BIG inflation numbers just posted

Good. I like clear communication.
I somehow doubt it..since you dorks keeps conflating me with the Left. My distaste for Trump is visceral, not political. I do think he's a political's the sleaze factor that has aghast. BTW...hated Trump long before he was President...or a Republican.

If I got to pick a President...John Kasich would do nicely~

I don't know enough about Kasich. I would pick an actual conservative. Someone like DeSantis, Thomas Massie, Justin Amash, Chip Roy or Mike Lee.
Trump and the rest of them can't hold a candle to an actual conservatives record.
In April of 2020, Trump was BEGGING Saudi Arabia to lower production. They agreed. And that started the oil bust cycle. And because American oil companies only care about profit too, they started their bust cycle at the same time. By May or June, US oil companies started slowing production. They stopped most of their plans for drilling (that they had permits for) and started laying off oil field hands. This was months even before the election.
he didn’t beg, he asked…they listened Trump commanded respect from our allies. Xiden has destroyed relationships with allies.

trumps quick action allowed fuel cost to remain unchanged during the chinese pandemic.
The GND is retarded. But THE ONLY way for the US to actually be energy independent is to get off of oil. US oil companies are always going to import oil from the middle east and other places. It's what they do. it's cheaper to refine oil from Saudi Arabia than west Texas or NM. Plus the overhead of importing oil is lower than hiring a crap load of oil hands (from the geologist to the pipeliners) and producing here.
Wow, that's um, kinda stupid. :aargh:
I know that, for sure. But it's not all anyone needs to know. Like I said, recessions don't just fall from the sky. This shit started before Biden took office. The lead up to it, took at least a year or two.
Bullshit! This all started day 1 with Biden EO 13990.

You want a link or gonna put on the big boy pants and read it yourself?

Btw, diesel was $5/gal yesterday. Nothing's going down anytime soon. :nono:

This was engineered by Biden ('s handlers) on his 1st day in office.

Big might say..inflated?

As for who did it..given that the main factor that drives inflation is the money supply..and given that the stimulus money was a bipartisan effort, I guess you're saying vote out all who voted for any stimulus money?

Trump's out that's done right?
Pedo Peter's war on fossil fuels has nothing to do prices now, right? Isn't that what you believe?
Pedo Peter's war on fossil fuels has nothing to do prices now, right? Isn't that what you believe?
I have not a clue as to who 'pedo peter' is. Trying to ween ourselves off of FF..and break the leash the oil companies have us controlled with--can only be a good thing.
Painful in the short term--better for all in the long term.
I have not a clue as to who 'pedo peter' is. Trying to ween ourselves off of FF..and break the leash the oil companies have us controlled with--can only be a good thing.
Painful in the short term--better for all in the long term.
Disastrous in the short term, self immolating in the long term.
Disastrous in the short term, self immolating in the long term.
Naw...FF's are on the way out...and most know it. It's how they make their exit that's up for debate. I vote the Oil companies will milk every last dime...and then leap onto some other source..and go on without skipping a beat~
he didn’t beg, he asked…they listened Trump commanded respect from our allies. Xiden has destroyed relationships with allies.

trumps quick action allowed fuel cost to remain unchanged during the chinese pandemic.

It all depends on where you're loyalties are, when describing a presidents actions. You call it making a deal, others call it begging.

The deal Trump made, helped oil companies make record profits by producing much MUCH less. And devistating our economy with $5 per gallon gas.

This is what happens when you cut production. Prices go up.

Was Trump supporters unhappy with the $2per gallon gas, and just wanted to pay more? I was just fine with $2per gallon gas. It helped my own personal economy. So Trump taking steps and making deals to help increase the price of gas, just didn't set right with me.

Maybe you enjoyed the consequences of getting oil companies to lower production. Who knows?
I have not a clue as to who 'pedo peter' is. Trying to ween ourselves off of FF..and break the leash the oil companies have us controlled with--can only be a good thing.
Painful in the short term--better for all in the long term.
You are either a total shill that shouldn't be taken seriously or totally uninformed and shouldn't be taken seriously.

When gas shortages hit America and gas lines begin, Democrats to the back.
You are either a total shill that shouldn't be taken seriously or totally uninformed and shouldn't be taken seriously.

When gas shortages hit America and gas lines begin, Democrats to the back.

Gas shortages will hit America when the US oil companies say they hit. A president doesn't have the authority to control oil companies. Especially with a products that runs the country.
It all depends on where you're loyalties are, when describing a presidents actions. You call it making a deal, others call it begging.

The deal Trump made, helped oil companies make record profits by producing much MUCH less. And devistating our economy with $5 per gallon gas.

This is what happens when you cut production. Prices go up.

Was Trump supporters unhappy with the $2per gallon gas, and just wanted to pay more? I was just fine with $2per gallon gas. It helped my own personal economy. So Trump taking steps and making deals to help increase the price of gas, just didn't set right with me.

Maybe you enjoyed the consequences of getting oil companies to lower production. Who knows?
gas wasn’t 5 a gallon when trump was in office…and yes the deal helped americans and american companies

there was no begging. We didn’t “need” them to don anything, they did see what trump was saying and agreed. Xiden on the other hand is desperate because his war on energy has backfired a great deal and lead to the majority of american people realizing his take us in the wrong direction

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