Big Mistake Obama!

Yo, this Donkey in the White House is going to put every American in danger!!! He will be the "Biggest Ass" In American History!!!

by RAHEEM KASSAM 9 Sep 2015

Former Apprentice winner Michelle Dewberry featured on Sky News’ Sunrise programme on Tuesday morning, using her platform to warn that ISIS are trying to sneak terrorists into Europe under the guise of being migrants and refugees from North Africa and the Middle East.

The businesswoman and charity campaigner acknowledged that such warnings carried the threat of “getting a bit of stick” (abuse) or “being called a racist or whatever” but still managed to explain succinctly and eloquently for Sky’s morning viewers how ISIS threatened in February to flood Europe with terrorists disguised as refugees. Her comments echo warnings from UKIP leader Nigel Farage who took to the European Parliament in Strasbourg in April to warn that ISIS had promised Europe half a million terrorists.

She said, in the video:

“My concern is this, and you don’t seem to be able to say without getting a bit of stick or being called a racist or whatever, my concern is this: genuine refugees have got an imminent risk to their life. We need to do everything that we can to treat them with dignity, respect and make sure that those people, those families are safe. I completely support that.

Apprentice Winner Michelle Dewberry: ISIS Promised to Send Us Fighters As Migrants… We Have to Be Careful

View attachment 49746

Good! Bring it the fuck on!

The sooner they get this thing cranked up the sooner we can go to work doing the unenviable job of ridding the US of Liberal, progressive, socialist, communist, muslims.

Right this second is NOT TOO SOON to get started!
But you wont get it started. Pussy.
Who other than someone with a stunted world view could see those escaping oppression as people who will inflict oppression?

Yo, wake up, little Johnny, wake up? You are so bright, I could hardly see this post? NOT! D-Ass!

Dunce-cap-in-corner (1).jpg
You Mini Socialist are the Dumbest People on the Planet!!!

Ironic Deceleration Alert!


Statistikhengst Pogo

I really don't get this "mini socialist" obsession of his but, damn right I want my MINI to decelerate, considering the speeds at which I take the curves.

People who own MINI's are more social than 1stDumbo and his AWG ilk.


We also tend not to use greased-up homoerotic bang-bang movie characters as avatars and not begin every utterance with a grunt.
Prolly the inevitable consequnce of having, y'know, taste.
You Mini Socialist are the Dumbest People on the Planet!!!

Ironic Deceleration Alert!


Statistikhengst Pogo

I really don't get this "mini socialist" obsession of his but, damn right I want my MINI to decelerate, considering the speeds at which I take the curves.

People who own MINI's are more social than 1stDumbo and his AWG ilk.


Yo, last post to you ass-wipes! Respond intelligently? Or don`t respond! You idiots need a real life!

Dunce-cap-in-corner (1).jpg
You Mini Socialist are the Dumbest People on the Planet!!!

Ironic Deceleration Alert!


Statistikhengst Pogo

I really don't get this "mini socialist" obsession of his but, damn right I want my MINI to decelerate, considering the speeds at which I take the curves.

People who own MINI's are more social than 1stDumbo and his AWG ilk.


We also tend not to use greased-up homoerotic bang-bang movie characters as avatars and not begin every utterance with a grunt.
Prolly the inevitable consequnce of having, y'know, taste.

Nothing says homoerotic like a long haired studmuffin fondling the barrel of a big gun.
But ISIS is knocking on your door!


There is the entire Atlantic ocean and the length of Mediterranean sea between ISIS and the USA.

Right... Because Muslims can't get on airliners, fly to Mexico and cross the border... and Muslims aren't being imported into the US BY THE GROSS by the Left... .


(Reader, what you're witnessing in comments of the would-be 'contributor' cited above, is

Yo, don`t forget? Obama has a Phone and a Pen!

The Brown Clown is a low rent piece of Islamo-communist shit (pardon the redundancy).
You Mini Socialist are the Dumbest People on the Planet!!!

Ironic Deceleration Alert!


Statistikhengst Pogo

I really don't get this "mini socialist" obsession of his but, damn right I want my MINI to decelerate, considering the speeds at which I take the curves.

People who own MINI's are more social than 1stDumbo and his AWG ilk.


