and after the figtht.
Add in the massive amount of fraud in the disability rating system the VA is backlogged in now. Around 50% of all returning and retiring veterans are filing some form of disability.
WWII and Nam vets are outraged about this as it is now taboo to question any veteran about their applications for disability.
Add in the politics of funding with the current big dollar Senate bill that was correctly defeated by Republicans.
And the massive fraud still in the procurement of weapons systems and difficulty of closing long obsolete military bases. Pentagon does not want any more tanks but Congress funds that. The military is now a jobs program that the Pentagon does not need as Republicans and Democrats vote for them.
And when you look at the multi million dollar jobs retired brass get after they leave the Pentagon in the military industrial complex field there you go.
Eisenhower warned us and advised the entire nation go to national health care.
If we were really interested in HEALTH care instead of the massive disease care industry now set up, but that is a related but totally different story.

So the figures provided by the OP - number of vets down, costs soar - are meaningless?
Throwing cash isn't always the solution ... sometimes it's the prob and sometimes it just ideology or reading comprehension. :D

Why do conservatives always insist that solving obviously costly problems can be done by spending less money on them?

You people who wanted that Iraq war and constantly tried to lowball the overall costs are now going to find out what people like myself were talking about when we were saying you were full of shit.
So none of you conservatives object to the idea of transitioning veterans into Obamacare?

of course we object to it leftard
obamacare is a disaster and wont work

wait until the employer mandate kicks in

ur a joke

So the idea of veterans receiving vouchers or credit or the like in order to shop for private insurance in a competitive market is off the table?

So what's ON the table? What's left? You've rejected government run healthcare for them, now you've rejected private sector healthcare for them, seriously,

Such bullshit.

If you have an emergency you get treated at the VA emergency room.
The reason the VA scandal could never happen in the Private Sector is obvious to anyone with a brain..... .

Is that why stories like this were fiction?

Elderly Abused at 1 in 3 Nursing Homes: Report

Reports of serious, physical, sexual and verbal abuse are "numerous" among the nation's nursing homes, according to a congressional report released today.

The study, prepared by the minority (Democratic and Independent) staff of the Special Investigations Division of the House Government Reform Committee, finds that 30 percent of nursing homes in the United States — 5,283 facilities — were cited for almost 9,000 instances of abuse over a recent two-year period, from January 1999 to January 2001.

Elderly Abused at 1 in 3 Nursing Homes: Report - ABC News

Or the 200 plus people killed in hospitals each year. But they don't want to hear that.

They'd rather believe Larry Kudlow, the same idiot who proclaimed back in 2007 "There will be no recession."


No, and ironically, under so-called tort reform, the conservatives want to make it harder for people to access the courts for redress.
The VA I attend is in Fayetteville, Arkansas. They have been highly rated fort several years. I have nothing but compliments for my VA and my Team of nurses and doctors.
I just had a check up on May 12th and was in and out in three hours..
There is an easy solution to problems at VA, but it will take the rearrangement of some funding and an automatic system of revenue to cover unexpected expenses. VA problem at present is they are overburdened with patients needing specific types of care and do not have the staff to handle the overflow. A system is needed that can transfer patients to the private sector, even if only temporary until such overflow is no longer a problem. This would probably have to be done by mostly direct funding to those assigned to private sector resources and care. How many vet's are being treated for geriatric illness's in the VA that could probably be treated in the private sector?
This is not a proposal for transferring veterans health care to the private sector as a permanent solution, only a temporary fix when needed. It is a proposal that would resolve overflow when it catches the VA without resources to treat veterans due to unforeseen circumstances such as war and non predictable injuries such as traumatic brain injuries, agent orange poisoning or even PTSD. All of those cau
ght the VA off guard and their will no doubt be illness's and injuries in the future that will do the same.

Once again, the problem isn't with the care, it's getting approval for the care.

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