BIG inflation numbers just posted

Yes, this was targeted precisely at people as dumb as you.

The price of energy is almost 3/4 of the cause of this problem. Democrats know this, and STILL they refuse to budge on the The dark side is strong in them for sure. If they were convinced they would not only lose the House but also the Senate, they would soften their stance at least temporarily.

In my opinion, their over confidence has pushed them all in. Should they wake up the day after election to find out they lost both chambers, Joe Biden will become public enemy number 1, as he will then be forced to veto everything coming out. I have a suspicion if that happens, to save themselves, more than a few Democrats will participate in helping over ride his veto. No, it won't be people like AOC and friends, but more moderate Democrats that no longer have to answer to Pelosi and Chucky Shmucky, will see the writing on the wall.
We did. Those numbers are mostly due to money Trump pumped into the economy and we voted HIM out

And elected another big spending liberal right after Trump. And now everyone acts like Biden is only one responsible for our dollars not buying as much as it did just two years ago. FFS, the big spending didn't just start with Biden. Of course Biden has the same retarded borrow and spend policy as the others. But recessions don't just fall out of the sky all of a sudden.
Who cares?
If Trump didn’t, you would attack him.
Nice deflection--is it that hard to say yeah..if both are true--and both are....then there is no 'guilt'? Everyone with a brain knew that the stimulus would be inflationary. They did it anyway.
Because they wanted to woo the voter...

BTW...i don't make things up to attack Trump.....he provides a plethora of material--so much so that a guy has to pick and choose.
The price of energy is almost 3/4 of the cause of this problem. Democrats know this, and STILL they refuse to budge on the The dark side is strong in them for sure. If they were convinced they would not only lose the House but also the Senate, they would soften their stance at least temporarily.

The GND is retarded. But THE ONLY way for the US to actually be energy independent is to get off of oil. US oil companies are always going to import oil from the middle east and other places. It's what they do. it's cheaper to refine oil from Saudi Arabia than west Texas or NM. Plus the overhead of importing oil is lower than hiring a crap load of oil hands (from the geologist to the pipeliners) and producing here.
Do you have any idea how much debt has increased under Potato?

I'm sure it's a lot. But it would be easy to find. It's probably not as much as Trumps, but my guess is it's not far behind. And by 2024, will have surpassed Trumps spending. And I'm talking about new spending. Not the reoccurring spending.
Nice deflection--is it that hard to say yeah..if both are true--and both are....then there is no 'guilt'? Everyone with a brain knew that the stimulus would be inflationary. They did it anyway.
Because they wanted to woo the voter...

BTW...i don't make things up to attack Trump.....he provides a plethora of material--so much so that a guy has to pick and choose.
We all know where your coming from.
What caused the massive inflation, never seen before in America?

1. War on fossil fuels
2. Covid shut downs
3. Reckless spending

Blaming those in the past does nothing. Only vote for those who promise to reverse course.

And when they don't make them feel the pain.
Well, you know it's bad.

Kamala has raised the rate from $2 to $5!

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