We also tend not to use greased-up homoerotic bang-bang movie characters as avatars and not begin every utterance with a grunt.
Prolly the inevitable consequnce of having, y'know, taste.

Nothing says homoerotic like a long haired studmuffin fondling the barrel of a big gun.

and nothing says 'intelligent response' like beginning every utterance with a vowel-movement grunt and signing off with "GFY"

Intellectuals. Whattaya gonna do.
Like I'm ever going to be afraid of someone who plays with dolls. LOL

View attachment 49769
Now Do It Fool!

You actually had to find a picture for that? Jar of quotes failed you.

Yo, Ladies and Gentlemen, we have another total ass in the Mini Socialist Party who thinks he has a brain? What a Loser!

View attachment 49772

View attachment 49781
Yo, watch your back?

Ironic Deceleration Alert!


Statistikhengst Pogo

I really don't get this "mini socialist" obsession of his but, damn right I want my MINI to decelerate, considering the speeds at which I take the curves.

People who own MINI's are more social than 1stDumbo and his AWG ilk.


We also tend not to use greased-up homoerotic bang-bang movie characters as avatars and not begin every utterance with a grunt.
Prolly the inevitable consequnce of having, y'know, taste.

Nothing says homoerotic like a long haired studmuffin fondling the barrel of a big gun.

and nothing says 'intelligent response' like beginning every utterance with a vowel-movement grunt and signing off with "GFY"

Intellectuals. Whattaya gonna do.

Oh, that's 1st-bambi'ese for "Go Find Yaks!"
I really don't get this "mini socialist" obsession of his but, damn right I want my MINI to decelerate, considering the speeds at which I take the curves.

People who own MINI's are more social than 1stDumbo and his AWG ilk.


We also tend not to use greased-up homoerotic bang-bang movie characters as avatars and not begin every utterance with a grunt.
Prolly the inevitable consequnce of having, y'know, taste.

Nothing says homoerotic like a long haired studmuffin fondling the barrel of a big gun.

and nothing says 'intelligent response' like beginning every utterance with a vowel-movement grunt and signing off with "GFY"

Intellectuals. Whattaya gonna do.

Oh, that's 1st-bambi'ese for "Go Find Yaks!"

But what does 1stDumbo do with those Yaks?

People who own MINI's are more social than 1stDumbo and his AWG ilk.


We also tend not to use greased-up homoerotic bang-bang movie characters as avatars and not begin every utterance with a grunt.
Prolly the inevitable consequnce of having, y'know, taste.

Nothing says homoerotic like a long haired studmuffin fondling the barrel of a big gun.

and nothing says 'intelligent response' like beginning every utterance with a vowel-movement grunt and signing off with "GFY"

Intellectuals. Whattaya gonna do.

Oh, that's 1st-bambi'ese for "Go Find Yaks!"

But what does 1stDumbo do with those Yaks?


Yo, the say nothings all in a line, SICK!

We also tend not to use greased-up homoerotic bang-bang movie characters as avatars and not begin every utterance with a grunt.
Prolly the inevitable consequnce of having, y'know, taste.

Nothing says homoerotic like a long haired studmuffin fondling the barrel of a big gun.

and nothing says 'intelligent response' like beginning every utterance with a vowel-movement grunt and signing off with "GFY"

Intellectuals. Whattaya gonna do.

Oh, that's 1st-bambi'ese for "Go Find Yaks!"

But what does 1stDumbo do with those Yaks?


Yo, the say nothings all in a line, SICK!


Yo, 10th Bambi, can you write that in English?
Nothing says homoerotic like a long haired studmuffin fondling the barrel of a big gun.

and nothing says 'intelligent response' like beginning every utterance with a vowel-movement grunt and signing off with "GFY"

Intellectuals. Whattaya gonna do.

Oh, that's 1st-bambi'ese for "Go Find Yaks!"

But what does 1stDumbo do with those Yaks?


Yo, the say nothings all in a line, SICK!


Yo, 10th Bambi, can you write that in English?

Yo, Dunce? Can you just kiss my ass!!! Not really FAG, stay away from me!

Jumping off a cliff into a pine tree to break your fall won't actually work, you know. Anyone who tries either dies or ends up with severe head injuries.

Hence, the OP.

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